Just finished watching last nights Lakers/Spurs game DVR....the mamba was just chilling in the grass until the 4th quarter and then it was winning time! back to back 3s followed by a hanging fadeway on timmy...match, set, game! Kobe finally got a "W" in those del sols, unless i am mistaken.
Im thinking Del Sols will be my next Kobe V purchase, unless the Homes change my mind in person.
Yeah, Del Sols looked sick last night. Getting the inlines today, Del Sols will be next.
I think I gotta pass on the PoPs, the diamond/triangle pattern still hasn't grown on me.
Originally Posted by c4

Yeah, Del Sols looked sick last night. Getting the inlines today, Del Sols will be next.
I think I gotta pass on the PoPs, the diamond/triangle pattern still hasn't grown on me.

That's just because Kobe hasn't worn them yet. 

Wait until he has a great game in them, and we'll all be running to footlocker after.
S dubl I saw the homes at the Cerritos footaction and they look pretty good. But at this point I'd get the del sols over them. Even despite not seeing them in person. On court they're pretty sick as it is
Originally Posted by dsquared

S dubl I saw the homes at the Cerritos footaction and they look pretty good. But at this point I'd get the del sols over them. Even despite not seeing them in person. On court they're pretty sick as it is
they look decent to me in pictues, but I dont have a foot action near me. Im not about to drive 1 1/2hrs to possibly be disappointed, or order em and not like em when I get em. I need to see em in person first...
^ yeah definitely wait to see them in person. I really disliked the homes in the pics and when I saw them in person they were pretty good. But not great enough for me to immediately buy them. So it's a pass for me. I'd maybe consider it on discount. But for a true laker color they're pretty cool. I would liked it more if the cl grey was matted. The glossyness makes them too silvery.
Thinking bout getting the POPs on shoetrends,

I know this has probably been asked before, but How long after release date do they ship? I know it says 4/30, but do they ship early (before)?

Would be my first time ordering, Is their service cool? And do they tax?
^ I have ordered from them a couple times and it seems that for the preorders it just depends on when they get them, I have had some delays in the past, no tax, $15 shipping, they didn't send tracking automatically and communication was slow when requesting it but I always got the kicks without issue
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by c4

Yeah, Del Sols looked sick last night. Getting the inlines today, Del Sols will be next.
I think I gotta pass on the PoPs, the diamond/triangle pattern still hasn't grown on me.

That's just because Kobe hasn't worn them yet. 

Wait until he has a great game in them, and we'll all be running to footlocker after.

I know, you're probably right.  Once Kobe does what he did last night in them, it'll be tough to resist.  
Even seeing them in person can change my mind.  The V's are just too sick.  
In all my years of buying sneakers, I have never worn a shoe that has not creased whatsoever, until the Kobe V's. This is just mind boggling to me.
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

nope not as right now koopa, i hope they do though!! that would be sick and ID would sell quick for nike, so listen up nike...we dont like "heartbeat" or the kobe code haha btw did anyone ever figure out what the code means?
definitely dude. i'll have to order a least a couple with that print. that print is too sick.
. hoping it comes through asap.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

In all my years of buying sneakers, I have never worn a shoe that has not creased whatsoever, until the Kobe V's. This is just mind boggling to me.
I been buying kicks for a long time as well, and NO creasing on the V's, trips me out too. Its crazy, and dope
  at the same time.

Been wearing my choas for balling, and almost all occasions, and they still look DS too!

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

In all my years of buying sneakers, I have never worn a shoe that has not creased whatsoever, until the Kobe V's. This is just mind boggling to me.

lol word. mine still look fresh.
My daughters on the other hand, somehow she managed to get creases lol. Toddlers! haha
Your daughter is too cute. Her little head popping out the window and singing haha.

That id print is a must. Makes the flywire look patent. I got my 3rd id cooking right now.
My footlocker had no aways or chaos left at all. Crazy how there both gone. I stock located a pair of aways though. Came out to 102 total. Ny tax FTL. They didn't allow f&f on kobes but kids footlocker did so I got my bro his pair. 72 total. They didn't have any 6 or 6.5s left so I had to stock locate his also.
how did you get them for 102 id they were excluded? im a bit confused by your post...i thought NY didnt tax if apparel/shoes were below a certain price?
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