[| -- Official Wild Card Weekend Philadelphia Eagles @ Dallas Cowboys Thread. 8:00 EST, 1/9 -- |]

Originally Posted by AG 47

Somewhere Shoes is watching highlights of the 1st half with his pants down

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

He definitely is mad.

Dude's arguing that all the calls are going in our favor and he bases his argument on a play where Dallas was flagged...

Apparently you only read what you wanna read. My initial comment was based on that delay of game the refs were half asleep on. Show me where I claimed "all" the calls were going in your favor..I'd like a good laugh for once during this game.

..and as far as being mad goes. You'll understand next week...

At least next week is on our schedule, though.

good for you guys...it took ya'll almost a decade.

You guys haven't won a Super Bowl since.... ever.

Last time ya'll won anything they called it an NFL Championship.
Getting annihilated two weeks in a row by the same team because you came out and played the same way definitely deserve a reprimand. Someone needs to be heldresponsible from the coach, to the defense, to the offensive line to McNabb.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Getting annihilated two weeks in a row by the same team because you came out and played the same way definitely deserve a reprimand. Someone needs to be held responsible from the coach, to the defense, to the offensive line to McNabb.

I agree. We should at least be competitive at this point...well it's injuries, lack of preparation, and Dallas playing better than us..simple as that.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

He definitely is mad.

Dude's arguing that all the calls are going in our favor and he bases his argument on a play where Dallas was flagged...

Apparently you only read what you wanna read. My initial comment was based on that delay of game the refs were half asleep on. Show me where I claimed "all" the calls were going in your favor..I'd like a good laugh for once during this game.

..and as far as being mad goes. You'll understand next week...

At least next week is on our schedule, though.

good for you guys...it took ya'll almost a decade.

You guys haven't won a Super Bowl since.... ever.

Last time ya'll won anything they called it an NFL Championship.

true..but I choose to be an Eagles fan..I don't jump on bandwagons because a team has a Super Bowl trophy in their possession.
They were moving the ball before weaver fumbled but they have to run the ball and they have to cover the wr better on d.they could come back its notimpossible. I belive in them
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

He definitely is mad.

Dude's arguing that all the calls are going in our favor and he bases his argument on a play where Dallas was flagged...

Apparently you only read what you wanna read. My initial comment was based on that delay of game the refs were half asleep on. Show me where I claimed "all" the calls were going in your favor..I'd like a good laugh for once during this game.

..and as far as being mad goes. You'll understand next week...

At least next week is on our schedule, though.

good for you guys...it took ya'll almost a decade.

you must be getting flustered, man.
Its been longer than a decade....
Originally Posted by AG 47

Somewhere Shoes is watching highlights of the 1st half with his pants down
S4L =


Didn't care about this game either way but would have liked it to be at least competitive. Cowboys are done next week.
The things you type are borderline ******ed, so I'm just gonna stop responding to you.

Enjoy the rest of the game.
The Eagles are garbage, no heart..bring on Minny. Like I said before Miles Austin > DeSean Jackson
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

He definitely is mad.

Dude's arguing that all the calls are going in our favor and he bases his argument on a play where Dallas was flagged...

Apparently you only read what you wanna read. My initial comment was based on that delay of game the refs were half asleep on. Show me where I claimed "all" the calls were going in your favor..I'd like a good laugh for once during this game.

..and as far as being mad goes. You'll understand next week...

At least next week is on our schedule, though.

good for you guys...it took ya'll almost a decade.

you must be getting flustered, man.
Its been longer than a decade....

Nah I'm good. But I can't front, I am disappointed by our efforts out there. Ya'll beating us doesn't bother me nearly as much as us playinglike trash. Hey, I can by hypocritical of my team too.

We'll see what happens 2nd half..
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

The things you type are borderline ******ed, so I'm just gonna stop responding to you.

Enjoy the rest of the game.

Who are you again?
Originally Posted by jthagreat

The Cowboys are playing great so far. I hope our D keeps it up, and the Offense can continue to keep movin.

A lot of flags that half.

Mistake free football, and dont become stagnant.

Lets Go D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
listening to this live on cowboys radio here in the uk (cant sleep so.......)

how amusing are the adverts (apart from the miller lite love not like adverts)
There's only so much we can do with all these backups on the O-Line and on our defense. Plus the fact that we haven't done anything different onoffense for six straight quarters doesn't help. Why in the world won't they call a screen play for a WR? Not one deep pass to Desean all night either
This team needs to be blown up this offseason (except at QB, CB and WR), AND NO IT'S NOT FAIR TO BLAME IT ALL ON MCNABB but yall outsiders love to doso.
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