stupid resellers.... let people that truly want to own and wear these shoes get them!! stop with this hustle!!!! i hope that one day these people actually get what they deserve and end up having to pay rape prices for a house or something like that!!!
Originally Posted by GZA73

tran doesnt have 20 chairs, you guys are over reacting.
Yeah, he has 19 chairs

Seriously though, NTLA/NTSM raffle FTW! 
I really like the away BS, but glad they are not a must have for me cuz it seems like they are gonna be hard to cop @ HOHLA. I might see ya'll @ there though.
Originally Posted by rukawa005

Originally Posted by abstractability

Originally Posted by maluah

so if some of the NT members here got extra pairs to sale, they won't charge arm n leg because we are Kobe NT familia?

Yeah right.  There are way more messed up people on here than there are good.

Here's some proof for all you guys heading to HOHLA


From Shoe Wolfs Twitter (whoever the ef that is)

Good luck to all the true Kobe fans.  To all the rest of you. Karma.
that's hella crazy.. that many "chairs" already.. man

where's everyone though?

for those already there, i think you guys should just wait and see how long those seats are empty and if they are empty for more than an hour either say something to the guy there and tell him to fill those seats with people waiting in line or just stand right behind him or push the seats....if you are too soft just call HOHLA and have them send someone down to move that *!$% because they will sort it out if you guys call.  plain and simple.

dont be soft, what is he going to do? say the seats are place holders and thats it? common now.  think about it, you are there for just as long as he is and you are gonna let his entire family take your size because they are at home eating pho and sleeping on a nice warm bed??
  F that...if i didnt have work id be there just to piss them off...its just a chair guys, if everyone moves up the line in places of those chairs its a mob vs one reseller. LOL
for fear of getting banished...I retracted all my statements.....
only thing I'll say now is....
the same person does the same thing all the's not anything new to HoHLA releases...
I remember a grinder of the cyber kind does the same thing and even cops an attitude about it......
"McDonalds is my spot"......[emoji]169[/emoji] J.D. of the Lench Mob
You guys are going to start #*+$ then before they release them. Let me get my pairs first. Just chill. Thats the way camping/lining up works. Live with it!
I would just call up my homie if those chairs are not accountable for, let him know there are a bunch of chairs for free lined up across the walk, he can start staking them up in the truck bed.

F that, if I didn't have to work, I would line up in front of those chairs. That shh ain't right at all.
If people are willing to wait for several hours behind empty chairs, they deserve having their pairs put in jeopardy.
Trust me! All those chairs are not Tranandco's. HOHLA ain't going to do anything about the chairs.
Originally Posted by five30

If people are willing to wait for several hours behind empty chairs, they deserve having their pairs put in jeopardy.
QFT! what time did you get there five30?......

I agree coz if I was there for a day and a half....I'm not letting some empty chairs just sit there while nobody occupies them...SORRY!

that sucks

so i call HOH Harlem and the guys tells me they are opening at 9am anyone else know otherwise?
Originally Posted by kobehead

Originally Posted by GZA73

Trust me! All those chairs are not Tranandco's. HOHLA ain't going to do anything about the chairs.
Because they're your chairs? 
hahaha Gerrick, i aint harping about the reselling because i know thats part of the game....i cant knock the hustle BUT if you are going to do it, do it!! have the posse etc but have them THERE....this whole putting down some lawn chairs and counting them as heads in line is some serious BS....many of us got real jobs and collect as a hobby so its not cool when resellers come in with this empty chair scheme only to turn around the same morning to resell to those waiting in the same line (online or not).  but as someone stated above, its true...for those waiting in line behind empty chairs (regardless of whose chairs they are) you guys need to stand up and correct it.

G empty chairs is not part of the camping game....the camping game requires actually wouldnt surprise me that those empty chairs are going to be returned to walmart or the like the same morning LOL

Originally Posted by kobehead

Originally Posted by GZA73

Trust me! All those chairs are not Tranandco's. HOHLA ain't going to do anything about the chairs.
Because they're your chairs? 

hahaha Gerrick, i aint harping about the reselling because i know thats part of the game....i cant knock the hustle BUT if you are going to do it, do it!! have the posse etc but have them THERE....this whole putting down some lawn chairs and counting them as heads in line is some serious BS....many of us got real jobs and collect as a hobby so its not cool when resellers come in with this empty chair scheme only to turn around the same morning to resell to those waiting in the same line (online or not).  but as someone stated above, its true...for those waiting in line behind empty chairs (regardless of whose chairs they are) you guys need to stand up and correct it.

G empty chairs is not part of the camping game....the camping game requires actually wouldnt surprise me that those empty chairs are going to be returned to walmart or the like the same morning LOL
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by GZA73

Trust me! All those chairs are not Tranandco's. HOHLA ain't going to do anything about the chairs.
Well even better, throw those shishsts out of the way. 
hahahaha word.
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