:::[Official]World Cup South Africa 2010 Thread:::

we all think the NBA refs are bad.....DAMN.

Crazy calls this whole WC.

Teves is my dude, but he was wayyyyy offsides.

Argentina though
Pierluigi Collina needs to come back and restore some order in the pitch...the standard of refereeing this WC has been
It's gonna be tough for Mexico to come back from this. They have no offensive scheme right now, they just get the ball in the midfield and smash in the direction of the forwards.

...and with that mistake Mexico is finito.
Wow FIFA, this is just getting embarrassing. At first I was angry, now I'm just feeling sorry for you. The biggest sporting event in the world to have such obvious referee mistakes. We were fortunate that the hands down better team won earlier today to somewhat cover up that referee mistake, I hope the same is the case today.
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