Originally Posted by GZA73

Thanks! now you got mad people rushing to NTLA...smh
Don't forget the people setting up invisible chairs at HOHLA too 
The laces were custom made. Man, Imma be a tad upset if I miss out on these UWR's... *cough* I think I may be coming down with something...
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23


how did the Final release go in LA???? fill me in ED, GZA
NTLA and NTSM (Santa Monica) had raffles, NTSM had most the of pairs in Socal. HOHLA was full of drama and invisible chairs. HOHNY got the Homes instead of Aways. 
Happy hunting Daryl 
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23


how did the Final release go in LA???? fill me in ED, GZA

Well.... It was hectic dawg. Take it as I'm never camping again. I got there (HOHLA) like at 4ish and Once I got there it was already hectic. Felt like leaving already. There was ppl mean muggin you just b/c you know some ppl in the front... I'm like huh? I already saw like 40 ppl... Usually when I'm not in the top 30, I'll bounce. I gave it a shot. Since it was 82 pairs each colorway. So I was like #49... then 53... Then 65.... I'm like hell naw... Set some idiot straight tho
dude was showing me his navy badge and sh** like if it meant something to him. So he cuts in front of the person in front of me acting like they're just talkin. So I tell him better get outta the line homie.. Ppl are all talk... Yelling from all the way from the end of the line and sh**... pissed me off. So I just cut in front of his !@# and told everyone, "he can cut in front of y'all but he isn't gettin in front of me" so the line starts moving... And the Rent-a-cops come through. They kick him out and then the panic attacks start kickin in... I'm like dude... If I don't get my f'n pair, Ima Jack GZA for a pair cuz I know he got like 20... Joking G! But at the end of the day, I got my homes and aways Sz 11, "What a good day it was" Ice Cube
Originally Posted by GZA73

Thanks! now you got mad people rushing to NTLA...smh
I can't stand when people hoard info and don't tell you who has what.  I thought that was the point of the message board...smh
NWT...were u wearing concords?  i think i might have been sitting in line next to you...i was the guy with the DKs and the jumpsuit
Originally Posted by Decepticon0

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23


how did the Final release go in LA???? fill me in ED, GZA
NTLA and NTSM (Santa Monica) had raffles, NTSM had most the of pairs in Socal. HOHLA was full of drama and invisible chairs. HOHNY got the Homes instead of Aways. 
Happy hunting Daryl 
I love NTSM went easy for me...long wait, but easy...
Yeah that was me SweatyFoot.

Everyone is for themselves nowadays.

I couldn't help my other dudes that ALWAYS help me out at all.

I was able to get an extra pair of homes not in my size, was going to trade them, but found out that one of my homies was that Sz and didn't get them... sold it to him retail...

These kids are a different type of breed.
Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Originally Posted by GZA73

Thanks! now you got mad people rushing to NTLA...smh
I can't stand when people hoard info and don't tell you who has what.  I thought that was the point of the message board...smh

Same here. Then you got dudes hiding info and buying multiple pairs and not for themselves then get mad when you inform the rest of the forum....

Good lookin out!
Originally Posted by never wear them

Yeah that was me SweatyFoot.

Everyone is for themselves nowadays.

I couldn't help my other dudes that ALWAYS help me out at all.

I was able to get an extra pair of homes not in my size, was going to trade them, but found out that one of my homies was that Sz and didn't get them... sold it to him retail...

These kids are a different type of breed.

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Originally Posted by GZA73

Thanks! now you got mad people rushing to NTLA...smh
I can't stand when people hoard info and don't tell you who has what.  I thought that was the point of the message board...smh

Same here. Then you got dudes hiding info and buying multiple pairs and not for themselves then get mad when you inform the rest of the forum....

Good lookin out!
Yea nobody was complaining when I posted the Big Stage release info.  Unless he's being sarcastic that's another story.  But I can't stand when people don't share info, hide on the board and take that info and then only show up for the Finals release.  Last year and this year, you see so many new people posting stuff just trying to get their pairs.  If it's going to be that way, there's no point in posting here.
DHD....All Stars =
I'm sure some don't agree with me, but I def like em a lot!'re a good dude for that. I lucked out on my aways because of a good NTer. Thought I had homes....was about to start my mission for aways only to get a txt that my homes were accidentally aways. Good thing because aways are next to impossible to find in my size. I was almost getting ready to kill someone for a pair of aways
I think everyone is talking about me hoarding info on the KB24 release....

but I didnt even get 1 pair of BS.....might end up paying rape prices in order to secure my pair of aways.....
might mean a casino trip comin' up soon......
Yea I paid well over retail for both my pairs but it was worth it. If you think about it, you just buy two less gr's, didn't have to sleep outside for 24 hours, and only paid $150 over retail. That's a bargain!
Originally Posted by never wear them

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23


how did the Final release go in LA???? fill me in ED, GZA

...I was like #49... then 53... Then 65.... I'm like hell naw... 
hahahahaha i was stressin on my sz 12's

i can relax on the UWR thnx to the homie in NY.
Originally Posted by never wear them

Crazy how I still got my Sz being that far behind
I think they had more than 82 pairs. Remember the I was #39 @ 9:30pm when the hohla peeps came out to count the night before. The next morning I was #48 the line shifted 9 spots and everyone that they counted the night before got pairs. im thinking they got some where around 90 to 95 pairs imo.
Originally Posted by lakers911

I don't see the UWR's on Eastbay, does anybody have the link? It's supposed to release at midnight tonight right? Thanks!
Hey everyone, I will be posting information on the UWR in 30 minutes from now.  New information just came up, so check back for details if you are interested in this shoe.

EastbayRep - Ray
so i was at NTLA for the BS release.. and this one girl's number gets called (this was only about the 4th number called).. so she goes in to buy the shoes.  about 2 numbers later (about 6th overall), the boyfriend's number gets called.  he calmly says, "oh that's me, but my girlfriend's already in there, and i just want my pair, so i'm good".  you guys should've saw the frenzy that ensued as people tried to convince him to get them and sell to them.
whoever you are bro, you won a lot of respect that day

holler if you're on NT!
Originally Posted by kobe8is

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

im so jealous and hate all of you! seriously. ive never been mad over a shoe before.

i really really really want those homes!



Being in Iceland didn't help you one bit did it? 

Just messing with you bro.
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