Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

Originally Posted by the hater boxden

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Originally Posted by the hater boxden

yea so how much are you gonna sell them for after you mod them?

They aren't mine. They're other people's 360's that I'm gonna mod. (Someone came directly to my house after buying theirs, as you can see there's an unopened box there
). It's $50 to mod it, $15 for a game.

Don't snitch.
im contacting philly pd as i type
Chill I just had to deal wit the law.




I beat the case though.

HarlemToTheBronx wrote:

I'm gonna have to get at you pretty soon, Nick.

EDIT: Well, not too since since my 360 died.

Yea and the ones getting repaired, along with most of the ones in stores have an unmoddable DVD drive in them. The dude who just bought one gotlucky, his could be modded. Sooner or later the new/repaired ones will be moddable tho.
the hater boxden wrote:

i bet it was for truancy

Underage drinking.

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I would get my 360 modded but I don't trust fools these days.

Plus, if I ge RRoD, I'm screwed.
eBay feedback. EDIT: I used to have over 600. WTH?!

And as long as you got a warranty from the store (e.g. Best Buy) you can take it right back there. They don't check if it's modded. Happened plenty oftimes to my clients. Free to remod.
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

I pre-ordered the LE of GoW2 yesterday. My homie said it comes with a code that lets you unlock a gold lancer and its only $10 more

Anyone else hyped up for his game as much as me?
I've been playing nothing but GoW for the past 3 months. My clan is strictly GoW, been on it since release, trying to back into"form" for 2. I was a Halo head for the longest time but I think GoW 2 with all the new fixes(mainly host advantage fix) is going to push me overinto GoW > _______
Prolly late but idc

Is spore coming to 360? or PC only? I thaught i heard 360 too.
If so when?
This thread died

[h2]OXM: Halo 4 in development by Gearbox[/h2]
Posted Aug 26th 2008 9:15AM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News, Rumors

Filed under juicy Halo rumor news, we have information coming from the pages of the latest issue of OXM that tells us that Halo 4 is currently in development, but NOT by Bungie Studios. According to OXM, Halo 4 is currently being developed by non other than Gearbox Software ( Halo PC anyone?) and is being worked on for release as a launch title on the next Xbox console. ZOMG! Funny thing about the rumor is that, earlier this year, Gearbox's head honcho Randy Pitchford mentioned that they were working on a super secret project that is "even bigger" than anything they've ever worked on before. Halo 4 definitely fits that bill.

@ them not using Bungie...
[h2]Spartans ho! Halo Wars box art[/h2]
Posted Aug 25th 2008 1:45PM by Richard Mitchell
Filed under: News, Halo Wars

There it is, the box art for Halo Wars from Ensemble Studios. It was drawn by the same folks who did the art for Halo 2 and Halo 3. And no, this doesn't mean the game is coming out soon (it's still slated for early next year). Here's our suggestion, print out this box art, slap it onto a DVD case and fool your friends! They will totally think you have the game already. When they ask where the disc is, just tell them that it's "in the shop." If they ask you why there is no art on the back of your DVD case ... run.

Not bad...
[h2]Obama and McCain gamerpics available, you read that right[/h2]
Posted Aug 27th 2008 1:00PM by Xav de Matos
Filed under: News

Don't you just wish there was an easy way to identify Democrats and Republicans that didn't require DNA testing? Well, now there is! Hitting Xbox Live a few nights ago were a pair of free gamerpics that showcased the logos of both Presidential candidates in the Xbox Live Rock the Vote promotional menu. Now you can showoff your favorite candidate in between your daily grind of Team Slayer.

Promoting the importance of selecting the next President of the United States, Rock the Vote allows gamers to register, download awesome music videos and anti-gaming politicians even promise to stop calling all gamers potential ticking time bombs! We'll let you decide which part was a joke. You're right, those videos are probably crap.

[h2]Epic Gears 2 bonus disc goodies discovered[/h2]
Posted Aug 27th 2008 10:30AM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News, Gears of War 2
New video game rating information has just been spotted over on the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) website and, wouldn't you know, that it's the rating and listing of all of the Gears of War 2 bonus disc's content. Fun! Admittedly, the disc - included as part of the Gears 2 Limited Edition - doesn't contain too much spoilerific content and is pretty much comprised of a few trailers, character, weapon and vehicle bios as well as some artsy artwork. If you're just too darn snoopy and need to know a bit more about the content that's on the bonus disc, hit the jump. Your inner Gears fanboy will thank you.
[h2]X08: Cliff talks Gears 2's 'Seriously 2.0' achievement [update][/h2]
Posted Aug 21st 2008 3:00PM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News, Gears of War 2

Update: We made a mistake! The Seriously 2.0 achievement's 100,000 kills are taken from EVERY game mode spread across the entire game. Meaning that every kill in campaign single or co-op, ranked or social multiplayer matches and even Horde games count towards the 100,000 kill finish line. Also, there will also be an achievement tracker notification that will randomly pop-up and update you on your Seriously 2.0 progress. Sorry for the confusion, we blame Xav

While at today's Canadian X08 event, our own Xav de Matos had a chance to chit-chat it up with Epic's Cliff Bleszinski (lucky turd) and learned something very, very interesting about Gears of War 2's achievements. Specifically, Cliff confirmed that Gears 2 will include an upgraded achievement based on Gears of War's original "Seriously" achievement. The freshly new "Seriously 2.0" achievement will require a whopping 100,000 kills to unlock. Yes, you read correctly, 100,000! But fear not, the achievement task isn't what you think, because "Seriously 2.0"'s 100,000 kills come from both single and co-op campaign gaming as well as all multiplayer modes including Horde. So, no multiplayer kills will count. We say, bring on the Locust and give us our second helping of Seriously Gamerscore.

[h2]Rumor: Xbox 360 price cuts; 60GB $299, Elite $399, Arcade $199[/h2]
Posted Aug 21st 2008 9:30AM by Xav de Matos
Filed under: Rumors
The rumor that wouldn't die has once again reared its ugly head as a new advertisement hints at Xbox 360 price-drops across the board. According to an ad from Radio Shack the Xbox 360 Pro (60GB) and Elite units will receive a $50 price drop by the week of the Sept. 7, making the 60GB model $299 and the Elite $399 while the Arcade bundle will drop $80 to $199. Source spies within the retail industry have given Joystiq similar intel from other retailers hinting at the same rumor. Check out the flyer in the gallery below.
BTW, buy Braid and Castle Crashers. Well worth the $15 for each. Both are way better than some retail games...
Yo can you add me to the list also... GT: iPrimeT1ime and anyone else who gets on XBL.. whos ever chill and likes to get down.. hit a gamer up!
this post is still alive

Yo nnarum, noblekane, jae oh en, cincoseisdos, hater boxden, nickthestick, ondadownlow, and everyone i forgot...

whats good

btw alot of you fell off my friends list...allow me do to some cleaning up and then ill have space for you.

i hate this 100 friend limit.
my fault give me a day or two, ill post when its all good, what was your gamertag?

[h2]XB360 Goes Arcade, For Reals[/h2]
That's right, the Xbox 360 is going coin-op. Arcade industry newsletter The Stinger Report (via trade site Highwaygames) brings word of the ArcadeStation T2. Arcade Station T2 is in the vein of Nintendo's PlayerChoice 10 arcade machine from 1986, by bringing the home experience to coin-op. It'soutfitted in a traditional upright cabinet design, but features two Xbox 360 controllers and memory card slots. While it supports "system linkgaming", it hasn't been revealed that whether that refers to LIVE support or not. While the list of games is still being finalized, it could includeHalo 3, FIFA 08, Assassins Creed and Devil May Cry 4. It won't feature the traditional Pay-to-Play model, but the Play-for-Time one, which the StingerReport calls "VenderTainment". The cabinet is apparently fully licensed by Xbox and has been developed by American home arcade manufacturer QuasimotoInteractive. It's currently being tested in Asia and the UK and should be released in the upcoming months.

CLIFFNOTES FOR YOU LAZY GAMERS:its a pay for time kinda thing. Coming soon.

and 2 price drop pics
best buy & k-mart


^CC? and i cant remember %@! youre old nt account was, it started with a J didnt it? i suck.
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