Official Warriors Season Thread

GREAT win tonight
^just a quick Q, you have slingbox right? (or i think it was you.....may have been someone else but i'm not totally sure
) how much does it cost?i'm thinkin of gettin it for next year when i move into off-campus housing, will directv work with it?
yeah, i got a slingbox. You're just paying for the slingbox itself, nothing after that. The prices range anywhere between 100-250 depending on which modelyou want. It would most likely work with directv
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Seems like it's been forever since we've won a game, thank goodness we were able to win against Memphis.
Hopefully it'll boost our self confidence and bring it into New Orleans when we play on sunday.

To Offbad:
Monta shooting at .481 (48.1%) is a "
" , I guess we're just use to seeing him shoot at 60% in a month eh?

This game was a lot easier to watch

- Marco Belinelli : Nice to see him use his minutes productively
- Brandan Wright : Impressive as always
- CJ. Watson : Nice job with the minutes he had tonight
- Kelenna Azubuike : Great job; monster rebounding and great offensive game

Hopefully Brandan Wright can start next game and match up against Tyson Chandler.

Marco Belinelli's English is easier to understand than Monta's

yeah he's been brickin a lot of free throws.
Good job getting your work done tonight GSW..

As for questions about the Slingbox, I think it's worth it if you're not going to be home a lot. It should work with almost everything, includingDirect TV/Comcast.
I need to hook up a Slingbox at friends house back in the Bay. Living in Sacramento does have it's downfall for a fellow Warrior fan. =(
I'm just REALLY happy we took this game with ease. EVERY win is huge, but this is one of the games where we couldn't be in a dog fight.

Sunday, man oh's gonna be serious.
Jackson on West worked great last time. I say he starts on him, but if we gets a couple quick buckets you have to switch. Chandler is not really a offensivethreat, just got to keep a body on him cause Paul loves to throw those alley-opps to him.
just gotta watch out for the alley oops to Chandler and maybe get a body on him when rebounding. just need to shut down CP3 or slow him down as much aspossible and we have a chance.

hopefully the W's know that they NEED this win and to win the rest of the games to have a chance at the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

!!! You had a higher waiver than me and picked up Johnny Cueto


anyway, the dude that works at capcity, Siirkus, might make a Warrior hatusing "the city" logo. He asked me what colors but i'm not to sure. I told him i'll let him decide, but what would be clean colors for thehat??
Sac town did us a huge favor.

I forgot where i heard it from, but I remember hearing last year...that baron, sjax, barnes were blowing up bibby's cell to beat the clippers. haha
Wonder if they did anything like that this time

thank you kings
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