footlocker release dates seem to have changed a bit - no longer the 3 consecutive saturday releases starting aug 1 but now all fridays...i'd keep checking.

Fri July 31 - grey/green mids + golf green lows
Fri Aug 7 - black/black mids

Fri Aug 14 - black lows + grey lows
Sat Aug 22 - white/silver mids (splash party?)

ps. looks like canada isn't getting either of the releases this friday.

It was always listed on Friday. Nothing changed except for the white/silver that was added.
Yes. It was from auction. The listing listed as pe but I am pretty sure they meant cololrway. So I highly doubt they were ever personally issued by ua.
It was always listed on Friday. Nothing changed except for the white/silver that was added.

it was originally 3 consecutive wknd releases starting this week - black lows, black mids, then grey lows. dates have changed on footlockers site. I'm just going to call my store either way to make sure.
Are you referring to the Canada foot locker page? They were Saturday I saw before. I prefer Friday releases so I'm cool with it
i've been following both canada and US footlocker launch calendars. oh well.
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If your foot is normal or narrow you should be just fine.  Wide foot may give you some trouble

I'm a bit of a wide footer so I guess I should get a 10.5 but somebody said it flexes funny if you get a bigger size. Is this true? Thanks for the help mate
what does the black/black with the gold UA logo look like again?

I've been searching for a pic in the thread but i forgot what page it was on....

sorry guys.....
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Box label says "UA Team Curry."  Besides E24, were there any other UA related camps going on in the near future?  Or were these worn or were related to previous UA events like the red soled variants posted earlier?

NVM.  I noticed there was UA event in New York a while back.
what are the UA Curry One Lows E24 gonna look like?
what does the black/black with the gold UA logo look like again?

I've been searching for a pic in the thread but i forgot what page it was on....

sorry guys.....
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The gold looks a bit more like yellow on my computer.  Just for clarification, it is a black/gold and not black/yellow, correct?.
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played in the curry one low today and won't be going back to the xx8's. Reminds me of the kobe 8. Haven't played in those in a while.
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