- Dec 24, 2007
- 4,701
- 22
add me to the list I guess.
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Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh
I posted that already Noble
Chainsaw Duels:
- Whoever does the quickest amount of "B" button tapping will be victorious.
Yeah Finally a game that can put my fast finger skills to play again.
Yeah Finally a game that can put my fast finger skills to play again.Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty
Chainsaw Duels:
- Whoever does the quickest amount of "B" button tapping will be victorious.
[h2]RBI Baseball to grand slam on XBLA[/h2]
Posted May 25th 2008 4:00PM by Xav de Matos
Filed under: News, Xbox Live Arcade
Most of us have fond memories of the sports games of a simpler time: making little Wayne's head bleed in NHLPA Hockey '93, proving Bo knows almost everything in Tecmo Super Bowl and the hit-n-run ambulance in Madden '92. With so many awesome experiences you'd think someone would bring back sports games to their glory on XBLA. Well, according to a listing on the ESRB website someone is.
On Friday, the ESRB website added a listing for RBI Baseball by upstart developers Six Degrees Games. While the new development team does not list the game on their website, their job listing section notes the team is "inventing a new generation of vibrant, mass-market gaming applications for the internet," which lends weight to the game being an Arcade release.
While we're on the subject, here's a free tip to EA. Take the classic Madden and NHL source codes, add new teams and updated rosters, sprinkle in some online play, watch XBLA monies pour in.
Your classic sports game history lesson available after the jump.
Originally Posted by texasreppin713
Yo i got my Turtle Beach X3 headset. DEF. worth it.
You can hear anything and everything while playing COD4. silencer isnt even gonna save you, i can hear that too.
Originally Posted by short MI
Originally Posted by texasreppin713
Yo i got my Turtle Beach X3 headset. DEF. worth it.
You can hear anything and everything while playing COD4. silencer isnt even gonna save you, i can hear that too.
i can hear silencers without surround sound or a special headset
dead silence tho
[h2]List of potentially de-listed Arcade titles[/h2]
Posted May 26th 2008 3:30AM by Terrence Stasse
Filed under: News, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace
Since the news that the Live Arcade would be having its under-performing titles de-listed, the tubes have discussed at length many of the implications. In a response that seems absolutely inevitable with hindsight, someone has put together a list of XBLA titles that conform to two of the three criteria outlined by MS for a de-listing (Metacritic score of less than 65% and at least six months old).
The third criteria isn't accessible outside of Microsoft, and is the conversion rate, i.e. the percentage of demo downloaders who end up buying the full game. As we don't know what games have good conversion rates, the games on the list are therefore not absolutely guaranteed to be in danger. But if there are any on the list that tickle your fancy, now is the time to try them, as they're the most likely ones to leave the Marketplace.
Full list after the break.
Crystal Quest
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
Hardwood Hearts
Texas Hold 'em
Fatal Fury Special
Marathon: Durandal
Missile Command
Time Pilot
Track & Field
Hardwood Backgammon
Hardwood Spades
Mad Tracks
Root Beer Tapper
Super Contra
Geon: Emotions
Soltrio Solitaire
Arkadian Warriors
Rush'n Attack
Double Dragon
Asteroids / Asteroids Deluxe
Battlestar Galactica
Centipede & Millipede
Spyglass Board Games
Tetris Splash
Ecco the Dolphin
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Wing Commander Arena
Street Trace: NYC
Word Puzzle
New Rally-X
Cyberball 2072
Ecco the Dolphin
What the %%+$ was the point of this damn game anyway? I been wonderin since the Sega Genesis days
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23
R.I.P nnarum
NobleKane wrote:
Since nnarm has retired from NT, I thought I would pick up where he left off. Lot of games coming out this year and all pics, vids, and news is welcomed. This post is what you make it...
Xbox 360 FAQ:http:///
How do I connect my Xbox 360 to the internet?
Check this link for a walkthrough...
I've gotten red rings, now what?
You can check this website on Xbox.com to register your hardware, and request service on it. You can also check status of your repair.
Or call 1-800-4MY-XBOX (1-800-469-9269)
I have Original Xbox games, will they work?
Here is a list of compatible games. They do require an update through internet access, or a file burnt to a disc. You can find it from this link.
Link to Original Xbox Thread
Just copy and paste, change your gamer tag in the text though...
.::Gamertag Here::.
Gamertag list
Niketalk SN - XBL Gamertag
84Jordan03 - USERPICK22
617jordanhead - jays4life23
aceofjays - YanSicK
Air Bonilla 23 - RocBoy211
Air Murphy 23 - KMURPH23
akf0dy7 - Humberto Lopez
ALEN003 - dabadestalbo690
ancl12ew - ancl12ew
angeezy - angeezy
AO17- AO17
apowell11 - apowell1587
armanzaballa- airman0505
babam11218719- bwhit2187
Banks2Pierce - jdpapa32
BaysickBeatz - baysickbeatz
beezylocks - killah SMH
big1236 - big1236
bonafide125 - bonafide125
Brent Barry - oTURTLE23o
ChiTownBully - Chicago Bully88
Choppa Locka - King Goonberg
CincoSeisDos - CincoSeisDos
cire215 - cire215
Cluex - yamommaluvme
COOLnificent- SHOEkingNT
CoostheDonDini stomptacular
Cowboyquang - Cowboyquang
Cpt Soto - zzBUDzz
Cragmatic- TheTrickster021
CREAMfiend- liquidswords01
CROSSISOM - Buminator
Da XpLiCiT OnE - XpLiCiTOnE
daheadbanda - daheadbanda38
Da R Entertainment - djransom
DatnggaG - DatnggaG
DCaz102 - AZANA 0
dEfCoNzErO - DZ661
Demax777 - DTL84
deveroesshopper - sirdugus
DJ236 - Dwills925
Dieks14 - greg fromda bay
djgtekfrmsanjo - djgtekfrmsanjo
Diligo- Fresh2MyFeet23
djkaos23 - djkaos23
djaward - djaward
dmartinez0916 - MENACE0916
don23lucia - don23cory
DonJuan23 - Savior 911
doosta45 - doosta45
Drama23 - Tonizzlec
Drunken Cow - ut1019
Dub 253 - DUB 2FIVE3
Dunks r nice - dunksrnice
dwells4life - dwells4lyf
eclipse915 - eclipse915
eddy650 - Eddy 650
elhombreAIR - elhombreAIR
eLNiNo4530 - eLNiNo4530
empirestrikesfirst - BigBooyaH
enoehtmai - etilE mA I
ethanlee29 - ethanlee29
entourage24 - Entourage24
ethanlee29 - sol29
EveryDayKicks - xMatty P
Fantasic4our - pat10leather
Flowsomuch - Flowsomuch
fraij da 5 11 - ShotsRangOut
Freshhh - inmynikes
gasp1 - swo0sh
georgehimself - georgesbeard619
GHeTtOnOyPi - gHeTtOnOyPi
GoldenTicket21 - KidYungn
Gothams Terror - NaijaNitemare
grittyman20 - GRITTYMAN
GSDOUBLEU - SF Killer 415
HarlemToTheBronx - GJones712
harmcityhustler - HARMCITY45
HAZE323 - HAZE323
headbussa123456789 - Jay 9To Ya Dome
Henz0 - Henz0
His diabolical Majesty - x2toedeathkickx
hoosiers4life - hoosiers4life
htownhooper31 - TheTakeover AC
HybridSoldier23 - Dr Katsuragi
I am Furby - Furbylicious
iamxtian - hi im xtian
iceman3699 - redice3699
iChampion - fattis
I Got Grapes - so dead serious
iHust1e = iHust1e
ii FlaSh ii - ii FlaShH ii
IJumpmanI - I JuMpMaNx23 I
illkillian - illkillian
ill4eva - S1EG
IrocktheXI - IrocktheXI
its Labrev - wei2long
jae oh en - jae 0h en (the 0 is a zero)
jakecuevas - peppers90jb
Japs24 - Dyaps
jay kickz till i die - sixty9m3
JayPesoz - JayPesoz
jblackcat13 - Iron E ManI
JDub4 - jasOWN3d
Jehlers02 - JEhlers02
JJLT76 - JJtheGREAT 76
JmattL - o0 illMATTic 0o
jonathan0389 - el Jefe944
jonex - futura21
JoRdAn DoN - JordanDon23
JordanHead2 - J0RDAN TH3 D0N
Jordan on my feet - JordanonMYfeet8
jrdnsrnss - JET429
jrp44 - Nygmen4
Kadoma - BEVERB95
kamakazipnoygt - joebruin00
Kash55 - Kash55
KB8sandiego - Flowsomuch
kid mega man - thamassacre0613
K I N G x B - KINGofthis
KingOfJordanz - PERM EZ
kingofny04 - KINGOFNYC177
HoneyBBQ Wings 33 - Thirty Tres
knightngale - catquickspider
KVN - sil3ntbob 31
laker4lifeman - malicious25
Llcooljunr - Goldar82
LVJordan238 - bringnthaheat24
MaDMaN3500 - blueghost3500
MarkyMark25 - MarkyMark25
MarTdiZzle23 - NyMartin
Mayor of NYC - E p i D 3 M 1 K
MaZA4eVeR14 - Dens415
memphisboi55 - miked90155
Mez 0ne - MezOne
mikejs210 - mikejs210
MilitaryIV - MiLiTARYiV
MJ ChuckStar - ChuckStar
ModernMarvel - ModernMarvel84
Mozilla Firefox - kscott85
Mr Anleu - ArchNemisis07
MrKittles20 - OMGitsFrankDizl
MisterP0315 - CriminalMinded1
MyTsharp - Boney Starks
natrix916 - bka NASTY
NeptuneBeats187 - Matic Touch
Nickthestick91 - nickthestick2st
nikeballer1 - Noscopeshot415
Niteridr75 - NiteRider23
NLukse916 - xxB RADD52xx
nnarum - nnarum
northparkblind - Northparkblind
notoriousPAT - notoriouspat510
NYCBaller34 - FarRockSniper
odiggidy - harlemreignman
OG Ya Dig - OG904
OkieDoqui - OkieDokee
onedollarballah23 - iLestJcollector
ondadownlow - JAY EMM
oo71o - oo71o
Orange Soda Man - Im Bee Vee
oXo yzarc oXo - SH4DYM1LKM4N
outacontrol music - Big Juice 216
pacmagic2002 - kixalive07
peerL3ss aLL day - CALton Banks
Pimpster88 - Grantologist
pinkjordansrule - LionzCage25
plarg3 - Polocoste
Poogibucker - CrezzyAsian002
p0tat0 5alad - p0tat0 5alad
Prem092 - Prem092
presequel - presequel
Qualmes - Qualmes
QuestLife - Blaquekyd
Pr0lific - RealRuler
Rafsjays - TheRiza27
rayfizzle - rizzzay
rck2sactown - Ho Train25
reddmann s2 - R300MANN
RetroBaller - DeeringCenter
Ryanbbn1 - Ryanbbn1
rugbyqmed - MikexRich
SaNTi0321 - SaNTi iTNaS
schaefmp - Longshot Panda
ServeChilled81 - BPM 81
Shadi914 - Yo Shadi
sherwin100s - sherwin100s
ShoeofKuribo - bimbady
Shooter116 - SupremeVR6
sixxrockz - sixxrockz
SJsneakerheadIII - EazyWeazy3
SneakerPro - D BLOCK 82 07
sneakervampire - Infernal Filth
solefob - solefob
Spot Rusherz - GiMMe Tha L00T (o's are zeros)
Squalie413 - Leemo204
StarBucks GTD - ddotski
Stargalaqtic - St4rgalaqtic
stillmaticshay - shaybeezy
SuperSaiyan415 - JRich415
superuntouchable - HouTex2003
SupraMan1784 - SupraMan1784
SupremeApe - Supremesole23
sw33nskill - sw33nskill
swendro88 - swendro
Teddythegrne - Tjacks12
TerroristTim 203 - TeRrOrIsTiM
texasreppin713 - I CLuTcH 713 I and o SiR CLuTcH o
ThaT Dude173 - xXhitman173Xx
The Big Homey - GnR LeoTheGod
the hater boxden - PacmanVick
the high school graduate - purps1zzurpman
the PGA tour - Swebb87
Tonystarks2984 - Tonystarks2984
Timeless DB - Timeless DB
TrillipinoTrapstar - KrunkXTrillPino
Twig1026 - Swerv On You
TypeRPinoY - okayw0w
uknowho85 - uknowho85
Uter Zorker - Gav 11
wanksta23 - niketalk2323
wawaweewa - bklynball
Wearin TheFourFive - TTARD 25
xblaze23 - RealMadrld
Xx Fr3SH23 xX - I 2 FR3SH I
Xxtro0playaxX - Xxtro0playaxX
XmaNnyX - Mann3Fr3sh
young dr0 - so_th0ed
youngpnoi - LethalxStriker
zube42 - IllAtWill707
addd me
GT: sneakerhead115