So... anyone else playing Persona 3 here? I am loving it! What's crazy is that I am a pretty big SMT fan... I own every version of P3, and I bought both of the PS2 versions at launch, but NEVER got into it. Honestly the first Persona game I actually beat was 5, then 4... but I have owned almost all of them since launch excluding the PS1 games, which I bought during that generation, but not at launch.
I have always loved Kazuma Kaneko's artwork, that's what got me into SMT in the first place... but in the past I preferred the mainline SMT games over the Persona series. Anyway, I am really enjoying P3R. I don't think I can ever go back to playing the old games on anything that's not a modern console/PC because that solid state drive make a huge difference in a game like this where you are always going from what part of the game to another.
The only issue I have with the series, which isn't an issue for this game since it's what started the trend for all the modern Persona games, is that all of the characters in each game are basically the same. Yes, they all have different names and look completely different and all that, but each game almost follows the exact same formula. Anyway if you are into JRPGs or anime and have game pass then check it out... at the rate I am going I should have this beat by the end of the week, which is amazing... guess being unemployed rn helps. Lol
Also, I love game pass. I would have happily spent $70 on this game (even though it should have been $60), but there was no way I was paying $200 for the CE, which is crazy because I own almost every LE SMT game that has been released in NA. I am hopping the CE sits and makes it to $100 or close, and it will be added to the collection.... but it is great being able to play this game on any of my set-ups thanks to GP. Runs great on PC (as it should) and looks great too!