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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

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  • Elias Harris

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  • Wesley Johnson

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  • Ryan Kelly

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Just read that Dwight's representatives are contacting a barber from Houston.

Derek_Goldenboy is the twitter. He's supposedly the official Rockets barber. Lol

Take it with a grain of salt. It'll be an interesting few days.
Can't imagine that after just finishing meeting with five potential landing spots one of the first things he would do is call a barber in Houston.
Looking up and down my timeline of the numerous writers, the past two weeks the opinion on Dwight's landing spot is slowly twisting toward Lakers.. Even guys who were adamant that it is no question Dwight will be a Rocket either have no idea anymore, or say Lakers outright

it is because dwight wants his own big 3 and the lakers are the team that can make that happen in the future

however if dwight considers harden and josh smith or parsons as a big 3 then maybe he signs with them but when i think of a big 3 i do not think of harden and parson or smith. maybe if the rockets can some how get rondo...
I honestly jus don't like this dude. To see him half *** play, even the **** he pulled in orlando, I jus dont like dude. If he signed back and dominated so be it, I still wouldn't like dude. Let him walk **** him, I hate to see my team on their knees begging this sad excuse for a star to be somewhere he doesn't wanna be.

Trust me bro.
I feel you.
Even if he resigns...some dudes are gonna be like "Now what? Told you he wanted to be here!"...
But 1 or 2 years from now, we'll be seeing the same **** all over again.

"Dwight demands trade."
"Dwight unhappy in LA"
"Dwight regrets signing contract to stay with Lakers"

It'll be the same **** for the next 5 years every trade deadline if he stays.

But whatever happens happens. I just gotta have faith like CP said that we'll be fine.
I'll try. :rolleyes


I want him to be a beast.
I want him to have a killer mentality.
I want him to dominate the league...as a Laker.

I just havent seen any of it from him, at all.

If he signs to stay, and he goes out there and balls... then maybe i'll be happy with him.

You cant blame me for being turned off by his constant need for attention...especially when he hasn't shown he has what it takes to be a Laker, yet.

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dwight is not the best center in the league bar none. he is definitely top 3-4, and arguably number 1, but hes not the definite number 1 best center in the league. dude cant even make a freethrow and he only has one freaking post move. there are top 3 centers in the league who consistently make mid range jumpers, have more than one post move, and can hit a freaking freethrow
dwight is not the best center in the league bar none. he is definitely top 3-4, and arguably number 1, but hes not the definite number 1 best center in the league. dude cant even make a freethrow and he only has one freaking post move. there are top 3 centers in the league who consistently make mid range jumpers, have more than one post move, and can hit a freaking freethrow
Dwight should be a lot better this year, with his back fully healed.  Lakers need him to block shots and play solid D.   If I were him, the only offense moves I would practice this off season would be free throws.  That will bring his pt average up by 5-10pts instantly.
He is at worst as good on offense in comparison to Marc, and better on defense ... But Ok
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in other words, i dont like dwight. i'd rather have marc gasol on my team. marc gasol is a team player and i think is the best center in the league today. who else is going to play defense, post u up, grab rebounds, shoot a midrange J, and knock down a freethrow. dont get me wrong, id be happy if dwight came back cause dude is an athletic freak. Unfortunately, thats all he is. i wanted to post in here because i just dont think dwight is the best center in the league right now. maybe he will be next yr when he is 100% healthy, but right now hes not the best "bar none."
dwight is not the best center in the league bar none. he is definitely top 3-4, and arguably number 1, but hes not the definite number 1 best center in the league. dude cant even make a freethrow and he only has one freaking post move. there are top 3 centers in the league who consistently make mid range jumpers, have more than one post move, and can hit a freaking freethrow
Dwight should be a lot better this year, with his back fully healed.  Lakers need him to block shots and play solid D.   If I were him, the only offense moves I would practice this off season would be free throws.  That will bring his pt average up by 5-10pts instantly.
but dwight wants the ball more.... lol
:smh: at the front office breaking their necks for a dude that don't even want to be here and the Cavs slowly creeping on snatching Earl :smh: :smh: :smh:

Wish they'd just go with the guys that WANT to win, that WANT to be lakers instead of chasing a dude b/c of his clout
Lakers made an offer to Clark.. And are not budging from it.

Remember they won't offer him a ridiculous amount of money.. Or more than 1 year. Sooo
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