**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

We need some type of offense.
Put in nagbe so he can run with pulisic plz.
Don't put in Zusi he will get eaten up.
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I feel like we're playing with fire.

This team seems so passive right now
Nah more like Mexico just choking on their shots

We been good on the counter attack, just El Tri acting accordingly by clearing any ball in the box
i can't believe Beasley played all 90+ but Jozy out here looking like he's having a stroke after 15 minutes :lol:
Bradley solid game, props to DY had a better second half. Super happy with a point!!! [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]
Say what you want about Bruce, he had the cajones to start this line up and it paid off. I think when It comes to tactics, he's a master at it. I DONT like the passiveness but I can live with it if it means we go to the WC.
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