Official Umar Johnson Thread

still some stuff that I don’t agree with but Umar is definitely evolving in the right direction. I want to see Umar show some better political/civil scholarship though. He seems a bit out of his depth while talking about the political machines. Which is irresponsible and inappropriate for someone with his platform.

some contradictory stuff that didn’t sit well with me though. Mostly with him talking about politics and then saying he doesn’t vote and won’t vote.
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I feel like some of y’all are half listening if all you here him say is that he won’t vote
I’ve listened enough to Umar to see his evolution and development which is great to see. That said, he spent a significant amount of time speaking on the political landscape for black people, criteria for supporting a black candidate, all to say he’s won’t use the power given to him to change the system he’s critical of and expects more from. That’s A destructive message to pass on. Im all not a fan of this arbitrary black supporter purity tests.
still some stuff that I don’t agree with but Umar is definitely evolving in the right direction. I want to see Umar show some better political/civil scholarship though. He seems a bit out of his depth while talking about the political machines. Which is irresponsible and inappropriate for someone with his platform.

some contradictory stuff that didn’t sit well with me though. Mostly with him talking about politics and then saying he doesn’t vote and won’t vote.
What specifically is he evolving on? Not picking a fight just hoping to uncover something I missed.
not to mention what he said about supporting Tyler Perry. 2 years ago one of the worst things happening to black men according to him was the “feminization of black men”, now he’s seeing the moves that people like Tyler Perry are making in a different light and singing a different tune. He’s realizing the black financier class is getting stronger and he’s clearly not trying to burn any bridges. Probably the most political he’s been since I’ve first heard him speak.
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I can’t understand how you a black man and don’t love Umar...

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Logical Fallacy 17 - No True Scotsman.png
I can’t understand how you a black man and don’t love Umar...
I need his stance on reparations to change. From what I remember he pushed pan-africanism and doesn't necessarily believes in reparations for FBA/ADOS but I agree with 98% of what he speaks on and is about with his school.
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds well said on everything. I agree with everything you typed 100%. He definitely seems to be evolving

I can recognize it for sure, but at the same time he’s far from the global leader of black consciousness that some people make him out to be, atleast in his current state. I agree with Umar on a lot of things in the same way that I agree with anyone who believes 2+2=4 and that water is wet. While I agree with a lot of stuff he says, it’s not because a lot of that stuff is revolutionary or new In terms of how black peoples exist in this society, it’s because they’re common sense points that most people who care about elevating the status of black people have come too for decades. That’s not to say there isn’t a space for teachers though. With all that said my biggest issues with Umar now is that:

1. He baptizes his own bias WAY too often and creates these arbitrary purity tests that validates one person one day and cancels them the next. That leads to a world wear some people are canceled whole sale for who they marry like Kamala Harris, but Byron Allen and Fredrick Douglas get a slap on the hand. and this gives other the liberty to do the same based on any bias they want. Not about it and not something a disciplined leader should do if they care about unifying people.

2. Umar isn’t a political strategist, historian, economist, Or scholar. It’s clear that he’s out of his depth whenever he speaks to those things, so why isn’t he bringing qualified black people on the breakfast club or other appearances to speak on these things instead of trying to fill those roles himself? I get the vibe that Umar likes to be the smartest person in the room and that’s 100% to his detriment because as someone who actually does listen to black experts whose active in those areas it’s easy to dismiss him as nothing more than a public speaker for how often attempts to tackle those areas and just gets things wrong.

3. where is the actionable plans? A school is great and I support it if it what he says it’s going to be, but where is the political activism? Not just stating 2+2=4 and saying Dems take the black vote for granted, where’s the strategic mobilization at the local and state levels? Where’s the cultivation of candidates that represent the black agenda? Where’s the strategic funding of banks like OneUnited so that they can intern invest back into us? Where’s the targeted support for black Doctors like Dr. Hadiyah Green who does all of her research at an HBCU, and developed has developed a targeted non invasive treatment cure for cancer in mice, but can’t even raise enough funding to do human trials? To me a leader either has the aptitude and influence to do these things or surround themselves with people who can accomplish things like that. Umar has yet to prove either of those to me.

I can defitnely recognize growth when I see it but I listen to a lot of black people speak on things for and about the black community that are doing things on the ground and mobilizing people in their own communities with strategy and purpose. Way more so than posts on social media. So I until I see Umar do a lot more I’m not ready to call him the leader of anything. But progress is progress none the less and I can recognize that.

and to be fair this is my criteria for anyone who claims leadership in the name of black people or presumes to be a black authority on a national level. Thats What leadership looks like to me. You don’t get elect yourself thought leader, tell people they should feel about politics, economics, and history, make no real effort to differentiate from the message and your options when on national platforms and shirk responsibility for what you share at the national level.
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3. where is the actionable plans? A school is great and I support it if it what he says it’s going to be, but where is the political activism? Not just stating 2+2=4 and saying Dems take the black vote for granted, where’s the strategic mobilization at the local and state levels? Where’s the cultivation of candidates that represent the black agenda? Where’s the strategic funding of banks like OneUnited so that they can intern invest back into us? Where’s the targeted support for black Doctors like Dr. Hadiyah Green who does all of her research at an HBCU, and developed has developed a targeted non invasive treatment cure for cancer in mice, but can’t even raise enough funding to do human trials? To me a leader either has the aptitude and influence to do these things or surround themselves with people who can accomplish things like that. Umar has yet to prove either of those to me.
I think you are confusing his opinions with his message. He discusses different critical areas he believes must be addressed for blacks to become less reliant on the white power structure and more independent. But at the end of the day his platform has been always is equipping parents with information on representing themselves and thier children against the education system effectively. Dealing with special Ed placement, disability mis/diagnosis, and all things concerning the school to prison pipeline. That's his main message and one that he actively teaches and holds seminars on, providing educational tools and support so parents know their rights.

He's not gonna do all those things you listed because like you said he not qualified for that. Anyone can get on radio and tell you what's wrong with the world and what they think should be done to fix it. But as far as I can see, he tackling one of those wrongs that he's believes he is qualified to. So he may give his opinion on different topics, but his arena is defending children and families against the education system. And their's not many I know of presenting this information on national platforms like he does. But it's mostly done on a local level (alot of the tour dates he talks/posts about), so your not gonna necessarily "see" it. The work he is doing in the National Independent Black Parent Association (NIBPA) is his activism.
I think you are confusing his opinions with his message. He discusses different critical areas he believes must be addressed for blacks to become less reliant on the white power structure and more independent. But at the end of the day his platform has been always is equipping parents with information on representing themselves and thier children against the education system effectively. Dealing with special Ed placement, disability mis/diagnosis, and all things concerning the school to prison pipeline. That's his main message and one that he actively teaches and holds seminars on, providing educational tools and support so parents know their rights.

He's not gonna do all those things you listed because like you said he not qualified for that. Anyone can get on radio and tell you what's wrong with the world and what they think should be done to fix it. But as far as I can see, he tackling one of those wrongs that he's believes he is qualified to. So he may give his opinion on different topics, but his arena is defending children and families against the education system. And their's not many I know of presenting this information on national platforms like he does. But it's mostly done on a local level (alot of the tour dates he talks/posts about), so your not gonna necessarily "see" it. The work he is doing in the National Independent Black Parent Association (NIBPA) is his activism.

I don’t think i disagree with anything you’re saying here, which is exactly why I don’t elevate him to the extent others do. But knowing that there are a lot of people that don’t dig further than social media or the breakfast club, I still don’t think it’s appropriate for him to go on national platforms and speak so strongly on things that are out of his depth on national platforms especially one as large as the breakfast club. There are plenty that can descern fact from opinion. But I’m concerned about those that can’t. Those that will take credentials at face value and parrot that.
I don’t think i disagree with anything you’re saying here, which is exactly why I don’t elevate him to the extent others do. But knowing that there are a lot of people that don’t dig further than social media or the breakfast club, I still don’t think it’s appropriate for him to go on national platforms and speak so strongly on things that are out of his depth on national platforms especially one as large as the breakfast club. There are plenty that can descern fact from opinion. But I’m concerned about those that can’t. Those that will take credentials at face value and parrot that.
That's the issue though, he knows his audience isn't fact checking and are susceptible to the disinformation he presents as fact. It's not a lapse of judgement on his part, its intentional. Additionally, progress from being so far delusional to almost entering reality gets no props from me.
That's the issue though, he knows his audience isn't fact checking and are susceptible to the disinformation he presents as fact. It's not a lapse of judgement on his part, its intentional. Additionally, progress from being so far delusional to almost entering reality gets no props from me.

I don’t think this is wrong per say, I’m just giving him the space to prove me wrong and change If his goal is to elevate his status and become “the most conscious” black person, whatever that means.
hea been on the Breakfast club 4 times, he’s trying to build a school and ask for donations.

do our even listen to what he’s saying? Man some of y’all have zero substance an understanding of black consciousness.

ITs his 4th time and where is the school???? Lmao

People been donating to him for 10 years and still nothing to show for it.

Dude got you already like the preachers get fools to drop money in the basket.
SupremeBeing5 SupremeBeing5 the thread is 60+ pages because we aren’t petty small minded people who is here to yell out like derps “omg where is the school”


the thread and the reason why people mess with Umar is because he speaks about BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS AND BLACK UPLIFTMENT.
Why are you people so dense? I donated $200 to the school 3 years ago, knowing that nothing is guaranteed but I trusted his vision to at least move forward with it. I spent $300+ dollars at the club atleast 100 times in my life. When you donate you give from your heart that’s what a DONATION IS ABOUT, not for a paying service where you are guaranteed anything.

if the school never opens guess what?!? I don’t care because I don’t look towards Umar to open this school but instead to keep preaching real black power to the masses.

you realize that in this thread there are people who come in here to talk about the larger issues that are affecting our people and we want to discuss ways how we can go about making it better for our people.

1. Macro big thinking people - let’s discuss the issues he is talking about

2.Micro petty little people - OmG wHer is DA Skool?

like seriously, choose which one of those y’all belong to.

Now, I’m gonna get a 😂 react on this post from the same number 2s that I mentioned.

this is why I mess with the other threads about blackness on here, the pettiness here is overwhelming from some of y’all
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