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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

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Okay, I understand that Ska.
You're right, I'm not stubborn ill admit some of my comments may have seemed contradictory. But read the last post I
Addresses to CP a couple posts higher from this. That's basically the main reason for my concern. Sure his defensive impact is unprecedented. Sure he's a beast who helps us with his presence.

But once Kobe Nash and Pau are gone, you're going to sit there with a straight face and say it doesn't matter if Dwight improves his offensive game? It doesn't matter if he makes an improvement to his post moves and scoring once our scorers are gone? Can Dwight with the offensive game he has now
Carry us to championships with his defense alone and no improvements to his offensive game whatsoever?

Keep in mind, he wants the ball.
He wants the offense ran through him.
You think he can handle that solo without Kobe/Nash/Pau? That's all I'm saying.

Unless we get other prolific scorers on our team to rely on for points once Kobe is gone,
He has to step up plain and simple.

If we get Wiggins hypothetically, or draft the next Melo or Durant or someone who can score 20+ points a night efficiently, Dwight's going to be counted on to produce 25-30
A night for us to have a chance to contend against OKC or any other elite team.

If our teams full of Meeks and Duhons and Jordan hill type players who are good role players (minus Duhon), but can't consistently create scoring for us, then we need our max franchise player to produce more than what he is capable of producing now offensively don't we? Not to just make the playoffs, but to win championships.

Is that an unfair statement to make?
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The thing is, you guys are only looking at the Hack-a-Dwight scenario one way, which is how it dictates our offense. 50% from the line, when fouled intentionally and continuously, isn't that bad. As someone posted above, a point per possession is pretty good. Another thing is, it really limits transition points for the opposition, which has been our Achille's heel all season.

Hack-a-Dwight gives you a lot and only really takes one thing away, and that's momentum.

View media item 392700

50% isnt that bad??????? So your willing to take a 1 point possession in the fourth every time down until 2 mins left?????

Dude, you NEED TO SCORE TO WIN. You can win games w/o defense if you can put up more points than the other team.

If you cant score, you loose every time 100% of the time.

defense wins championships, though.
On LTB with this one. Dwight needs to improve offensively for me to consider him as a legit centerpiece of this team. Defensively, yeah he's a beast no question about that. But offensively, the best we can get from him (this is even generous) is the '09 magic. He needs players who can space the floor for him to operate. Dude is so one dimensional offensively, he needs to have a go to move or something to warrant respect from his defenders.
LA will add another offensive weapon to pair with Dwight, relax.

Are we psychic now?
Who is it going to be? OJ Mayo?
Maybe one of our next two first round picks? Oh wait, we have none for the next 2 years.
And we have no money.

So it all comes down to if we can land a prolific scorer in the free agency class of 2014.

In sure we'll get "something," but are you sure it'll be someone worthy of carrying the scoring load for us on a nightly basis?

What if we don't.

I'm just saying, if we do great. If we don't, then what? You still gonna be confident in us winning with just Dwight? You still going to
Confidently support Dwight's overall game as our franchise player if he makes no improvements?

I'm not even talking health,
Cuz I don't wanna see you bring up his injury.
I addressed it, you're right he was banged up and came back early and produced. So
Maybe you're right, maybe healthier Dwight will be even better.

But does his health effect the fact that his post game has looked the same the last
4 years?
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The thing is, you guys are only looking at the Hack-a-Dwight scenario one way, which is how it dictates our offense. 50% from the line, when fouled intentionally and continuously, isn't that bad. As someone posted above, a point per possession is pretty good. Another thing is, it really limits transition points for the opposition, which has been our Achille's heel all season.

Hack-a-Dwight gives you a lot and only really takes one thing away, and that's momentum.

View media item 392700

50% isnt that bad??????? So your willing to take a 1 point possession in the fourth every time down until 2 mins left?????

Dude, you NEED TO SCORE TO WIN. You can win games w/o defense if you can put up more points than the other team.

If you cant score, you loose every time 100% of the time.

OK D'antoni.
First off, Kobe/Nash/Pau aren't gone. all three might be back next season. More than likely, 2 of the 3 will be back.

Second, you mentioned before that he would need other pieces around him to make up for his limited offensive skill sets, and that's obviously a valid point... but I don't see that as a negative, where you do see it as a negative. I see it as simply... it is what it is. He brings to the table what he brings to the table.

with that being said, if he still wants the offense run through him long term, and he's willing to put in the work to make that happen, then do it. If he's not willing to put in the work, then get rid of him. or just don't run the offense through him and then watch him whine and complain about it and get rid of him. bottom line is that the potential temper tantrums don't mean crap to me, because I'm confident our FO will do what's best for the team based on production, not temper tantrums.
First off, Kobe/Nash/Pau aren't gone. all three might be back next season. More than likely, 2 of the 3 will be back.

with that being said, if he still wants the offense run through him long term, and he's willing to put in the work to make that happen, then do it. If he's not willing to put in the work, then get rid of him. or just don't run the offense through him and then watch him whine and complain about it

To you're first point, no I meant after Next season. Most likely next season is the last for Nash, his bodies broke down man...father times got him. Kobe might be gone too, and Pau for sure will be. So 2014 there's a big possibility they'll all be done, I'm hoping not, but possible.

To the 2nd snippet....

THANK YOU!!! That's all I'm saying. If he wants the bulk of the offense, and he wants to be our franchise player, he needs to put the work in and improve. He has to. Am
I saying he won't? No. I'm just saying improvements are needed to carry this team. That's been my whole point! And if he can't improve, like I said he'll be a valuable asset for us. So yes, we sign him. If he doesn't work out for us and continues the circus then I would be happy to trade him for young exciting pieces. So yes I know we gotta sign him.

But all ive been tryna say is at this current point in time he still needs to work harder to justify his 118 million, if he wants to stay with us for the duration of his contract. We need him to. Yes what he can do now is great. But realistically, the Los Angeles Lakers future depends on him if he commits to us. So
I expect him to take it seriously and work on his flaws.

I would of expected more people to feel the same :smh:
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I just scrolled through didn't read anything except for the blurb about Dorell Wright..

I'm happy with my choice :lol:
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Dwight got Hedo and Rashard Lewis to the finals.

I will go out on that limb and predict the Lakers to find better scorers than just Hedo-Lewis.

Call me an optimist. :lol:
Dwight got Hedo and Rashard Lewis to the finals.

I will go out on that limb and predict the Lakers to find better scorers than just Hedo-Lewis.

Call me an optimist. :lol:

Or maybe....

Rashard Hedo and Skip To My Lou carried
Dwight to the finals... :nerd:

Dwight got Hedo and Rashard Lewis to the finals.

I will go out on that limb and predict the Lakers to find better scorers than just Hedo-Lewis.

Call me an optimist. :lol:

Thats soooo not true lol

Hedo & Rashard was having career years
Hedo was hitting fadeaway 3 point jumpers with a hand is his face that year :lol:

D12 handled everything defensively that year Hedo, Rashard & Co. held it down defensively
Magic scored 113 points per 100 possessions with Dwight on the court that year... 105 when he wasn't. He had a 28 per that year.

It's called spacing the court... When Dwight has free reign he can take any player on the post.. Not through great moves, but simply just being too quick for defenders. Call him a weak offensive player, but he's pretty damn efficient with what he does.

When you can't spread the court (Lakers) you can't move out of the post. He has no room to move meaning he has to pass out or force a shot. And no one was taking that double team off Dwight.
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OK D'antoni.

you never heard of small ball or run n gun?

You know the warriors about to advance to the second round right?

L2B I feel you brah.

and whoever said defense wins championships yes it does....but you still need to be able to put the ball in the hole first, ESPECIALLY/ABSOLUTELY/UNQUESTIONABLY in the 4th......or we aint even 'tombout a chip.
4th Quarters...

2011-12 Andrew Bynum
4.5 pts 3.1 reb (1.8 - 3.0 FGA 60% 1.0-1.5 FTA 65%) 107.8 off rtg 101.8 def rtg

2012-13 Dwight Howard
3.7pts 3.4reb (1.2 - 2.1 FGA 60% 1.2 - 2.6 FTA 47%) 110.7 off rtg 96.7 def rtg

You can say all you want about his limited moves, but he's effective at what he does (except for FTs)

Let me add. Yes I know he doesn't have world class post moves.. And Yes I acknowledge that if he had good post moves he'd be the 30ppg guy that Shaq wants him to be (even though his random number idea is flawed).. But what Dwight Howard does do, is know how to use what he has. And he does it well on offense, and definitely on defense.
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OK D'antoni.

you never heard of small ball or run n gun?

You know the warriors about to advance to the second round right?

L2B I feel you brah.

and whoever said defense wins championships yes it does....but you still need to be able to put the ball in the hole first, ESPECIALLY/ABSOLUTELY/UNQUESTIONABLY in the 4th......or we aint even 'tombout a chip.

you bring up the warriors like they are some standard of advancing through the playoffs.

remind me the last time a team without a sound defense won the championship, i'll wait.
The NBA has changed since 2010, Lakers need to find a way to adapt.

Having Dwight and Pau doesnt work.
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