Official UEFA Champions League Finals thread (Man Utd. vs. Barcelona 2:45 Wednesday on ESPN)

Ill answer you with a very simple response.

It was a pretty good game. That is all.

We all know very well why European teams make the trip across the pond.

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think that if something was on the line.

Something along the likes of Copa del Rey or something similar. Would Madrid play the same soccer they do when them and the other "Power houses" fromEurope come?

I don't think so.

At the end of the day you have one team trying to compete at their top level (for many reasons, exposure, open doors for themselves, etc. etc.)

And you have another that looks at this like a game that doesn't matter.

What do the players from big clubs have to gain by making the trip???

Money. That is all

Possibly a place to go and retire???

If you were an elite soccer star and were made by your club to participate in a tour of the USA and play MLS teams would you be Motivated, happy, excited, feelchallenged?????

I think I would personally would be cautious of the level of exertion.

Make sure I made it back from the "Tour" free of injury and ready to play for something that truly matters and means something to me.

Is it good for the MLS?


Can we expect them to come from Europe and bring the level of play the demonstrate at home.

berbatov for park
Originally Posted by 731balla

Ill answer you with a very simple response.
It was a pretty good game. That is all.
We all know very well why European teams make the trip across the pond.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you think that if something was on the line.
Something along the likes of Copa del Rey or something similar. Would Madrid play the same soccer they do when them and the other "Power houses" from Europe come?
I don't think so.
At the end of the day you have one team trying to compete at their top level (for many reasons, exposure, open doors for themselves, etc. etc.)
And you have another that looks at this like a game that doesn't matter.
What do the players from big clubs have to gain by making the trip???
Money. That is all
Possibly a place to go and retire???
If you were an elite soccer star and were made by your club to participate in a tour of the USA and play MLS teams would you be Motivated, happy, excited, feel challenged?????
I think I would personally would be cautious of the level of exertion.
Make sure I made it back from the "Tour" free of injury and ready to play for something that truly matters and means something to me.
Is it good for the MLS?
Can we expect them to come from Europe and bring the level of play the demonstrate at home.

I don't think anyone takes anything away from the results of these friendlies, you stated the obvious. Fans just want to get entertained which I'vebeen everytime a euro team has played the Galaxy.

and that was far from a simple response
i think 731balla is definitely on point with what he is saying..

and if man united score the next goal then i believe they will go on to win it.
Congrats to Barca... Great cross and great header by "little" Messi... great goal.
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

i think 731balla is definitely on point with what he is saying..

and if man baca united score the next goal then i believe they will go on to win it.
fixed and GOAAAAALLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's over! OVER!

Big things for Barcelona. Didn't think they could do it, but they came up big

Messi = Maestro

Messi = best player in the world!
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