Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

watching They Came Together right now. ***** 100% cringe worthy, but Amy Poehler makes it enjoyable. 
finally got around to watching Snowpiercer, amazing movie. great action, great cinematography, great directing, great acting. it was also refreshing to see a movie where while the lead role (chris pratt) is white, many of the key protagonists are black and asian. its one of those movies where every scene has some meaning that will be important later on. 

i would say its a top 3 movie ive seen this year which is impressive seeing that the other two i saw in theaters

9.5/10 or 7.6/8 for all you RCKs out there 
finally got around to watching Snowpiercer, amazing movie. great action, great cinematography, great directing, great acting. it was also refreshing to see a movie where while the lead role (chris pratt) is white, many of the key protagonists are black and asian. its one of those movies where every scene has some meaning that will be important later on. 

i would say its a top 3 movie ive seen this year which is impressive seeing that the other two i saw in theaters

9.5/10 or 7.6/8 for all you RCKs out there 
chris pratt or chris evans? 
finally got around to watching Snowpiercer, amazing movie. great action, great cinematography, great directing, great acting. it was also refreshing to see a movie where while the lead role (chris pratt) is white, many of the key protagonists are black and asian. its one of those movies where every scene has some meaning that will be important later on. 

i would say its a top 3 movie ive seen this year which is impressive seeing that the other two i saw in theaters

9.5/10 or 7.6/8 for all you RCKs out there 
chris pratt or chris evans? 
oh god dammit 

yeah chris evans, if there's any doubt this guy can act.. watch this movie

when he tells his character's backstory 
is birdman the movie , with micheal keaton , based on the 60s cartoon?
not sure about where the birdman in the movie is from but the movie is not so much about the superhero rather its about the washed up actor who used to play the hero trying to prolong his 15 seconds of fame. so like if it was batman rather than birdman, sure it would be using the batman character from the comics but it wouldnt be a movie about batman if you get what i mean 

so the casting of keaton for the role is really interesting and ive heard he's great in it. have to wait till the 24th to see it here in canada 
Throwback SNL on tonight.
Wasn't a fan yet when this cast was on.
That cowbell skit though, I was dying
Christopher Walken is the best :pimp: :lol:

"I got a fever... and the only prescription is more cow bell!" Had to buy the shirt of that cuz I love that skit so much.

They need him to host again. The Continental skit is gold.
Really enjoyed Fury. venom's review and posts-there-after about the movie hit it head on.

Really liked Pitt's performance. Same goes for the rest of the Fury unit.
Yea that prescription joke had my stomach hurting, Walken is that dude.

Sidenote: I've heard all the praise and kept ignoring it, thinking this was just another a Pacific Rim type of movie; but it's not, movie is mad good. Can't believe it took me so long to finally break down and watch it. I'm 30 minutes in and man, I will probably end up watching it again as soon as it's over

Edge of Tomorrow
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Just re-watched Under the Skin and Lucy again but this time back to back. Just realized you can probably connect the two. The end of Lucy when she turns all black is that alien in Under the Skin wearing the Lucy disguise but with no pum pum. This time she's back on Earth to absorb horny men's life essence :lol:

But really Lucy was Transcendence done right with just more action and approaching it from genetically enhanced human instead of artificially enhanced.
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Someone said it before I'm here and I have to agree, whoever was in charge of introducing and promoting Edge of Tomorrow needs to be fired.

About to watch Under the Skin, had never heard of it; sounds dope thanks zik
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edge of tomorrow had the best first act out of any movie ive seen this year, after that it fell off a little but was still entertaining 
About to watch Under the Skin, had never heard of it; sounds dope thanks zik
Sold as an art film first than straight up movie. Not hard to get but basically you gotta pick up on the narrative yourself by the end of it.
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Someone said it before I'm here and I have to agree, whoever was in charge of introducing and promoting Edge of Tomorrow needs to be fired.

About to watch Under the Skin, had never heard of it; sounds dope thanks zik
Sold as an art film first than straight up movie. Not hard to get but basically you gotta pick up on the narrative yourself by the end of it.

RT and the reviews here convinced me to see Edge.

I don't understand how you mis-market a Tom Cruise action movie so poorly
I was talking about Under the Skin.

With EoT I assume ppl thought they were being cool with not revealing how good the movie was promotion wise. A similar approach was done with Oblivion (even though that's a different type of movie). From commercials it looks just like some post apocalyptic Earth with Tom Cruise on one side and Morgan Freeman as the leader of some resistance. It is really not that at all. Movie has a big ****** up twist and is basically based on the idea that the aliens (or machines if you will) already won.
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