Official UEFA Champions League Finals thread (Man Utd. vs. Barcelona 2:45 Wednesday on ESPN)

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Just watched it on ESPN Classic, I barely watch soccer only when there's nothing else on.
Can someone explain why they added time after the 90 mins was up, what was the point of it?

stoppage time...

hadnt realized this was Henrys first time winning this...

if he can play a few more years this Barca side will surely repeat... think about it

without c ronaldo and tevez Man U. is finished

Chelsea has rumors surrounding just about all of their players

whose left? I dont think Liverpool is quite on the level of the aforementioned and the Gunners? plzzz

Bayern Munchen maybe?? but ribery is prolly peacin
congrats to barca, but man did united need fletcher out there today, the game completely passed by giggs, anderson, and especially carrick in the midfield whodid nothing all game long except kick the ball away. i just wonder how much worse it would have been if alves would have been eligible to play. i'm neverone to question sir alex's tactics/lineup but i think tevez should have been out there from the beginning, he adds another dimension to the game that wassorely needed in the first half. he can do the same things as j.s. park as far as work rate, tracking back, and going deep into midfield to pick up the ballbut he does so much more going forward and linking up with rooney and ronaldo. but anyways, i don't know how much any of that would have helped, it'salmost unfair to have messi, iniesta, and xavi on the same team.
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Just watched it on ESPN Classic, I barely watch soccer only when there's nothing else on.
Can someone explain why they added time after the 90 mins was up, what was the point of it?

stoppage time...

hadnt realized this was Henrys first time winning this...

if he can play a few more years this Barca side will surely repeat... think about it

without c ronaldo and tevez Man U. is finished

Chelsea has rumors surrounding just about all of their players

whose left? I dont think Liverpool is quite on the level of the aforementioned and the Gunners? plzzz

Bayern Munchen maybe?? but ribery is prolly peacin
we're finished? thats laughable.
Originally Posted by wttm

Originally Posted by FXSANDMAN

man how could manu lose by 2

i feel kinda better dat ma man ji sung park was the first asian to play the champions league finals

but he sucked. lol
How did he suck? Him and tevez were the only ones hustling and winning balls. Which is exactly his game.

The Man U midfield was totally outclassed today.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by wttm

Originally Posted by FXSANDMAN

man how could manu lose by 2

i feel kinda better dat ma man ji sung park was the first asian to play the champions league finals

but he sucked. lol
How did he suck? Him and tevez were the only ones hustling and winning balls. Which is exactly his game.

The Man U midfield was totally outclassed today.
winning balls or losing them? cmon now, they shoulda taken out park from the start! how did this guy start over tevez & berbatov. evennani's better.
Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by wttm

Originally Posted by FXSANDMAN

man how could manu lose by 2

i feel kinda better dat ma man ji sung park was the first asian to play the champions league finals

but he sucked. lol
How did he suck? Him and tevez were the only ones hustling and winning balls. Which is exactly his game.

The Man U midfield was totally outclassed today.
winning balls or losing them? cmon now, they shoulda taken out park from the start! how did this guy start over tevez & berbatov. even nani's better.
Name me one time where he lost a ball. I just watched the entire game on dvr.

2nd... Nani is absolute garbage. Berbatov hasn't played for like a month and has been sucking it up. You can make a case for Tevez, but he didnt do muchwhen he was in either.

The problem was Giggs, Anderson and Carrick. Awful today...especially Anderson.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by wttm

Originally Posted by FXSANDMAN

man how could manu lose by 2

i feel kinda better dat ma man ji sung park was the first asian to play the champions league finals

but he sucked. lol
How did he suck? Him and tevez were the only ones hustling and winning balls. Which is exactly his game.

The Man U midfield was totally outclassed today.
winning balls or losing them? cmon now, they shoulda taken out park from the start! how did this guy start over tevez & berbatov. even nani's better.
Name me one time where he lost a ball. I just watched the entire game on dvr.

2nd... Nani is absolute garbage. Berbatov hasn't played for like a month and has been sucking it up. You can make a case for Tevez, but he didnt do much when he was in either.

The problem was Giggs, Anderson and Carrick. Awful today...especially Anderson.

so what that he was hustling? i respect hustle players and what not and park def is appreciated but the truth of the matter is he sucked. he wasnt gettingthe ball and i dont know which game you were watching but he did lose some key position and Rooneys the dude trying to win ball coming back or maybe thecommentator said the wrong guy cause i clearly remember them saying PARK losing the ball i dont have it on DVR but that is from my vague memory............ifotherwise then my apologises to Park and you. don't get me wrong, he wasnt the only player on United that didnt play well............Rooney and CRon justseem disinterested in the whole game after the Eto' goal. I'll have to agree with you about Tevez tho but it seems like it will probably be his lastgame as a red devil. and its funny how you said Tevez and Park were the only one hustling and winning balls but then went on to say that Tevez didn't domuch either when he was in the game...........
I know the exact play you're talking about when Tommy Smyth blames Park for losing a ball, but it was actually Giggs who straight up gives it away. I swearTommy Smyth is senile.

But anyway, Park didn't play his best and neither did the entire team...but still it's stupid to think Berbatov or even Nani(lol) would have helpedwhen the midfield couldn't control a ball, or pass, for the life of them.

edit: Tevez and Park were the only ones hustling. They both didn't do much though. But to say he "sucked" is dumb.
well then would it be dumb to say that the whole united team sucked? i think not.
Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Barcelona put on one of the best displays I've ever seen. Think about it...they made Manchester United look like children out there.

Leo Messi showed why he is the best player on the planet right now. He makes his team mates better and never gives up. On the other hand you had C. Ronaldo who shot every ball that came his way and just gave up on the match after the 70th minute. Even when it was 2-0 and Man Utd. completely fell apart, Messi was running around as if his team was the one that was down 0-2.

Barcelona TORE Man Utd. apart despite missing 2 starting defenders and Thierry Henry obviously labouring.

Puyol, Xavi and Messi were outstanding.

I'm shocked Ferguson came out in such an open formation. He was playing with fire by giving Barcelona so much open space in the middle. Barca can be stopped if you stuff the middle and play like Chelsea however Ferguson felt that his guys could simply outplay Barca...
nah,bro...i think that statement is a bit much...
Barca WAS brilliant,no doubt...but Utd just didn't show up,didn't play their game...
hell,they couldn't even string 3 passes together and kept chasing the ball almost throughout the match...
they made it too easy for Barca...
I dont mean to rub it in and I try to be as neutral as possible in my observations (although Barca are one of my favorite teams), but from what Isaw, Barcelona completely dominated out there. You say that "Man Utd were unable to play their style" but that is because Barcelona controlled thegame by using Barca's style...which is controlling possession and making the opposition run around in circles all game long. When Man Utd got the ball,they were unable to get past Barca's midfield and defense. Most of Man Utd's chances came from dead ball situations because Barca completelyneutralized Man Utd's attack.

There is already talk about Barca repeating next season. Despite their amazing team, it'll be extremely difficult to repeat for a ton of reasons...otherteams getting better, lack of motivation, fatigue, etc. I think that Chelsea's template will be used by other teams who wish to defeat Barca in nextseasons UCL. Park the bus, limit Barca's offensive chances and hope to get lucky on 1-2 goals.

I think that Barca in 09 > Barca in 06. I can see why Barca fans may've felt more joy after the 06 win, they struggled to beat Chelsea, AC Milan andArsenal before raising the trophy.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Barcelona put on one of the best displays I've ever seen. Think about it...they made Manchester United look like children out there.

Leo Messi showed why he is the best player on the planet right now. He makes his team mates better and never gives up. On the other hand you had C. Ronaldo who shot every ball that came his way and just gave up on the match after the 70th minute. Even when it was 2-0 and Man Utd. completely fell apart, Messi was running around as if his team was the one that was down 0-2.

Barcelona TORE Man Utd. apart despite missing 2 starting defenders and Thierry Henry obviously labouring.

Puyol, Xavi and Messi were outstanding.

I'm shocked Ferguson came out in such an open formation. He was playing with fire by giving Barcelona so much open space in the middle. Barca can be stopped if you stuff the middle and play like Chelsea however Ferguson felt that his guys could simply outplay Barca...
nah,bro...i think that statement is a bit much...
Barca WAS brilliant,no doubt...but Utd just didn't show up,didn't play their game...
hell,they couldn't even string 3 passes together and kept chasing the ball almost throughout the match...
they made it too easy for Barca...
I dont mean to rub it in and I try to be as neutral as possible in my observations (although Barca are one of my favorite teams), but from what I saw, Barcelona completely dominated out there. You say that "Man Utd were unable to play their style" but that is because Barcelona controlled the game by using Barca's style...which is controlling possession and making the opposition run around in circles all game long. When Man Utd got the ball, they were unable to get past Barca's midfield and defense. Most of Man Utd's chances came from dead ball situations because Barca completely neutralized Man Utd's attack.

There is already talk about Barca repeating next season. Despite their amazing team, it'll be extremely difficult to repeat for a ton of reasons...other teams getting better, lack of motivation, fatigue, etc. I think that Chelsea's template will be used by other teams who wish to defeat Barca in next seasons UCL. Park the bus, limit Barca's offensive chances and hope to get lucky on 1-2 goals.

I think that Barca in 09 > Barca in 06. I can see why Barca fans may've felt more joy after the 06 win, they struggled to beat Chelsea, AC Milan and Arsenal before raising the trophy.

It'll be interesting to see what they come up with in regards to this.. I believe the only constant aspect in common between the two teams was probablytheir style of offense? Holding onto possession etc..

Definitely you can see that the midfield of Barcelona was ridiculous, in 05-06 it was primarily Ronaldinho/Giuly/Deco - I don't think Xavi was in his peakand Iniesta/Messi were just establishing themselves. Like I said, the fact that they were expected to win it sort of put in a 8/10 in terms my own personaljoy.. none the less, Barcelona was pretty much owned 08-09. They said Messi, Henry and Eto'o had 99 goals between them in all competitions and Barca hadan average of 37mins of possession..

I think the world wanted a Man U final, but really after that first Chelsea leg, im sure the appropriate final to really test Barca would've been againstChelsea. Anyways.. thats how it is, you take the good with the bad; take luck as you can.

Good job Pep - he also dedicated this victory to Maldini - what a class act!
as a madrid fan i'm JEALOUS of Barca right now. no other way to put it.

you guys won and did so in fashion, playing the game beautifully. your players are all motivated, and you probably have the coolest manager/coach in the worldright now
and the best player in the world on top of it. and the fact that they impose their style of play on their opposition is amazing as well, justdominant in possession.

today it was proven that even in the modern era, its possible to win playing the "right" way, the beautiful style of soccer.

theres no doubt in my mind that barca is the most attractive club for a player to want to play for at the moment. madrid has the history and the finances, butright now at this moment i bet players wish they can be in the blaugrana.

props to barca and major props to pep for what he's accomplished in just one year.
Just got done watching the game

the goal by eto'o was
....for someone who came into the gamepressing for goals (in the hunt for the pichichi title), he was patient and clinical in his finish.

I cant speak on man u. I dont watch enough of their games or EPL to be able to speak on them.
But Barca played much like they have all year. Dominated possession, connect the dots passing, and an overall patience that leaves teams susceptible to shotsand gets them out of their rhythm.
Like with chelsea, they dont need a ton of shots to score. There was a point early on in the season when they thoroughly beat down teams, but could not finishteams off. That has not been the case as of late.
They truly exemplified why they are the best team in the world tonite. Man U had a few chances here and there, but not a sustained attack after the eto'ogoal. They seemed to have no clear play maker, unlike barca whose offense clearly went thru iniesta and xavi, and showed why there is no better MF duo thanthem.

To those who want to downplay barca's performance....go find some torrents of games this season. It will be evident that tonite's performance was justas much if not more than what barca did all year to the rest of europe, and not solely about man u's lackluster performance.

Alright since the season is over who is starting the transfer rumor thread. Diego to Juventus and that is my contribution to that
obviously a bit early and off topic, but anyone planning on going to the world cup finals next year? if all goes well im going to try and put in my ticketapplication this week. not sure how this works as iv never done it. would like to see as many england games as possible before they get eliminated in the 1/4finals agakn. wouldn't mind seeing spain and argentina too.
looks like chel$ki are lined up to buy ribery for £43m. but hes holding out for £125,000 a week after tax while chelsea want him for £90,000 a week.
I mean, I was pissed they lost too...but damn man:

[h1]Nigerian bus driver kills four Barca supporters[/h1]

May 28, 2009

A Manchester United fan in Nigeria killed four people when he drove his minibus into a crowd of Barcelona supporters after his team lost the Champions League final, police said on Thursday.
[table][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
The crowd in the town of Ogbo were celebrating Barcelona's victory after Wednesday night's match when the bus drove into them. A police spokeswoman said 10 people were injured and the driver was arrested.

"The driver had passed the crowd then made a U-turn and ran into them," she said.

Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0 in what was hailed as a "dream final" between two of Europe's best clubs. Both teams have large fan bases in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation.
eto'o played great this season funny thing is that BACA wanted to get rid of eto'o before the season started and it turned out to be his best yet
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

as a madrid fan i'm JEALOUS of Barca right now. no other way to put it.

you guys won and did so in fashion, playing the game beautifully. your players are all motivated, and you probably have the coolest manager/coach in the world right now
and the best player in the world on top of it. and the fact that they impose their style of play on their opposition is amazing as well, just dominant in possession.

today it was proven that even in the modern era, its possible to win playing the "right" way, the beautiful style of soccer.

theres no doubt in my mind that barca is the most attractive club for a player to want to play for at the moment. madrid has the history and the finances, but right now at this moment i bet players wish they can be in the blaugrana.

props to barca and major props to pep for what he's accomplished in just one year.

one of the few real fans that calls it true...

stay classy and i look fwd to great matches next year b/w the two squads
I can't explain how happy I am right now. I want to give props to the classy fans out there.
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