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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

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  • Elias Harris

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  • Wesley Johnson

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  • Ryan Kelly

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Some notes before I delve into my bit about today’s news:

-congrats to Deuce, L2B and all the others who saw Dwight leaving. I was so sure that he wouldn’t leave LA, that he’d want to stay even if he’d be uncomfortable with Kobe/the pressure to win in the beginning. I’m still somewhat stunned that he walked away from the premiere franchise in the NBA, but the more time passes the more I understand, even empathize, with him.
-when it comes to D’Antoni, we have to acknowledge at this point that we’re not going to go anywhere with him. This roster can’t play the ball that he’s shaped his career out of and he’s too stubborn to be able to change his ways to accommodate the roster given him. I understand he made adjustments to make things work, but it's made him a very basic coach, which is not what this team needed. Rather...
-it was Phil that we needed, and whether Phil wouldn’t commit or wasn’t given the time to do so is now past worth questioning. If he was unsure about returning to a roster including Dwight, he’s certainly not coming to one without him. The missed opportunity to install him as coach was the death knell of this season, and when I (and others) were calling it so at the news of D’Antoni’s hiring, many were arguing for him and defending the choice. I think now we see who was right and who was wrong. Phil may not have been available, but D’Antoni STILL was not the right answer for this particular team. That falls on Lakers management and the person whose influence permeates throughout the organization...
-Keeping Dwight was Kobe’s last chance to win a title with the Lakers. Without Dwight, there’s no hope for Kobe to be the leader of a championship team in LA. The resources are not there, the parts have the team hamstrung (I understand that only Steve is contracted past this coming season, but really, if we make the signing that we’re all hoping for/would instantly put us back into title consideration, is there any honest belief that Kobe would remain the team's leader?), and the conference has gotten so much better. An overhaul now is the best option for the Lakers. An overhaul now means Kobe will likely want to be a part of a contender (if he’s honest about his desire to win another title).


I can remember feeling during the ‘10 Finals victory night that something significant had happened. Obviously we had won the title and had avenged our ‘08 loss to the Celtics, but something more was placed at stake and ultimately seemed: our iron-grip on the league as an unquestioned alpha team. We struggled HARD against another old team through a seven game series that took all it could from both teams to decide a winner. And in seeing the struggle, I couldn’t help but think, “this is it, this is us at our best.” And there was something defeating in that, knowing that we’d found our peak. This was obviously before the Heat formed into what they are now, but after seeing the images of Kobe on the reporter’s table flashing his five fingers to the crowd and holding a basketball in the other arm, it felt like the end. It felt like the mountain had been climbed and only the descent was left. It’s only now that we see that series for what it is; the last time we’d be led to the Finals by Kobe. Now obviously I'm not saying that I foresaw all of this happening, it was more of a hunch rather than a truth. And in the few hours we had Chris Paul on board, it felt like that premonition would be wrong. But the NBA crippled us and left us waiting another year to try getting Dwight (who would have been far more inclined to stay with the Lakers had he Chris Paul to buddy with instead of avoiding Kobe’s aggressiveness/blowhard self). Now we are faced with the reality of rebuilding for however it will take, hoping that whatever pieces we acquire can be enough to bring us back to the Finals soon. But there’s no denying that Kobe wants to spend his last years working towards a title, not developing a rebuilding project whose fruits he’ll never know. I realize many of us here are devoted to him, but I see instead someone whose passion for winning will lead him elsewhere. And maybe that’s in the best interest of both the Lakers and Kobe. We had our time in the sun together, what more could we ask for?

This is beautiful writing..

And you know what..
just remembering how it felt to watch Kobe jump on that reporters table, remembering Rons three, that was the best feeling.

When Miami formed there superteam I was kinda worried, but we had Phil Kobe, pau, but that last team was running on fumes.
That was the last time well probably ever see Kobe in the finals contending again I agree with your statement.

Man.. how times have changed..

also a point to think about is, yes we have capspace. But we have a coach that nobody respects, or wants to play for. What the hell are we gonna do with the cap space
On the bright side, everything that made Howard so frustrating to watch as a Laker last season (missed free throws, bad post play, turnovers) is guaranteed to make rooting against him satisfying.
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On the bright side, everything that made Howard so frustrating to watch as a Laker last season (missed free throws, bad post play, turnovers) is guaranteed to make rooting against him satisfying.

Absolutely. I'm looking forward to his first trip back to Staples, more interested in seeing how he performs rather than hoping that he crumbles under pressure.
On the bright side, everything that made Howard so frustrating to watch as a Laker last season (missed free throws, bad post play, turnovers) is guaranteed to make rooting against him satisfying.

Absolutely. I'm looking forward to his first trip back to Staples, more interested in seeing how he performs rather than hoping that he crumbles under pressure.
Bet he will have a mysterious injury and won't make it into town.
Hes going to get bood MERCILESSLY. cant wait till his first trip to the FT line. 6-18 FT shooting and u can book that.
If the lakers even think about resigning Bynum we gonna catch so much flack as an organization :lol:

Guy gets traded, sits out a whole yr, comes back balling out of his mind :rofl:

Him vs Dwight on Christmas would be epic for the NBA tho :smokin
Taken from a poster at realgm.
Let's take a look at some notable free agents left on the market by position (that are plausible within our price range of course). I've bolded the ones that I think are interesting.
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]PG[/color]
Devin Harris
Will Bynum
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Darren Collison[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Aaron Brooks[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Nate Robinson[/color]
Shaun Livingston
Jarrett Jack (reach)
Chauncey Billups
Beno Udrih
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Charles Jenkins[/color]
Mo Williams (reach)
AJ Price
DJ Augustin 
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Rodrigue Beaubois[/color]

[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]SG[/color]
Leandro Barbosa
Randy Foye
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Nick Young[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Ronnie Brewer[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Xavier Henry[/color]
Roger Mason Jr.
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Monta Ellis (reach)[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Anthony Morrow[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Wayne Ellington[/color]
Daniel Gibson
Daequan Cook
Alan Anderson

[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]SF[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Reggie Williams[/color]
Omri Cassipi
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Corey Brewer (reach)[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Francisco Garcia[/color]
Sam Young
Austin Daye
Marquis Daniels
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Dorell Wright[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Wes Johnson[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Cartier Martin[/color]
Mickael Pietrus

[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]PF[/color]
DeJuan Blair
James Johnson
JJ Hickson (reach)
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Kenyon Martin[/color]
Lou Amundson
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Lamar Odom[/color]
Tyler Hansbrough (reach)
Jason Maxiell
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Brandan Wright[/color]
Elton Brand
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Marreesse Speights [/color]
Byron Mullens
Anthony Tolliver
Ivan Johnson

[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]C[/color]
Zaza Pachulia
Ryan Hollins
Ronny Turiaf
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Samuel Dalembert[/color]
Jermaine O'Neal
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Cole Aldrich[/color]
if we could just get collison, garcia, odom, and sign ryan kelly,

I'll run with that group this year.

what are your thoughts?
You win 43 games, miss the playoffs (or make it as an 8 seed) and get the 14th pick in the draft.

And outside of Sacre/Kelly develop no lucky upside players that could help later.
Pretty sure Mitch is now trying to get some pieces together. We have a long way to go to fill up this roster. It feels good that we can finally put this Dwight stuff behind us and move on. I trust Mitch.
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Mark madesen will put sacre to work. Bet that. Also...peep dwights IG post. Getting DRILLED.
Some notes before I delve into my bit about today’s news:

-congrats to Deuce, L2B and all the others who saw Dwight leaving. I was so sure that he wouldn’t leave LA, that he’d want to stay even if he’d be uncomfortable with Kobe/the pressure to win in the beginning. I’m still somewhat stunned that he walked away from the premiere franchise in the NBA, but the more time passes the more..

*Cough *Cough

You forgot or deliberately left my name out when you were actually the only one attacking me for saying this a year ago. I expect a congratulations as well and an apology for saying I had an "agenda".

Besides that, stay classy. The Lakers will be better off in the long-run, Dwight's not winning a championship in Houston anyways
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Ive lurked in here a few times during the day and finally have time to post. First off I'm really excited about Dwight being gone. You can't teach heart nor killer instinct its just something you're inherently born with. Dwight is not a "eye of the Tiger" guy that can lock in and go for the kill to win championships. Mark my words and quot me. The Lakers just received a huge blessing in disguise and 3 years from now everyone will be celebrating this day. Id also like to state that a lot of you guys and Laker fans in general are extremely annoying and I see why people don't like our fanbase. The whining *****ing and fickleness of some of you guys is beyond lame. I'm personally excited about this upcoming season because there will be no pressure to win and Kobe will be out there getting his game right for 2014 which is really when the pressure will be back on the organization. Dude the Lakers are about to have over 50 million dollars in cap space and you guys aren't excited with the flexibility of starting with a clean roster???!! We could be looking at a team with 3 stars outside of Kobe especially if he takes a pay cut (which Im pretty sure he will). Lakers fans are so spoiled that we expect a championship every year ignoring the natural cycles of all things. There will always be transitioning periods that's just life. Also the blame on Jim Buss is extremely annoying and overblown. The dude has shown that he is willing to gamble just like his dad but he hasn't had enough time to really win yet. If D Antoni doesn't gain favor in Lakers land and free agents show hesitation to come here because of the coach I guarantee they fire him after next season. It's the ******g Lakers bruh THE LAKERS. They are as important for basketball as Ferrari is for motorsport. Chill the **** out and let the chips fall. They always seem to fall in the Lakers favor and with 50 mill in capspace they will again. Bye *******
There's some overly emotional people in here.

I predicted Dwight going to Houston and good riddance IMO. But seriously you're in here talking about overly emotional people? Where were you in this thread in 07 or 08? A lot of us have been through hell in this thread and it's hard to make the realization that we're going to be just a first round team AT BEST for the next 3-5 years.

That stings . And while you have a right to come in here and express your opinion I seriously have no idea who you are and don't think you need to be throwing stones at some of us who have been legit life long Laker fans and now have to deal with what's coming in the future.
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I cant wait to buy tickets for the first lakers rockets game this season 

Ima boo the hell out of him 
Ive lurked in here a few times during the day and finally have time to post. First off I'm really excited about Dwight being gone. You can't teach heart nor killer instinct its just something you're inherently born with. Dwight is not a "eye of the Tiger" guy that can lock in and go for the kill to win championships. Mark my words and quot me. The Lakers just received a huge blessing in disguise and 3 years from now everyone will be celebrating this day. Id also like to state that a lot of you guys and Laker fans in general are extremely annoying and I see why people don't like our fanbase. The whining *****ing and fickleness of some of you guys is beyond lame. I'm personally excited about this upcoming season because there will be no pressure to win and Kobe will be out there getting his game right for 2014 which is really when the pressure will be back on the organization. Dude the Lakers are about to have over 50 million dollars in cap space and you guys aren't excited with the flexibility of starting with a clean roster???!! We could be looking at a team with 3 stars outside of Kobe especially if he takes a pay cut (which Im pretty sure he will). Lakers fans are so spoiled that we expect a championship every year ignoring the natural cycles of all things. There will always be transitioning periods that's just life. Also the blame on Jim Buss is extremely annoying and overblown. The dude has shown that he is willing to gamble just like his dad but he hasn't had enough time to really win yet. If D Antoni doesn't gain favor in Lakers land and free agents show hesitation to come here because of the coach I guarantee they fire him after next season. It's the ******g Lakers bruh THE LAKERS. They are as important for basketball as Ferrari is for motorsport. Chill the **** out and let the chips fall. They always seem to fall in the Lakers favor and with 50 mill in capspace they will again. Bye *******

View media item 482942
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I legit thought HOUS staff was outta they mind when they were getting rid off they own family members for cap space for max players.( And they were surprisingly competitive in a deep Wstrn Conf.) Then they go get Harden, then Dwite.... They wanted Dwite before he went to LA. Didnt know it would ultimately work out for them.
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Ive lurked in here a few times during the day and finally have time to post. First off I'm really excited about Dwight being gone. You can't teach heart nor killer instinct its just something you're inherently born with. Dwight is not a "eye of the Tiger" guy that can lock in and go for the kill to win championships. Mark my words and quot me. The Lakers just received a huge blessing in disguise and 3 years from now everyone will be celebrating this day. Id also like to state that a lot of you guys and Laker fans in general are extremely annoying and I see why people don't like our fanbase. The whining *****ing and fickleness of some of you guys is beyond lame. I'm personally excited about this upcoming season because there will be no pressure to win and Kobe will be out there getting his game right for 2014 which is really when the pressure will be back on the organization. Dude the Lakers are about to have over 50 million dollars in cap space and you guys aren't excited with the flexibility of starting with a clean roster???!! We could be looking at a team with 3 stars outside of Kobe especially if he takes a pay cut (which Im pretty sure he will). Lakers fans are so spoiled that we expect a championship every year ignoring the natural cycles of all things. There will always be transitioning periods that's just life. Also the blame on Jim Buss is extremely annoying and overblown. The dude has shown that he is willing to gamble just like his dad but he hasn't had enough time to really win yet. If D Antoni doesn't gain favor in Lakers land and free agents show hesitation to come here because of the coach I guarantee they fire him after next season. It's the ******g Lakers bruh THE LAKERS. They are as important for basketball as Ferrari is for motorsport. Chill the **** out and let the chips fall. They always seem to fall in the Lakers favor and with 50 mill in capspace they will again. Bye *******
The wisdom, the insight, the realness. 

Thank you wise pharoah
Also...peep dwights IG post.

That got me heated for some wild reason :lol:.

I hope I don't see some impulse trade go down tomorrow. Jimmy Buss needs to learn how to aim towards raw talent and efficiency, on a budget. Instead of trying to go for the home run play and go for the bonafied All-Star. Just something he should go about doing in the future, especially if he's running the team.
Some notes before I delve into my bit about today’s news:

-congrats to Deuce, L2B and all the others who saw Dwight leaving. I was so sure that he wouldn’t leave LA, that he’d want to stay even if he’d be uncomfortable with Kobe/the pressure to win in the beginning. I’m still somewhat stunned that he walked away from the premiere franchise in the NBA, but the more time passes the more..

*Cough *Cough

You forgot or deliberately left my name out when you were actually the only one attacking me for saying this a year ago. I expect a congratulations as well and an apology for saying I had an "agenda".

Besides that, stay classy. The Lakers will be better off in the long-run, Dwight's not winning a championship in Houston anyways


Yall need to tank. Stop with the kobe will never tank, lakers are above that, it's time.

:smokin :pimp:

A rockets fan
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