Official Warriors Season Thread

i have 3 finals comin up
, one tomorrow (which is pretty easy) and thurs/fri both have tough finals that i've barely studied for.

good luck to all of u in studying haha
Rod Benson is a Cal Product from the class of '06. He is now in the D-League playing for the Dakota Wizards. He had a game where he had like 20+ points and10+ boards a few nights ago. Then during his last game he posted 28 points and 28 boards, amazing! It's even better since he is a Bay Area native.
I just want to know... who's going to the NikeTalk Night @ The Oracle? Did anybody buy tickets yet? I'm about to e-mail the guy for the form.
On Thursday, Barnes will surprise 15 needy kids with a shopping spree at Adidas in San Francisco.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Rod Benson is a Cal Product from the class of '06. He is now in the D-League playing for the Dakota Wizards. He had a game where he had like 20+ points and 10+ boards a few nights ago. Then during his last game he posted 28 points and 28 boards, amazing! It's even better since he is a Bay Area native.

negatory. son is from SD. he just went to cal. but he is related to jkidd by a very distant grandfather. and rod actually did have a shot with the dubs. hegot invited to the warriors summer league camp or wahtever but ended up playing with the nets. read his blog. fool is hilarious. read about his encounterwith nellie. he said nellie was very impressed with him or something.
Good game. That defense the W's played should have appeared against the Lakers. Oh well, the Blazers are up next, and the duo of Aldrige and Roy issomething to watch out for. Hopefully the W's are able to pull off the W tomorrow night.
The camp itself went pretty well. I got a lot of feedback about my game, and good mentorship from some of the older guys. My agent informed me that theWarriors wanted me to attend their free agent workouts as well. So right after my 3 days in Milwaukee were up, I headed back to the Bay Area for a 2 day campwith Golden State.

Before we started the workout, I heard one of the 2 greatest things I've ever heard. Don Nelson made it a point to say that on the Warriors, the postsdon't post on the block, they post on the elbow or not at all. They set ball screens and run the floor. GREAT news. That's like telling a fat girlthat there is a free buffet all night!

After the workouts, I heard second of the two the greatest things I've ever heard. Don Nelson walks up to me (already awesome because I'm pretty muchstarstruck by a man with so much basketball clout) and says: "Rod, I really enjoyed watching you play. You're in pretty good shape, huh?" Ididn't really know how to respond. It was like those T.V. shows where a hot girl approaches the guy who has been eyeing her but is clearly not on herlevel, then the guy stumbles over his words and looks stupid. I said back: "I mean, umm yea, I could be better." Then Don Nelson replies:"Well, you're in better shape than these guys. You run the floor really well." I stood there kind of awkwardly as he walked away. I was sogiddy that I couldn't really put myself together -- I might as well have just been propositioned by Jessica Biel.
^^ that was hard to read

Chris Mullin on D-League Success Story Kelenna Azubuike



[img][/img] Azubuike Amazes
[img][/img] Kelenna Azubuike has created a plethora of highlight-reel footage since joining the Warriors on Jan. 2 from the D-League's Fort Worth Flyers.
[img] Access with Ahmad Rashad: Kelenna Azubuike
[img][/img] Warriors guard Kelenna Azubuike is the latest player to carve out an NBA career after developing in the D-League.

Rocky Widner/NBAE/Getty Images

Kelenna Azubuike successfully leapt from the D-League to the NBA.

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One year ago, Kelenna Azubuike was leading the D-League in scoring for the Fort Worth Flyers. Last Friday night, the Warriors needed his 11 fourth quarter points to defeat the visiting Miami Heat.
It's been an amazing year-long journey for the undrafted Azubuike who was signed by the Warriors on New Year's Eve and whose claim to fame was head coach Don Nelson (jokingly) confusing him with the popular beverage, Sambuca.

No one is making that mistake now as Azubuike officially shed the obscurity tag, having filled in for the suspended Stephen Jackson while averaging close to 19 points per game. Now coming off the bench, Azubuike averages 13.2 points in 30 minutes.

Chris Mullin, Warriors' Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations, spoke about Azubuike's journey, his emergence and his valuable role in Nellie's small ball attack. How much of a factor was Azubuike's development in your decision to trade Jason Richardson on Draft day?

Chris Mullin: It had some impact. We felt good about Kelenna's ability to give us some minutes. I can't say we had him penciled in to replace Jason with Stephen Jackson, Monta Ellis, and the collection of guys we had on our roster, but we do feel good about Kelenna's ability to play in our style and in our system. He's a hard worker and he just keeps improving. From that standpoint, it gave us a better feeling about it. It wasn't something we look at as a one for one where we're just going to plug him in and carry on. It was more of a collective thought process. From a team perspective, how important was his early season emergence while Stephen Jackson was sidelined?

Chris Mullin: He played great. Unfortunately we didn't win any of those games. I think that experience will benefit both Kelenna and our team moving forward because he had to play big minutes, had to play down the stretch and in the fourth quarter. As early as that first road trip it came back to help us as he made a big shot in Philly. I think that's directly related to him getting valuable minutes and us relying on him. Again, it will only help his development. Does Azubuike break out if Jackson wasn't sidelined?

Chris Mullin: He probably doesn't get as many minutes, but again, that's what a team is all about. You have to deal with different circumstances all year long. It's such a long season. Sometimes how those things develop isn't as important as what happens when they do happen and how you handle them. It's a credit to Kelenna's hard work and also being in the right type of system where his ability can flourish. What impressed you the most when you scouted him in the D-League?

Chris Mullin: We were fortunate to have a good relationship with his coach Sidney Moncrief, who is on our staff now. He saw him everyday, so we had an advantage there. When we called him up, it was New Years Eve. I think he played big minutes his first game in Oklahoma City. He got a good feel for us, we got a good feel for him and I think the relationship has continued to grow. Leo Papile, the Celtics assistant executive director of basketball operations, recently called Azubuike the most impactful minor league call up in the last two years. Do you agree?

Chris Mullin: If it is true I hope it continues to be true. There is a lot of good talent and a lot of times it really is about finding the right match as much as just the talent. In the short time it has worked out well, so we hope it keeps increasing and growing. What do you think his success means for the D-League in terms of other teams utilizing the D-League teams for player call ups?

Chris Mullin: I think it will have an impact each time a player is called up. It draws attention and rightfully so. David Stern has done a wonderful thing creating that league. It just gives these players another avenue to pursue their careers and not have to feel that if they don't make it right away that they have to either give up their dream or feel like they have to go where they're not going to be heard from or seen. I think it's a great league. Each and every time someone succeeds people are going to take notice and gain more confidence in it. I really think it will keep growing. Does it surprise you that a player of his talent went undrafted in 2005? Why did he fly under the radar?

Chris Mullin: Circumstances dictate how things play out. I don't know his college stats, but he was somewhat of an up and down performer. Aside from his work ethic, another great thing about him is his personality. He's really a fantastic young man, a total team guy. His temperament is one that doesn't get rattled. In the world of professional sports it's important to not get too high and not get too low and bring that consistent effort each and every day. Sometimes guys like that take a little time to mature, but it's been really nice having him. How much has Azubuike benefited from Nellie's small ball?

Chris Mullin: He's a very good player for our system. We're not afraid to move him around. He doesn't have to play just the two guard. We can look at matchups that we feel are to our advantage. He can shoot the three, he can run, he gets up and down, and the guys he is playing with help him as well. It's a good fit both ways. What is his greatest attribute on offense?

Chris Mullin: He is a good shooter and I think he has a good feel for what he can't do. If someone creates the open shot for him, he'll shoot the open shot. He is working on getting a little better post game because sometimes they play small on him. He just has a good feel. He has a nice rhythm to his game. He's got poise and that will all improve as time goes on. Nearly a year later, will anyone confuse Azubuike with Sambuca anymore?

Chris Mullin: Not anymore. New Year's Eve, Nellie might have been having some Sambuca.* I don't think he was confused. I think that's what he was having at the time. Everyone here in the Bay Area and the organization are pleased to have Kelenna and look forward to his continued success and improvement.

*"Mully called and asked if I liked Sambuca," Nellie said, referring to GM Chris Mullin. "I said, 'Yeah,' and he went out and signed this guy, Azubuike. I thought it was a drink, and he was talking about a player."
^pure speculation i'm sure.

On Thursday, Barnes will surprise 15 needy kids with a shopping spree at Adidas in San Francisco.

pft, needy kids do not need a shopping spree at Adidas. they need food and a home. give me the shopping spree.
Originally Posted by jal22588

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Rod Benson is a Cal Product from the class of '06. He is now in the D-League playing for the Dakota Wizards. He had a game where he had like 20+ points and 10+ boards a few nights ago. Then during his last game he posted 28 points and 28 boards, amazing! It's even better since he is a Bay Area native.

negatory. son is from SD. he just went to cal. but he is related to jkidd by a very distant grandfather. and rod actually did have a shot with the dubs. he got invited to the warriors summer league camp or wahtever but ended up playing with the nets. read his blog. fool is hilarious. read about his encounter with nellie. he said nellie was very impressed with him or something.

dude was born in fairfield...
Originally Posted by Paul Is 0n NT

I just want to know... who's going to the NikeTalk Night @ The Oracle? Did anybody buy tickets yet? I'm about to e-mail the guy for the form.
i'm still considering...honestly i'm more on the side of "no" but it's cuz my brother has season tickets so I'll be at thegame anyway...I'd definitely like to meet all of u guys tho lol-my brother's tickets are right in club 200 too so i'll be near the NT sectionanyway. the "going down courtside" thing is cool but i don't think there'll be enough ppl to do that...i hope u guys are able to though.
Deng. Last night, I bet you everyone was on their feet, hoping Beli would make that last three. I know I was.

Anyway, good win last night. Lots of quality defense. Perhaps the age of the Spurs is finally getting to them?

Let's hope we can hold it down again against the Trail Blazers.

And, good luck to all taking finals. This week is a tough one. But, if the W's can whomp on the Spurs, we got this.
Originally Posted by big1236

dude... can anybody tell me why the hell we signed Hudson?
We needed a 3rd string point guard... just in case Baron got hurt. Monta was supposed to be the 2nd string point guard when we started the season. NowMonta's role has changed, we still need someone behind Baron. This is where Hudson comes in. I am optimistic that Hudson will play better soon. He missed alot of time because of his groin injury and this is a new offense. It'll take time before he gets used to everything. We all know how stagnant our offensegets when Baron sits... Hudson's role to initiate the offense and hit the occasional jumper would help greatly. And plus, I really don't want to seeJackson handle the ball a lot
so Hudson better step up his game soon!!!
Originally Posted by big1236

dude... can anybody tell me why the hell we signed Hudson?

He's a scoring point guard that can run.

And he's stupid cheap.
Originally Posted by big1236

dude... can anybody tell me why the hell we signed Hudson?
I really believe that Hudson will pick it up. I really liked the pick up because he was cheap and dude is career 85% FT shooter, and we all know weneeded someone who could hit the FTs.
Beli sure did play in the last game and the crowd cheered him on to shoot a three point shot that was way off. Haha. Anyway, if the W's do look at Bensonthat would be really good yet it would be a demotion to players such as Obryant and Wright. Oh well, I'm from Fairfield...Did Benson go to school there? Ordid he move? Anyway, 12-9. Aren't you guys happy?!
Troy is okay...for the price and his role, I don't mind him at all.
Now about DJ Mbenga...he's done aight so far as far as filling his role is concerned but I'd still rather see POB or Wright get the minutes. If we getBenson I'd want to cut him, but I don't think Nellie would do that
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