Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!


[h1]Export 55 Rock Band Songs for $5[/h1]
An update that hit Rock Bandtoday will allow gamers to prep most of the songs found on the original Rock Band disc for play on Rock Band 2.

The Rock Band Disc Export update will show up as a tab under the extra options in the Rock Band menus. For about $5 gamers will be able to export 55 of thegames 58 disc tracks.

The three songs not making the cut?

"Paranoid" as made famous by Black Sabbath, "Run to the Hills" as made famous by Iron Maiden, and "Enter Sandman" byMetallica. And in Europe the track Tokio Hotel's "Through the Monsoon" won't be exportable.

We know why Metallica isn't making the leap. Maybethe same holds true for Sabbath and Iron Maiden?
[h2]Call of Duty: Worldat War beta hits 360, PC in October[/h2]
20Comments by Randy Nelson Sep 4th 2008 2:30PM
Filed under: PC, Microsoft Xbox 360, First Person Shooters, Online

In what has to be the most totally original pre-order bonus ever, Activision is going to let anyone who "reserves" Call of Duty: World at War into a multiplayer beta planned for sometime in October. Oh, that's everyone except PS3 owners. The beta will be available only on Xbox 360 and PC, giving lucky paying entrants a chance to try out the game's new perks and squad system.

In "no purchase necessary" style, those not feeling the pre-order itch can try their luck by registering for a beta token lottery on the official Call of Duty site - that is if they can navigate through the Web 2.0 minefield of way too much stuff on the page.
i love my 360 and everything but xbla is seriously lacking. with the exception of castle crashers.... what? on the other hand, i was on wii shop and theyjust got samurai shodown 2
i've been dyin for that game!
Originally Posted by odiggidy

i love my 360 and everything but xbla is seriously lacking. with the exception of castle crashers.... what? on the other hand, i was on wii shop and they just got samurai shodown 2
i've been dyin for that game!
ummm Geometry Wars 2 and Braid that was just this past two months
at saying the virtual console is better Nintendo puts out crap all the time and then a few good ones every once in awhile.
never said it was better. on every level 360> wii but what wouldyou rather play geometry wars, feeding frenzy,braid? or king of fighters 94, super streetfighter 2, samurai shodown 2? not to mention all of the classic stuffthey been had ? all i'm saying is that there are more games on virtual console that i'ld play than on xbla.
oh yeah forgot about this since you mentioned KoF94'
[h1]King of Fighters '98 Getting Xbox LIVE Arcade Release[/h1]
A Tokyo Game Show 2008 list of games leaks thatThe King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match will be released as an Xbox LIVE Arcade game. The game was originally released in arcades and SNK'sNeo Geo and later ported to the Dreamcast and Playstation. There's no date for the title, but SNK recently released KOF '98 Ulimate Match forthe PS2 earlier this summer. The game even got a Japanese arcade re-release this year, running on Taito's TypeX hardware.

No word on pricing for the XBLA version or a release date.

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match iscoming to XBLA [Siliconera via Dtoid]
Hey guys, I just got a new HDTV recently. I have my 360 hooked up by HDMI cables, but I think it can still look a little better. I changed the settings to1080p from the console, is there anything else I can do to make it look better?

I usually do not recount rumors I read. However their are exceptions to every rule. For me there are two exceptions to this rule. The first being that the rumor seems to be reliable, because it relates to pertinent facts. Something I could cross check like a web registry, a patent, or a copyright. The second excpetion is for rumors that are not necessarily stupid, but most definitely not the mundane you here time and again. What follows is a rumor I read on a black forum that definitely falls into that bizarre category. So take it for what it is probably someones creative %##@!+%*.

This all said it is a particularly interesting concept, and if nothing else it raises the question would it work. Why not do something like this. What would it mean if it were true, and so forth. Remember this thread isn't asking is this rumor true, or proving that this rumor is nonsense. I have already said it is practically complete %##@!+%*. So hey why waste the time. Shoot the !*%$, and please do not stir the !*%$. Lets not have this degrade into some flame war with an associated ward of burn victims. That said if someone decides to turn this thread into a battle field I will be the first to ask a moderator to lock the !*%$ down.

Without further procrastination the rumor paraphrased. Also known as not word for word. The author asked I must abide.

September 25th 7pm EST. Microsoft will start a five hour countdown to relaunch their console. Yes that is right nothing short of a relaunch is acceptable. At the end of the five hours your console will update to the new interface with full functionality. To promote this most historic event with a full fledged media blitz. Microsoft has gone so far as to rent television space as in rent a channel. For those five hours G4 television will cover the event exclusively with live coverage. For those with Live they will be able to download or stream the channel.

First there are three new pages that are going to be unveiled. The first page is a strategic partnership with Sirius Satelite Radio. For a modest monthly fee you will be able to run Sirius radio through your 360 with no additional hardware needed, and you will be able to pay for the service with Microsoft points. The upside is that everyone with access to live will get a free week to play with the service, and it will be accessable while in game.

The second page is a new music store for downloading music directly onto your 360. Once again for an obvious charge which can be made through Microsoft points. However you will also be able to download some game music free of charge. How could we play Gears of War 2 without playing the Halo concerto right over the games music.

The third channel is called mad lib, and the author claims to have absolutely no clue as to what mad lib is about. However the author suspects it has something to do with a picture within picture function. I have no clue why anyone would want a picture within their game, but what the hell this rumor is bat**** crazy anyway.

Microsoft will release a dozen new demos after the launch. There will be four new downloadable pieces of content a preview of the GTA DLC. A Mass Effect expansion. Portal and a free map pack for Halo 3.

Microsoft will unveil twelve new games never seen before that will be exclusive or first on the 360. Strangley enough the author only gives out code names for said games. Though they speculate that among them is Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, A new Conker title, A rare shooter new franchise, and two new Halo titles. Apparently from what they were told.

Apricot, Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, London.

Then there are six free xbox originals that will be available for download. Three of which are not yet on the service, but will be available right after launch. The only game the Author could confirm was Halo would be a free game. These games will only be available to Live gold members, and they will only be available to those that have an account of long standing.

Like I said a incredibly insane rumor, and believe me I toned it down. There was a lot of !*%$ on the list that meant absolutely nothing to me. Functions I have never heard of. Supposedly all the points are supposed to add up to 36 points. I probably missed a couple. Anyway have fun with the sick twisted rumor I found.
I got an Xbox 360 two weeks ago. I'm wating for the Wireless Adapter come in.

Is Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting on XBLA any good? I've read mixed reviews about it.
No one answered me before.

Is Spore coming out for 360?

I tohught i read something that said it was coming out later for it?
Can anyone confirm
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

No one answered me before.

Is Spore coming out for 360?

I tohught i read something that said it was coming out later for it?
Can anyone confirm

I believe Will Wright said he wants it out for 360/PS3 , but not sure if its really confirmed.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

I got an Xbox 360 two weeks ago. I'm wating for the Wireless Adapter come in.

Is Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting on XBLA any good? I've read mixed reviews about it.
if you like the arcade game, and/or have homies who'll play at your house, GREAT GAME

if you expect to play online and run people....there is like a 1 second delay on live....sad imo, but i still play it lol



btw 400 free xbox LIVE points with one month game fly rental, cheapest price is 5.95
Am i the only one getting an error when trying to update rosters in Madden?....and subsequently can play a game on Live ???
[h1]Call of Duty Offers Double Points and Half Prices[/h1]
Posted by Wombat on 09/11 at 08:25 AM
In a smart move to coincide with the Call of Duty 4 double experience points weekend, Infinity Ward is dropping the price of the Variety Map Pack in half on the Xbox 360. They are some pretty decent maps as I already have them. For me the standout is Chinatown, just a great environment. I think 400 MS fun points is a fair price for the pack.

Also it is worth noting that folks from IW also plan on participating in the online festivities on live this weekend. So you may get lucky enough to play with one of the games creators. And so you PS3 owners don't feel left out, you will be getting the same treatment next weekend.
Via Eurogamer

[h1]MK Vs. DC Character List Outed By Achievements[/h1]
Up until now Midway has been revealing new characters in their upcoming unholy union, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, in a rather dramatic fashion. Flashing pictures on the screen after a press conference in Germany, in front of a room full of comic book fans at Comic Con, or through the old standard, magazine exclusives. How sad is it then that the entire 22 character roster should then be revealed by a list of Xbox 360 achievements? Xbox360Achievements.Org has just posted such a list, which includes 22 character-specific achievements, such as Shazam Expert: Complete Shazam's expert combos.

So who's on the full roster? Saving that for after the jump, just in case anyone wishes to be surprised. Surely some of you would like to preserve the dramatic tension? No? Okay, here we go...
Green Lantern
Lex Luthor
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Shao Khan
Sub Zero

No really big surprises here, aside from maybe the glaring omission of Johnny Cage, though creator Ed Boon did mention at Comic Con that DC Comic's Jimmy Palmiotti would be a hidden character with a rather cagey-looking character model, so don't rule out Goro's sack-smasher just yet.

Despite Xbox360Achievements.Org's excellent track record, we're going paint this list with the rumor tag for now. We've contacted Midway for comment, and will update the post accordingly once we hear back.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Achievements

Confirmed: Dan for offers this link as proof.

Deathstroke and Darkseid...#!!$ YEAH


this place is dead
guys what should i get viva or force unleashed? im already getting lego batman. ima pass on tna impact until it drops in price...
theres new video out of gears 2 and fight night 4.

COD4 double xp weekend starts tonight, and half priced map packs for all you cheap bastards who havent gotten the maps yet.

rock band 2 comes out this weekend. you can export all but 3 songs from the rock band 1 disc to use in rock band 2. win.

vigilante 8 for xbl was delayed. samurai showdown 2 just came out though. im holding out for 3 or 4 to come out.

castle crashers is crack. new characters and weapons coming soon.

nba 2k9 out in a month. got 12$ for nba 2k8 at gamestop.

freshhh- will pm you about said NES

also banjo kazooie.

thread is dead.
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