Official Umar Johnson Thread

The divide is pretty great, and will only be solved as the oppressor loosens his grip while being forced to do so. It is happening slowly as he is worried about his own borders, but it isn't happening quick enough.


I been to see this dude 2 different times when he came to Baltimore. he talks a good game and there is alot of truth to what he says, but he is essentially nothing more than what we call in the conscious community a hotep hustler. he's a scammer, period. had he not been collecting money for a school he never actually intended to build, he'd have been able to still swindle the ppl. the school was his undoing. good riddance to him and all the fakers like him.
I been to see this dude 2 different times when he came to Baltimore. he talks a good game and there is alot of truth to what he says, but he is essentially nothing more than what we call in the conscious community a hotep hustler. he's a scammer, period. had he not been collecting money for a school he never actually intended to build, he'd have been able to still swindle the ppl. the school was his undoing. good riddance to him and all the fakers like him.

Please be gone raccoon. Go support your lock church pastor and leave this thread with your slander. We discuss real real black issues in here in depth. We get it not all black people are down with real change, so please be gone.
Please be gone raccoon. Go support your lock church pastor and leave this thread with your slander. We discuss real real black issues in here in depth. We get it not all black people are down with real change, so please be gone.
I've spent money with this guy and donated to his "cause." not to mention I've done extensive research on this man. what do you have factual and of value to contribute to this topic about Umar? your blatant stannery does not suffice.

he collected over $750,000 from hard working, black supporters and it's literally been some YEARS. where is the school? anytime he's asked about it, he only deflects with a bunch of BS excuses. none of this can be disputed! where has all the money gone? what has he really done besides collect money to speak in various cities and sell his supporters a bunch of dreams? I'll wait. like I said, he talks a good game, but that's where it ends... with a lot of talk and no action.

I was a supporter of this man and his message. unfortunately, I had to come to the realization that he's a fraud. plain and simple. sorry you're lacking the mental aptitude to realize the truth. this only proves he still has some of you brainwashed. hopefully you can put your emotions aside and start to think logically.

everything I stated is fact. what you stated was nothing but misguided emotions, which aren't worth ****
You can argue hes a fraud and scammer. The jury is still out.
But you cannot argue this dude aint got bars.
Solid interview.

he can definitely talk the tall, no doubt. but let me know when the action starts because I haven't seen it yet and it's been like 5+ years. I did not want to believe he was a scammer, trust me. he has a great message, but his motivation is only money.
charmcitykid charmcitykid so you’ve been on this thread for years and a staunch supporter of him and donated all this money and now since you bitter and got your panties in a bunch you wanna come in here? Lol

so you never had any discussions on here about his message and Pan-Africansm until today?

dude goodbye man. Don’t be coming here wasting my time
charmcitykid charmcitykid so you’ve been on this thread for years and a staunch supporter of him and donated all this money and now since you bitter and got your panties in a bunch you wanna come in here? Lol

so you never had any discussions on here about his message and Pan-Africansm until today?

dude goodbye man. Don’t be coming here wasting my time
“Panties in a bunch...”?? Please don’t disrespect women. Also, you seem to be the one that’s hurt.
you see the video? nothing alleged about iy. homie was playing titty twister at the bar.

now I don't know what kind of relationship them folks got going on. but he got a handful for sure.

I saw one video and he was cool, but I heard they have him on like a lot more videos of a lot more chicks. These brothers need to stay away from these white chicks.

Of course things can happen with a black woman and they can get you into trouble, but when its black man vs white woman in court, you know those judges gonna come down extra hard on the brother
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This is the same fight you've been waging in here for what feels like over a year. I don't understand the blind loyalty, but to each his own.

blind loyalty?

I’m gonna say this statement and I will always defend it. “The most loyal thing a black man can do to his race is a to build his life around a black woman” I’m not saying it’s the only thing, but it’s the most important thing.

you’re not going to tell me otherwise, black women have a hard time finding a black man of their equal, black men are incarcerated at a ridiculous rate, we are less educated on average than black women, and we marry them at a lower rate than they marry us. With all those factors when I meet a brother who chooses not to marry a black Woman I don’t respect him as a black man PERIOD.

you ain’t going to win this one bro, so lets just leave it alone.
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