Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

One thing I hate about playing ranked matches in SSF2THDR, is that dudes will do the same
just toget the W.

6 losses in a row 'cause dudes love picking M.Bison for his Psycho Crusher and his trip kick.

Is that what these clowns do... Hop on SSF2T and think they're special? They know if they play SF3 or anything later, their lives are worthless.

Yes, I'm mad.
several black friday Xbox 360 video game deals are now live including Target's Dead Space for $30, Best buy's Simpson Game for $10 etc. Just check theBlack Friday thread for available offers.
I'm looking to buy an xbox 360, if i buy an arcade version would it hinder the gameplay at all?
I'm just going to use it for playing cod4,5, gta4 and nba 2k9, also on xbl.
Originally Posted by miamin2

I'm looking to buy an xbox 360, if i buy an arcade version would it hinder the gameplay at all?
I'm just going to use it for playing cod4,5, gta4 and nba 2k9, also on xbl.
its the same xbox but without thr chrome and HD...
man ever since i had the RRoD i dont fell of hard in COD im horrible now
but when does this TEKKEN drop im on the PS3 playing it now. +#** goes hard!!!!
Originally Posted by TheHavik


Son had me hemmed up in the corner like 6 rounds in a row.
Had to bump it down to medium and was still getting handled.
I had to resort to throwing hadoukens the whole time.

Ima be hearing "TIGER!" all day now

It's the next version since Falcon. It's supposed to run even cooler and further reduce the chance of red rings.
@ all this rrod nonsense...the xbox were built poorly and nothing will change that....until the xbox 720 rolls around in 2-3 years
Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

@ all this rrod nonsense...the xbox were built poorly and nothing will change that....until the xbox 720 rolls around in 2-3 years
Link? Proof? Don't bring that hearsay here. And the chances are slim with newer manufactured ones. I haven't heard much issue of red ringslately, but I posted that for those on the sidelines still.
why should I log off dunk demon...I went thru 6.....6 360's due to the RRod. I think that qualifies as ****** in my book sir...I don't know aboutyou.
Fellow 360'ers, help me out please.

Up until just a few mintues ago, I haven't put on my 360 in months (due to school and whatnot). Anyway, I went to my cousins for Thanksgiving and he toldme to bring my controller so we can play COD5. I did, and didn't realize there was an update and everything for the console.

I turned on 360 just a few minutes ago to download the update, but I had a problem. My controller was not working. The "X" in the middle that youpush to turn it on, kept on flashing green, never staying steady. I tried changing the battery about 5 times, and the same result. I downloaded the update(part of it, because it wouldn't connect to Live at the moment for me) with my Guitar Hero guitar.

What is the problem? The controller was working fine all of last night (and the same batteries from last night were in them when I first put it on, and itdidn't work).

I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Fellow 360'ers, help me out please.

Up until just a few mintues ago, I haven't put on my 360 in months (due to school and whatnot). Anyway, I went to my cousins for Thanksgiving and he told me to bring my controller so we can play COD5. I did, and didn't realize there was an update and everything for the console.

I turned on 360 just a few minutes ago to download the update, but I had a problem. My controller was not working. The "X" in the middle that you push to turn it on, kept on flashing green, never staying steady. I tried changing the battery about 5 times, and the same result. I downloaded the update (part of it, because it wouldn't connect to Live at the moment for me) with my Guitar Hero guitar.

What is the problem? The controller was working fine all of last night (and the same batteries from last night were in them when I first put it on, and it didn't work).

I appreciate any help. Thanks.
There's nothing wrong.

You just have to resync your controller with the 360.

When you turn on your 360 and your controller there's a button on the top of your controller that has an image next to it that looks like this ))).

Press that button and lights should start flashing around the big X on the center of the controller. After doing so, go to the system and press the buttonlocated to memory unit b slot which has the same image ))).

Doing so will sync the 360 and the controller.
you need to press that white button at the top of the controller and the white button on the xbox so that the xbox and controller can connect. your controllerthinks its need to connect with yout cousins xbox but you need to change it to your xbox
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