Official Xbox 360 Madden 10 League (New league, fantasy draft, 8 teams!)

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

any room left in any league??

Yeah look at the title of the thread...

Just put down team and your GT. Needs to be an AFC team though.
which afc teams? and my sn is freddypee11
why can't I accept my invite, it says commissioner is currently not allowing players to join.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

why can't I accept my invite, it says commissioner is currently not allowing players to join.

My bad... I'll have to switch that on after I play my game... I thought it'd make it so random players cant join..
any update on this? i called the Pats a few pages back i got no job so ill be home playin madden a lot
you can count on me being active
Originally Posted by AgentPD21

FreddyPee wrote:

any room left in the league??
If it is can I get a inv my GT is King PD 21

Join is back on

you, Mamba, Xfacemob, Crabtree, and 22stylez all have invites pending

hurry up and join!

Deadline for week 1 is tommorrow 10 pm
Pac Man post in here or I will have to remove you from the league... sorry man but you gotta get your 1st week game in
we're already playing week1 games? I stil thought everyone wasn't assigned to their teams yet.
Yo Crag you should update the first post with the updated teams and GT's so we all can know who we're playing and get in contact with them cuz thisjoint is mad confusing hunting through the entire thread trying to see who's who. Or you can just list all the Week 1 matchups in a reply and edit thethread title saying what page it's on.
What team are you??? And I already do man

BTW everyone who couldn't join try again! You should be ableto now!

Whoever is the Panthers... if you don't post in here before I leave for work in 2 hours.. I will be removing you from the league

You need to get your game in and have had several days to do it..and have not posted in here at all
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Mamba has the saints... check the first page
You didn't say nothing when I accepted the invite can I still change it because if you look at the frnachise home page you see that I havethem? I'll switch to the Colts then when I get home from work.
hey man my bad. i should have let you know i had to go out of town but im back now
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I never sent you an invite so I must have booted you from the league then...
I just talked to you the other day while I was accepting the invite you sent me, remember I was asking about the password and all. If you look atthe franchise it has me as the Saints but I'll change it to the Colts.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Cragmatic wrote:

I never sent you an invite so I must have booted you from the league then...
I just talked to you the other day while I was accepting the invite you sent me, remember I was asking about the password and all. If you look at the franchise it has me as the Saints but I'll change it to the Colts.

Dude... you must be talking about someone elses franchise
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