Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


Marlo from the wire makes a brief appearance in the movie that I didn't notice until recently.
My boy just told me about that and I was all weebey.gif ...like when I realized Vince from FNL was Wallace from the Wire.
My boy just told me about that and I was all weebey.gif ...like when I realized Vince from FNL was Wallace from the Wire.
Ok, everybody, I just updated the first post, I tried to slot everything as best I could remember as well as stuff I had saved and went back and forth within checking, please check and make sure everything on your team is slotted the way you want.  Anything that is not where you want it, or is incorrect, post it in here, so I can use that to re-update it. 

Everyone make sure you're all in agreement with your picks.
Ok, everybody, I just updated the first post, I tried to slot everything as best I could remember as well as stuff I had saved and went back and forth within checking, please check and make sure everything on your team is slotted the way you want.  Anything that is not where you want it, or is incorrect, post it in here, so I can use that to re-update it. 

Everyone make sure you're all in agreement with your picks.
Just started watching the 1994 movie Above The Rim... I'm about five minutes in. For those that have seen it, am I wasting my time or should I keep watching?
Just started watching the 1994 movie Above The Rim... I'm about five minutes in. For those that have seen it, am I wasting my time or should I keep watching?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Showgirls are still on the board...just sayin...
If you name one of my movies again, I'ma cut you.   

I shoulda named that as well for movies the wife and I cant friggin turn off when it's on.  It's so horrible it's great. 

Ok, thanks guys, I'll make the changes here in a sec.....

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Showgirls are still on the board...just sayin...
If you name one of my movies again, I'ma cut you.   

I shoulda named that as well for movies the wife and I cant friggin turn off when it's on.  It's so horrible it's great. 

Ok, thanks guys, I'll make the changes here in a sec.....

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