Originally Posted by Decepticon0

Draft Day's are going to be a GR I believe

So that means Carpe HOH or you just not sure of anything?

Forgot to tell NT KOBE FAM...I copped Inlines and Away's this morning. Had to order the Away's from FL because no stores in the area had a 13.

Put's me up to 3 pairs. All GR of course, but i'm happy!
stephdiddy bring some lotion, you are going to be on Niketalk vacation for a few weeks with posts like that.

Carpes will be pushing for everyone's #1 CW when they are released for sure...cant wait to grab 1 or 2 if I can.
If he did edit it... It would still show in quotes... And I agree John... I don't even own any white socks I think. But I assume this guy was given these shoes to test em out....
CDs better not be HoH. I hope they release in the same numbers as the IV.
Wow, just when I thought I could slow down on the Kobe V releases these pictures pop up.

Those CD's and Draft Days are both musts for me. I love this shoe.
Originally Posted by never wear them


cant stop looking at em....
Yeah these look too good.

^^and I am guessing this is a promotional pic for a mag or something, not someone who actually would be wearing these tall white socks to hoop in them.

I swear, White socks with Black shoes seem like a damn trend now. I don't get it. I've never liked it. Of course at the end of the day it's all about your game, but c'mon, be a LITTLE stylish fam.

I'd wear white knee socks if I could get Carpe's right now though.
Draft Days looking much better in those pictures than previous ones and just like everyone else said, those Carpes are 
. Can't wait to scoop a pair (or two) up.
im thinking of copping the aways later tonight but the pics of CDs made me think to just wait for em. I really like em.
Originally Posted by Tjay

im thinking of copping the aways later tonight but the pics of CDs made me think to just wait for em. I really like em.
my thoughts exactly, the Aways are starting to grow on me, but seeing these pics, the CD's are 10x > Aways IMO
Originally Posted by Wyse23

Originally Posted by Tjay

im thinking of copping the aways later tonight but the pics of CDs made me think to just wait for em. I really like em.
my thoughts exactly, the Aways are starting to grow on me, but seeing these pics, the CD's are 10x > Aways IMO
Depends on your size. With me being a 13, they aren't too common so that's why I pulled the trigger on the Aways this morning. Don't sleep on them, because you will regret it in the long run!
i know ima be in the minority on this but i dont like the cd. thats just me tho. all the talk about white socks with black shoes, well i dont play ball so i wear nothing but white socks no matter the color of the shoe. but with kobe v i make sure its a brand new pair socks lol nice n white
Originally Posted by GZA73

Originally Posted by rbtronnie5

never wear them wrote:

GZA73 wrote:

Looks like I'm finally going to get the aways this weekend. And a whole lot more. Thank you EA for not excluding Kobes!!!! I'm going all in and stock piling as many Kobes as I can.

really?! i might have to txt my friend for some random invite now....

i hope there are some chaos' still out there
ya i heard the same...only 2 catches. i heard that it will only be sat...and that the max any 1 person can get is 1k worth of stuff. i guess a cap is good for someone like me...i would buy the whole store. all of the kobe v's coming with me...i don't know why i feel like i would be saving them. hahaha


you know there's ways around that. I can't wait!
Sorry bout not being hip to the game, but what is EA?
Originally Posted by Decepticon0

I'd assume you would have to know or find someone that works for footlocker

Coo, thx...thought maybe it could be some type of online promotion or something. Anyway...not feeling the CD's right away. Maybe they will grow on me.
Originally Posted by jdub562

Originally Posted by Decepticon0

I'd assume you would have to know or find someone that works for footlocker

Coo, thx...thought maybe it could be some type of online promotion or something. Anyway...not feeling the CD's right away. Maybe they will grow on me.

They will.
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