Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Poltergeist is a very well done movie. Always watch it this time of year and always enjoy it. Plus, JoBeth Williams was a MILF back then.

currently watching it :smokin

Tried introducing my 10 yearold (11 in Dec) & his best bud to the flick last night but they were creeped out. By the time the scene where the mom discovered things could slide in the kitchen, they wanted to go upstairs. :lol:

They came down for a minute a little later when things were really jumping off & they raced back up stairs. :lol:

Surprised at how well the high def transfer was.

Funny to see Craig T Nelson look so young.

Completely forgot they were rolling trees in the movie...
Poltergeist is a very well done movie. Always watch it this time of year and always enjoy it. Plus, JoBeth Williams was a MILF back then.

currently watching it :smokin

Tried introducing my 10 yearold (11 in Dec) & his best bud to the flick last night but they were creeped out. By the time the scene where the mom discovered things could slide in the kitchen, they wanted to go upstairs. :lol:

They came down for a minute a little later when things were really jumping off & they raced back up stairs. :lol:

Surprised at how well the high def transfer was.

Funny to see Craig T Nelson look so young.

Completely forgot they were rolling trees in the movie...

ive noticed different things when watching it after the first time.
Tried introducing my 10 yearold (11 in Dec) & his best bud to the flick last night but they were creeped out. By the time the scene where the mom discovered things could slide in the kitchen, they wanted to go upstairs. :lol:

They came down for a minute a little later when things were really jumping off & they raced back up stairs. :lol:

Surprised at how well the high def transfer was.

Funny to see Craig T Nelson look so young.

Completely forgot they were rolling trees in the movie...

That's funny. I watched it with my son, who's 9, and he liked it a lot. But he's into ghosts and haunted houses as it is. Though to illustrate the generation gap, he laughed at the scene where the dude peels his face off in the mirror because the effects were so bad. Thankfully, he didn't notice the joint scene.

Part of the reason I love that movie is that, until I was 10, I lived in a neighborhood exactly like where they were in Poltergeist. Or, I guess you could say exactly that neighborhood, since you can see my childhood home in the scene where they're looking down from the hill on all the houses. And along those lines, the last time I watched it with my parents, they told me that when we lived in this neighborhood they knew a family where the parents sparked up on a regular basis. LOL.
Yeah, my kid doesn't like scary movies too much... His mother has him spooked from watching those reality tv ghost shows... He's cool with Haunted Houses though. Even the really scary ones so go figure... :roll eyes

I caught the season premiere of Sherlock on CBS. For a network show, it's pretty well done IMO. I love the modern spin. Angelina's ex husband is perfectly cast too.
Once I saw the trailer I said in this very thread that my boy Jake was setting up for award nominations with Nightcrawler. Son is crazy talented.

On another note though, I just saw that Slurce code has like a 90+ rating on Rotten Tomatoes? :lol: :wow: I t was an okay to good movie but 90%? 70s is understandable but damn dudes rated that like it was an all time classic.

That just means that 90% of the critics think its great. It doesn't mean that it's one of the best movies ever haha

Nightcrawler... High quality thriller. I basically think its about unchecked capitalism. Or about ambition that has no moral compass. Jake is the entire movie. Excellent performance. It's a slow methodical movie so be prepared.

A lot of people hate the score. I can understand why. It's not moody and dark like you would expect. But some people say its more upbeat on purpose. Don't want to say anymore

It's not perfect. Everything isn't the best movie ever or worst movie ever despite what we seem to think these days. But it's worth your time and one of my favorites of the year easily.

On another note dicaprio needs to step his game up and take on an unexpected role. His competition is truly overtaking him. Not that I'm saying jake wins the Oscar. Characters of this style rarely win oscars.
LOL, I don't think we'll see Leo for a lil bit unless your perusing the paparazzi pics... He seems to be utterly enjoying his free time hanging out going ape s**t... :smokin




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Kept seeing Prisoners mentioned.

Watched it last night.

It was intense to say the least. I like how they ended it. Endings are such an important part of a thriller.
Once I saw the trailer I said in this very thread that my boy Jake was setting up for award nominations with Nightcrawler. Son is crazy talented.

On another note though, I just saw that Slurce code has like a 90+ rating on Rotten Tomatoes? :lol: :wow: I t was an okay to good movie but 90%? 70s is understandable but damn dudes rated that like it was an all time classic.

That just means that 90% of the critics think its great. It doesn't mean that it's one of the best movies ever haha
I know that. That's what I'm asking. How does 90% of critics on RT all rate Source Code so damn highly?!!! :lol:

It makes no sense.

I mean 90+% implies to ppl that take RT's ratings as good suggestions that they should actually watch Source Code not that it's horrible but c'mon it's no must see.
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you are overthinking it. it has an average score of 7.5. Hardly amazing.

I think that if a score is 7 or over it gets a "fresh rating" so 90% of the people who saw it think it's a 7 or better.
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Oh damn... Leo starting to look like fat Val Kilmer... :x :smh:

He goin' stay away for a minute & come back looking like Renee Zellweger... :x

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The day that I can look like crap and still get 3 smoking hot, barely dressed girls into my luxury SUV will be the best day of my life.

Sadly, I don't think that day is coming. :frown: Do your thing Leo.
The day that I can look like crap and still get 3 smoking hot, barely dressed girls into my luxury SUV will be the best day of my life.

Sadly, I don't think that day is coming. :frown: Do your thing Leo.
If and when I'm fortunate enough to work with him, I'll have you tag along as we ransack the town.
:lol: :pimp: soon

I think I saw that Django is on Netflix now, gonna have to watch that finally one of these days if that's the case. Own the blu ray, but it's so much easier just using Netflix.
Wait wait, you haven't seen Django? I must be misreading that sentence.

Gonna try and catch Birdman tomorrow if I have time. If not, Wednesday for sure.
Yeah I've owned it on blu ray for years but haven't watched yet. I do this all time. I'm just never in a rush to watch most movies.
JRS and LD, you two better take me with you.

Leo dressed like an ape, 3 barely clothed tramps around anyways. **** :lol:
Leo Da Gawd. He probably kept the mask and everything else on while exploring all those sugar walls.
Just writing for now. Mostly fiction and sports. I started off screenwriting but moved away from it, just not as enjoyable. Eventually, I'd like to make my own film. Grab a camera, do something low budget and see what kind of art I could create.
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