oFFiCiaL Valentines Day ideas thread Vol: < 3

last year i brought my wifey a diamond bracelet and the year before that a diamond ring. This year its gonna be simple just a dinner & a movie.
last year i brought my wifey a diamond bracelet and the year before that a diamond ring. This year its gonna be simple just a dinner & a movie.
Originally Posted by youngcurse

last year i brought my wifey a diamond bracelet and the year before that a diamond ring. This year its gonna be simple just a dinner & a movie.
All of that for Valentine's Day though?
Originally Posted by youngcurse

last year i brought my wifey a diamond bracelet and the year before that a diamond ring. This year its gonna be simple just a dinner & a movie.
All of that for Valentine's Day though?
Originally Posted by TheUrbanRevival

Check this discussion about VDAY out might give yall some ideas for the holiday...Although we don't celebrate it...
For the ladies asking, I always appreciate a nice home-cooked dinner with dessert. Might be simple and somewhat cliche but it works regardless of your financial situation. 
I had to move all my Valentine's Day festivities to this weekend, got a big indoor soccer game Monday night!   

thytkerjobs, I'll take you out sweetheart 
For the ladies asking, I always appreciate a nice home-cooked dinner with dessert. Might be simple and somewhat cliche but it works regardless of your financial situation. 
I had to move all my Valentine's Day festivities to this weekend, got a big indoor soccer game Monday night!   

thytkerjobs, I'll take you out sweetheart 
if you haven't ever...

handwritten love note taped in her shower... (above the water line, and where it's visible from elsewhere in the bathroom.)

it will be there for MONTHS. she will not take it down. ANYBODY that comes over will ask her about it.

works if you live with her or not.

in the past, before photoshop;... i would take  a copy of People's 50 most beautiful issue, cut out all of the beautiful people, (or rather, just leave the "people" and 50 most beautiful people wording around the edges, put a picture of her in there, color photo copy that, and leave it on her coffee table.
 miracles i tell you.

also, if she frequently travels through a certain portion of a city/road/area...
do not overlook the power of a large poster that says "hey, annika! i think you are absolutely gorgeous and incredibly sweet."

just make sure she sees it THAT day...

write a list of 100 things you love about her. (do not skip. 100 things is hard. do it.)

love note in her pillowcase. (but make it obvious so that she'll def find it.)

spell her name with breakfast foods. pancakes. sausage. eggs. biscuits. oatmeal with raisins. whatever. the fact that you're spelling her name with food means more than whatever food it is. she won't want to eat it anyways cause it's soooooooooooooo cute.

anything obviously left on her car. decorate her car.


climb on top of her (in a private setting) and spend two hours whispering in her ear, ever... single... favorite... detailed... memory that you have about her and the two of you.

write a childrens book about how you feel about her, or an adventure you've had. i'm serious. bound with dental floss. computer paper and sharpies. the crappier you are at making it look good, the more it will mean to her.

make something somewhere out in nature spell her name. sand on the beach. sticks on the ground. gravel. stones. water on pavement.

take a day off of work. even if she doesn't. show up early. say, "whatever she wants." be ready for her the second her other obligations are done.

write her name on your underwear with permanent marker somewhere she will see it.

buy a map and track all of the places you've been together, when you've been there, and what you did together.

100 candles.

make her a keychain. (something that she will touch everyday and see multiple times a day, and other people will ask her about.)

make a list of things you want to do with her,  or places you want to visit with her. start planning on how to achieve that together.

find an item that she likes "shoes, computers, clothes, books, animals" find a candy store that has a tastefully done version of what she likes. like a small chocolate computer.

go to a crowded place and yell in front of hundreds of people about how much you love her.

homemade gift certificates for specific dates. like "movie night",

clean her place. (or if you share a place, clean your place. like, extra good.)

new bedsheets.

street sign that has her name on it. (preferrably stolen.)
or anything on ebay that has her name on it. seriously, put her name in ebay and see what comes up.

tell her how you honestly feel about her.

find out her favorite meal. make it for her. does not matter if it tastes horrible. you tried.

spray paint an inside joke somewhere that the two of you visit often.

make out in public. in the middle of people. where they have to go around you. get in their way. show off your love.


learn how to sing her favorite song. or play it on an instrument.

carve your intials in a tree.

celebrate her country/state/city of origin
if you haven't ever...

handwritten love note taped in her shower... (above the water line, and where it's visible from elsewhere in the bathroom.)

it will be there for MONTHS. she will not take it down. ANYBODY that comes over will ask her about it.

works if you live with her or not.

in the past, before photoshop;... i would take  a copy of People's 50 most beautiful issue, cut out all of the beautiful people, (or rather, just leave the "people" and 50 most beautiful people wording around the edges, put a picture of her in there, color photo copy that, and leave it on her coffee table.
 miracles i tell you.

also, if she frequently travels through a certain portion of a city/road/area...
do not overlook the power of a large poster that says "hey, annika! i think you are absolutely gorgeous and incredibly sweet."

just make sure she sees it THAT day...

write a list of 100 things you love about her. (do not skip. 100 things is hard. do it.)

love note in her pillowcase. (but make it obvious so that she'll def find it.)

spell her name with breakfast foods. pancakes. sausage. eggs. biscuits. oatmeal with raisins. whatever. the fact that you're spelling her name with food means more than whatever food it is. she won't want to eat it anyways cause it's soooooooooooooo cute.

anything obviously left on her car. decorate her car.


climb on top of her (in a private setting) and spend two hours whispering in her ear, ever... single... favorite... detailed... memory that you have about her and the two of you.

write a childrens book about how you feel about her, or an adventure you've had. i'm serious. bound with dental floss. computer paper and sharpies. the crappier you are at making it look good, the more it will mean to her.

make something somewhere out in nature spell her name. sand on the beach. sticks on the ground. gravel. stones. water on pavement.

take a day off of work. even if she doesn't. show up early. say, "whatever she wants." be ready for her the second her other obligations are done.

write her name on your underwear with permanent marker somewhere she will see it.

buy a map and track all of the places you've been together, when you've been there, and what you did together.

100 candles.

make her a keychain. (something that she will touch everyday and see multiple times a day, and other people will ask her about.)

make a list of things you want to do with her,  or places you want to visit with her. start planning on how to achieve that together.

find an item that she likes "shoes, computers, clothes, books, animals" find a candy store that has a tastefully done version of what she likes. like a small chocolate computer.

go to a crowded place and yell in front of hundreds of people about how much you love her.

homemade gift certificates for specific dates. like "movie night",

clean her place. (or if you share a place, clean your place. like, extra good.)

new bedsheets.

street sign that has her name on it. (preferrably stolen.)
or anything on ebay that has her name on it. seriously, put her name in ebay and see what comes up.

tell her how you honestly feel about her.

find out her favorite meal. make it for her. does not matter if it tastes horrible. you tried.

spray paint an inside joke somewhere that the two of you visit often.

make out in public. in the middle of people. where they have to go around you. get in their way. show off your love.


learn how to sing her favorite song. or play it on an instrument.

carve your intials in a tree.

celebrate her country/state/city of origin
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Need help

Already looking like me and this girl are headed in the relationship direction but I don't wanna come off too strong. But I wanna show her that I'm really feeling her.

SAME BOAT..been talkin to this chick since Nov. ..She talkin about she'd get me the foams or another big surprise which
is looking like a night in the city and the knicks game on Weds. but i dont wanna go too hard ..HALP

Oh yeah i was thinking something along the lines of edible arrangements but idk
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Need help

Already looking like me and this girl are headed in the relationship direction but I don't wanna come off too strong. But I wanna show her that I'm really feeling her.

SAME BOAT..been talkin to this chick since Nov. ..She talkin about she'd get me the foams or another big surprise which
is looking like a night in the city and the knicks game on Weds. but i dont wanna go too hard ..HALP

Oh yeah i was thinking something along the lines of edible arrangements but idk
Don't go all out for these girls man. There is a GOOD chance they won't be here next month. I am talking to you dudes that aren't in a relationship with these girls and are trying to show her that you are feeling her. I understand the pressure but play it smart man.
Don't go all out for these girls man. There is a GOOD chance they won't be here next month. I am talking to you dudes that aren't in a relationship with these girls and are trying to show her that you are feeling her. I understand the pressure but play it smart man.
Originally Posted by villansfinest

if you haven't ever...

handwritten love note taped in her shower... (above the water line, and where it's visible from elsewhere in the bathroom.)

it will be there for MONTHS. she will not take it down. ANYBODY that comes over will ask her about it.

Can I borrow you?

Guys severely underestimate the value that women place on small, thoughtful gifts.

Also, you American's seem to go all out... NZ men aren't like that at all
wining and dining would be enough for me. Gifts are overrated.
Originally Posted by villansfinest

if you haven't ever...

handwritten love note taped in her shower... (above the water line, and where it's visible from elsewhere in the bathroom.)

it will be there for MONTHS. she will not take it down. ANYBODY that comes over will ask her about it.

Can I borrow you?

Guys severely underestimate the value that women place on small, thoughtful gifts.

Also, you American's seem to go all out... NZ men aren't like that at all
wining and dining would be enough for me. Gifts are overrated.
Got some witty ideas for Monday.

But as far as gifts.... VS lingerie that she has been lookin at will make us both happy.
Got some witty ideas for Monday.

But as far as gifts.... VS lingerie that she has been lookin at will make us both happy.
Good luck people. Streets will be crowded. Restaurants will be souled out. Good luck in traffic. Really not worth it.

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Good lord, $80 bucks for a bouquet of roses in a vase? I need to get in the flower business.

Right. That makes no damn sense. Damn they have to make a KILLING around this time of the year. My goodness.
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