Official Xbox Thread - Black Ops 6 Day 1 on Gamepass

Which next gen Xbox will you purchase

  • Xbox Series X

    Votes: 130 78.8%
  • Xbox Series S

    Votes: 28 17.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 7 4.2%

  • Total voters
...looking like he werewolf hunting out crenshaw...
Seems like it's hard to get a game in at The Rec on 2k now that a lot of people are 99s. They see us lower 90 something players and back out with a quickness. :lol:
Seems like it's hard to get a game in at The Rec on 2k now that a lot of people are 99s. They see us lower 90 something players and back out with a quickness. :lol:

oh esp if you aint got the 3 stars along with your name theyll back right out lol

i only completed szn 1 and got 1 star i got tired of the game.. i tried rec last weekend and just as you described theyll back out

whats nuts is im also a 99 but since i aint complete the other szns im a newbie to some lol
Fallout 76 was one of the biggest bombs when I was first jumping into video games big around the start of the p-demic, so I’ve never played and never failed or succeeded to hack a terminal.
Fallout 4 gets too much hate imo.

I thought it was a great game.

Obviously not better than NV or 3 but still great.
I just didn’t feel like a fallout game. It had all of the trappings but took away the most important thing, choice. All the choices didn’t feel like they mattered and you was railroaded into the ending they wanted. Still mad I couldn’t join science people and make them stop kidnapping people.

Other than that, it was fun. I had a ball running around and shooting things but the wonder and amazement I had from play NV, 1 or 3 wasn’t there.
Welp decided on my monitor msi ‎Optix MAG274QRF pretty much hits what I’m looking for a fits the price range.
No new COD next year, which would have probably been Black Ops

A new free-to-play game is dropping. And updates to Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2
Been playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst recently. Maybe like a hour in so far. I'm enjoying it, I do know it being open world kind of turned me off from it a bit when it first released plus it usually wouldn't have been one of those games I would get Day 1. But so far so good.
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Also just to ask, would I be crazy to think that pre-orders work similar to the stock market?
Man I have fully transitioned to PC gaming.. it’s beautiful it’s amazing it’s the best thing I ever did. I never had experience building a PC but a few YouTube videos later my homie and I did it… I’m absolutely beating on this thing and it just runs perfect… think I’m gonna decide in a month if I’m keeping the Xbox… I know I’m never gonna use that thing
A new Call of Duty will happen in 2022, Modern Warfare 2, and the game should be built as the last installment to the series for NOW, meaning the game will be updated based on MW2 and that game engine… so you will probably see small sub launches under that main umbrella, but as far as a new title we won’t see one in 2023… Vanguard has done so bad that MW has to save it… so that’s why the rush is on to put this game out.. Warzone is also going to be built on this engine, the MW aspect of COD is all we wanted, stop going away from it…. I think they finally understand
I know some who prefer BLOPS but no one who likes Sledgehammer CODs.
having a much easier time solo queuing this szn in apex then others

i really hate Olympus map though tbh

i cant wait till the split and we get King Canyon.. i find myself not even playing ranked at times when KC is in the regular rotation

p2 currently
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