[| -- Official Wild Card Weekend Philadelphia Eagles @ Dallas Cowboys Thread. 8:00 EST, 1/9 -- |]

Props to the Cowboys and fans on here.

You guys deserved it, I honestly knew it was over when we lost to them last week and had to play yall again.

Hats off to you guys and good luck
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Props to the Cowboys and fans on here.

You guys deserved it, I honestly knew it was over when we lost to them last week and had to play yall again.

Hats off to you guys and good luck
good luck to ya nextyear pimp
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Props to the Cowboys and fans on here.

You guys deserved it, I honestly knew it was over when we lost to them last week and had to play yall again.

Hats off to you guys and good luck

funny we were picked to finish 3rd to last in the east and the eagles were said to have the most talented team in football ... i really dont believe what wejust pulled off ... what a difference a challenge makes ...


my thoughts from the the game

Cowboys owned both sides of the ball , mike jenkins is 1 fall down in coverage away from a possible shut out .

If we run the ball and pass the ball like this no one can stop us , with the way the D is playing this team got a shot.

Favre has never played good vs the boys , but he aint neva had a AP type back on his team .

next week could be the biggest test the boys have had since the 92 NFC championship game vs the 49 ers if the saints lose .

Like collinsworth said the eagles have won SO MANY games from 2000-now but have nothing to show for it . It is now time to stop saying romo
cant win a big game . the cowboys have put the eagles whippin from 08 behind them 3-0 vs the birds .

Giants , Skins and Eagles fans are MIA right now and there is no hate in this thread.
Good #%%# COwboys. You guys brought it too us two straight weeks in a row. Clearly the better team. Can't say I'm surprised from what we saw tonight.Last weeks game was foreshadowing to the inevitable. Eagles got some big holes to fill next year like DE and Safety but they will be back. Once again good jobby the Cowboys... they way you guys are playing right now I don't see anyone in the NFC beating you.
Felt so good to witness this game in person.
Stadium was electric. Eagles got it bad tonite.
We even trash talked somebodys grandma who had on a Eagles jersey.
Feagles fans started zippin up their jackets by halftime.
Tryin to hide their Feagles jersey.
But the tears in their eyes was a dead give away!
Pics in a minute. Just got home! Postin on my phone.
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