* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by franchise3

I can see where Lebron is coming from though.

Kobe had the luxuary of playing with in his prime Shaq. After Shaq was gone, Kobe got fed up and wanted out. He was close to getting his wish by going to Chicago. Why did Kobe want to leave? Because the task was too tough alone. Even a Kobe Bryant couldn't do it himself.
but he stayed and thats all that matter. dont act like he stayed AFTER they got gasol. He stayed before they got gasol. he could have been traded but decided to stick it out that season...

and you make it as if he wanted out right after shaq left. you and i know that aint true. He WANTED shaq to leave so he could prove that he could win being the leader of the team and stuck around playing 2 or 3 seasons with GARBAGE players....

no denying lebron took the $%*%% way out... couldnt do it as the leader. either the heat are gonna win alot of titles or they will implode with 3 guys who want to be the man. pathetic...
Lets be honest. Kobe cannot just leave the team in the middle of season even if he wanted to. The Lakers weren't going to trade Kobe so they did the best thing possible in getting legit help for Kobe.

Kobe stuck it out thinking he could win without Shaq in those first couple of years. He failed and started complaining.

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

How many Cavaliers fans have come in and commented?
You gonna spill the beans on what happened with LeBron and the Cavs in the playoffs?
Sorry y'all I'm out of town and I haven't been around to change the title or post my thoughts on some of the things that have happened.

As for Lebron/Wade/Bosh... if Miami is able to get some quality role players at the very, very low price they're forced to shell out, then I think they're a team that has the potential to win 70 games next season. I mean hell, a team with just Lebron won 61 games last season. I'm sure if you had Wade, Bosh and some other quality role players like Mike Miller, that can amount to upwards of 70 games.

As for Lebron's legacy, whatever chance he had at being considered better than Michael is now over. He may win rings, but the fact that those rings will be won with two other superstars makes it almost impossible to ever determine if he is to be the best of all-time. If he wins his rings with both a Top 3 player at the time (Wade), and a Top 10 player at the time (Bosh), how can anybody say rings-wise he is the best of all-time when he received/needed all that assistance. I really believe that he should have gone to New York or Chicago if he's trying to better his legacy. Either way, I'm going to be watching this Heat team every Tuesday on ESPN and every Thursday on TNT.

As for anybody wondering what the Timberwolves are doing acquiring yet another power forward, please, don't be naive. Al Jefferson is as good as gone, and we need an athletic PF to put next to an un-athletic PF in Kevin Love. It's amazing to me that the #2 overall pick from two years ago got traded for almost nothing, and it's literally a non-story.
... Not like I'm angry at Lebron or anything for that, because if he hadn't chosen the Heat then Beasley wouldn't have been shipped off to my team. As for the future swapping of first round picks, don't blow that out of proportion either. That can be pushed out to SEVEN years. Meaning that Lebron and Bosh could be out of Miami by the time that swapping of picks even occurs (2017-18).

Great, great trade for Minnesota. Beasley can score very well and should improve over the next 4-5 years if he keeps his head together. Talent wise he's got all-star potential. Head wise.... that remains to be seen.

I have limited internet access, so the title will probably stay like it is for a little while. Sorry about that.
Noble, Kobe did want Shaq gone so he could be the alpha dog. The point is, he wasn't succesful, even after putting up monster games night in and night out. He was criticized for doing so, so, that one game vs the Suns, dude tanked. Just to prove that he had to shoulder the load.

Let's be really real though, and don't front like Kobe wasn't this >< close to being Bull. Why didn't he become a Bull? Because Deng woulda been included in the deal. He didn't want to go to a Bulls team without Deng, as it'd be LA Midwest, just him on the Bulls, again shouldering the load.

I'm not saying Kobe chose to stay after they got Gasol. I'm saying everything is all good, after championships were won. Kobe wanted Bynum shipped off for Kidd. Management didn't oblige, and the Lakers still ended up winning championships. Does Kobe complain about Bynum now? Does him tanking in the Suns series matter now? Water under the bridge.

And that's the point. Lebron was on good teams, but never had anybody who could be a guy to help him out. Consistently. The Lakers have Gasol, one of the best players in the game, to help him win post Shaq. Lebron didn't have anybody of that caliber. And that's what irks me when people say the Cavs have a good a supporting cast as the Lakers. No they don't.

You can't sit there with a straight face and say, if Lebron shot 6-24 in a game 7 on his home floor of the NBA Finals, the Cavs would win the game. Well, Kobe did, and the Lakers won.

So, instead of shouldering the load, like Bron has been doing, he chose to team up with some of the best players today. Dude wants to win. Dude doesn't want to end up being like KG, staying loyal, with nothing ever amounting to it. Then waking up in your later years, skills fading, and then desperately trying to bolt to win a ring. We've seen ring chasers pass their prime, trying to do it.

Lebron struck while the iron was hot and got with a super team. But this super team consists of some of his closest friends. So it's the best of both worlds for him.

Is it the easy way out? Sure it is. Does it tarnish his greatness, potential greatness? Sure it does to a degree.

But what's worse?

Being loyal, and feeling obligated to your team, only to see your best years pass you by with no ring, or, being the villian, and jumping ship to team up with Wade + Bosh?

It'd be a lot worse with the former, and even worse if he doesn't end up winning a ring with this super team, but we can all agree, joining the Heat gives him the best chance to win a ring this season. And for seasons to come.

We'll see what happens (granted though, this whole process has been a sham. These dudes had this plan hatched out since the Olympics)
Dude definitely won't be MJ or Kobe, but this dude would get forever get SMH'd if he never won a ring. That much talent, and couldn't pull it off?

Dude bolted while still in his prime, to position himself to win. When/if dude wins ring/s, people will make the arguement, well of course he won with those dudes on his squad, but it'd be a little footnote.

For the final time, when it comes to superstars, it is HOW MANY 'SHIPS?

"But the Rockets woulda never won if MJ retired

Nah, in the grander scheme of things, it's Hakeem = 2 rings.

And that's all that really matters when it comes to these superstars, supposed best players in the game. How many, if any?
Dude definitely won't be MJ or Kobe, but this dude would get forever get SMH'd if he never won a ring. That much talent, and couldn't pull it off?

Dude bolted while still in his prime, to position himself to win. When/if dude wins ring/s, people will make the arguement, well of course he won with those dudes on his squad, but it'd be a little footnote.

For the final time, when it comes to superstars, it is HOW MANY 'SHIPS?

"But the Rockets woulda never won if MJ retired

Nah, in the grander scheme of things, it's Hakeem = 2 rings.

And that's all that really matters when it comes to these superstars, supposed best players in the game. How many, if any?
kobe won with shaq and a bunch of role players. it was him and shaq

bron is going to a team with 2 legit NBA stars on it already

whats so hard to see the difference?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

kobe won with shaq and a bunch of role players. it was him and shaq

bron is going to a team with 2 legit NBA stars on it already

whats so hard to see the difference?
Well, technically, LeBron can sign with the Heat first and it will be the Wade and Bosh joining LeBron on the Heat.

Who said it was the same anyways...
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