Official Umar Johnson Thread

They dont die at a higher rate than hip hop artists because hip hop artists are predominantly black males many of whom come from poverty. My point is if you take the music out crime and violence will still exist.

There are far more overtly violent genres of music out there. Other violent forms of entertainment include movies, snuff films, hell even some sports are violent as f.

Blaming entertainment for societal issues has always been copout.
Pointing out hip hop artists die at a higher rate than artists of any other musical genre isnt blaming entertainment for societies issues. It's a factual observation.

The fact that you brought up snuff films tho :rofl: name on snuff film artist
My point is if you take the music out crime and violence will still exist.
People forget that "the environment" doesn't just refer to the physical space (neighborhood). It also includes the networks within which these rappers grew up.

That's why many of them move far away from their hood and its people when they blow up in order to be safe.
Yea i know a lot of this music is supposed to be more satirical than anything. They arent out here actually disemboweling prostitutes. :lol: Wypipo tried to blame them for their bad *** kids.
I know what you meant. as metal ambassador to the forum and a troll i had to drop 2 cents somewhere:rofl:
Pointing out hip hop artists die at a higher rate than artists of any other musical genre isnt blaming entertainment for societies issues. It's a factual observation.

The fact that you brought up snuff films tho :rofl: name on snuff film artist

So we are just naming facts without context or discussion. You named a fact, I gave a reason for that fact. Black doctors die earlier than their white counterparts.

I plead the fifth on the snuff films, we not doing that on NT. You asked what was more violent, I provided an example. :lol:
So we are just naming facts without context or discussion. You named a fact, I gave a reason for that fact. Black doctors die earlier than their white counterparts.

I plead the fifth on the snuff films, we not doing that on NT. You asked what was more violent, I provided an example. :lol:
The context was you saying hip hop isn't the most violent form of music. The artists die violently at a substantially higher rate even among black jazz musicians, gospel musicians etc.
Age old question, does life imitate art or does art imitate life? IMO its both, sort of a feedback loop.

People will sit their kids down in front of educational programming with the hopes of them learning whats being taught as its been proven putting it to music, making catchy lyrics and dances helps them retain the info better. But when it comes to putting negativity to music apparently many belive it has little to no affect.

People use music to motivate their workouts. People use music to get over breakups or tough times in thier life. People use music to enhance the turn up. I think its pretty clear music has the ability to affect mood and perspective.
Music ain’t any more influential than drugs, alcohol or the ACTUAL stuff people use to weaponize it. Like I said, ain’t no gun ever been manufactured in the hood.
Blaming the music and the rappers is just low hanging fruit used most commonly to cast blame for socio economic status on those living in it.

Yeah the music is negative, but if you take out the music and you still have the same crimes, and conditions then what?
People just in denial at this point :lol: , ****** wanna do everything but change the stuff that's within our power.

also sometimes you have to take into account that the people you may be speaking too aren't always connected to the actual areas the music resonates at, so they don't see the influence of the music first hand

All people are asking is that grown *** men take some accountability ans stop feeding death & destruction to the youth at every single turn.... and everytime it's met with pushback :lol: , black people in america are COOKED and there's no stopping the inevitable at this point
The context was you saying hip hop isn't the most violent form of music. The artists die violently at a substantially higher rate even among black jazz musicians, gospel musicians etc.

Yea so clearly the music isnt the issue which is the point Im making. :lol:
People just in denial at this point :lol: , ****** wanna do everything but change the stuff that's within our power.

also sometimes you have to take into account that the people you may be speaking too aren't always connected to the actual areas the music resonates at, so they don't see the influence of the music first hand

All people are asking is that grown *** men take some accountability ans stop feeding death & destruction to the youth at every single turn.... and everytime it's met with pushback :lol: , black people in america are COOKED and there's no stopping the inevitable at this point

My family ain’t cooked. Maybe yours. It’s survival of the fittest. If people are dumb enough to be influenced by a rap song to shoot people or try and rob, if their fate is death, then that’s on THEM.

These adults and people barely appreciate conscious hip hop or R&B/romantic music. You are wasting your time trying to convert people who don’t even WANT that type of music. It’s a waste of time.

Again, the actual liquor industry, gun industry etc don’t get more blame than hip hop as they should.

Play J.Cole, Common, Mos Def, Wale, Kendrick etc for most these kids and adults and they’ll say it’s boring or weird.

Play some Earth Wind and Fire, Curtis mayfield, Shalamar, Gap band or Luther Vandross to your average teen or 20 or 30 something and they’re not going to like or appreciate the message. It’s excuses. People are full of excuses. Especially adults. The older I get, the more I realize it’s the PEOPLE. Adults have the choice to choose what they indulge in. There’s no accountability

Just sat through the whole thing.

When he brought up the HBCUs being reluctant to invite him compared to the white institutions, it's a common theme I've noticed when it comes to black folk.

Black people are distrusting of other black people but openly embrace non black people. It's a big problem that needs to be addressed.
Just sat through the whole thing.

When he brought up the HBCUs being reluctant to invite him compared to the white institutions, it's a common theme I've noticed when it comes to black folk.

Black people are distrusting of other black people but openly embrace non black people. It's a big problem that needs to be addressed.

I think white institutions will invite any black person just for perceived wokeness. Black colleges know probably know him better than white colleges and are like chill, we can do better than this. :lol:
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