Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

On the topic of finance-related films and off-topic with TV, has anyone checked out the new Showtime show, Billions?

It has Giamatti and Homeland dude as the leads.

It hasn't come out yet but I'll watch when it's out.

Episode one is on Showtime onDemand & Online starting today.

Haven't had a chance to watch it yet but I will before the long weekend is over.
Yeah I just finished watching it after seeing the Shameless premiere was also available.

Billions :pimp: Premiere was really good. Seems like the writer and/or creator has some depth in mind for this story. Some complexity as these 2 huge figures go up against each other where a lot of ppl are gonna rake the L and be sacrificed.

Man, I don't know where Damian Lewis has been. Son is so good. It's been too long.

Him and Paul Giammati's characters little short face to face had some electricity to it.

Pretty clear the sex play with Rhoades and his wife will get exposed along the way :lol: I don't see how Axel's dirty dealings of his underlings don't get exposed somewhat.

Really good start though.

1/8 review.

The movie was character focused. Needed just about every scene so it should've been just about that long.

1/8 review of my review..It's my opinion that it was too long and was slow in a lot of scenes..Watched it with 2 other people and they felt pretty much the same as I did..
0.000000098438/8 on you and your friends tastes.

All the critics agree, you and your friends tastes are rated 1/8. Two thumbs way down.

But seriously a 1/8 means they didn't do anything well with the movie and you did not like a single thing. Step your review game up if you're gonna use the /8 system bro. It's chess not checkers
I also feel 1/8 means the movie just on a basic level wasn't directed well, acted well, etc. Like you left the movie only liking one thing that kept it from just pure hate.
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I still haven't watched the Shameless finale from last season. Didn't know Fiona's husband is michelle beadle's boyfriend in real life. I wonder whose boobs he likes better.
I've been saying variations of "so, I got that going for me. Which is nice," for so long I sometimes forget it comes from Caddyshack. Definitely the original "quotable" comedy.
I'll ask again just cuz I'm wondering:
Have yall guys watched Project Greenlight? or discussed it?

I just finished S1. I know it was back in 2000 or 2001 but a lot of that stuff towards the end was such a cluster**** :smh: :lol: Made me want to say never do a flick with children :lol:
I've now seen S2 and S4. That 10 year gap :lol:

going to watch sicario again, might bump my rating up for the technical filmmaking aspect of this movie 
top 3 non 2015 movies that I watched for the first time in 2015

1. back to the future

2. goodfellas

3. truman show 
My top 10 Movies of 2015 for now.

1. The Hateful 8

The Revenant
Beasts of No Nation
The Big Short
Mad Max: Fury Road
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Martian

Still haven't watched:

The Lobster

Honorable mentions:

All the critics agree, you and your friends tastes are rated 1/8. Two thumbs way down.

But seriously a 1/8 means they didn't do anything well with the movie and you did not like a single thing. Step your review game up if you're gonna use the /8 system bro. It's chess not checkers

I didn't give it a 1/8..And all the critics don't agree..Matter of fact there's quite a few critics that have given it a C or worse..And a lot of the people, like me, that think it was just okay all say the same thing..It was too long and there was a decent chunk of it that seemed pretty much unnecessary..I didn't hate the movie bye any means, but it's definitely not in his top 5 films..
Still need to watch Hateful 8 and Revenant before I make my final rankings.. I plan on waiting for the theaters to watch Hateful 8 though, just feels right.

And some of the movies like Carol or Danish Girl or whatever, I'm only interested in watching them for the lead acting performances. Since they'll be Oscar contenders, that's my only interest in them.
All the critics agree, you and your friends tastes are rated 1/8. Two thumbs way down.

But seriously a 1/8 means they didn't do anything well with the movie and you did not like a single thing. Step your review game up if you're gonna use the /8 system bro. It's chess not checkers

I didn't give it a 1/8..And all the critics don't agree..Matter of fact there's quite a few critics that have given it a C or worse..And a lot of the people, like me, that think it was just okay all say the same thing..It was too long and there was a decent chunk of it that seemed pretty much unnecessary..I didn't hate the movie bye any means, but it's definitely not in his top 5 films..

My bad, I misread your initial review as 1/8, and I was being sarcastic saying that the critics agree that your reviewing skills are poor. I can can totally dig your point of view though. I thought Django was 4/8 material and it's QT's most successful movie (money wise) that even netted him a screenplay Oscar. I see what you're saying now though, my bad for the misinterpretation
I don't care about long lists so i'll just say Ex Machina was my favorite and Mad Max gets the 2 spot. Everything else was pretty good or at least didn't have me say it sucked. Will watch Sicario tomorrow and see if it'll break into my top 2.
My bad, I misread your initial review as 1/8, and I was being sarcastic saying that the critics agree that your reviewing skills are poor. I can can totally dig your point of view though. I thought Django was 4/8 material and it's QT's most successful movie (money wise) that even netted him a screenplay Oscar. I see what you're saying now though, my bad for the misinterpretation

No worries sir..I honestly think the film coulda been right behind PF and RD if the running time was cut down..If you quit watching when the credits hit the film is coming in at around 2hrs 40mins (my estimate) and it just feels like it's longer..And I hate to give it any negative reviews cause I thought Jackson, Russel, JJL, and Goggins were all great and all deserve any awards that come their way..Just wish it woulda been maybe 2hrs instead of almost 3..
I didn't hate the movie bye any means, but it's definitely not in his top 5 films..
He only got 8 movies to his name :lol: It aint hard to be in his top 5.

What you got ranked ahead of it? Jackie Brown? Death Proof/Grindhouse?

Torn on Macbeth

No interest at all in Shakespeare

Magneto is my current favourite actor
I don't think they're talking in that lame Shakespearean discourse. That's usually a dealbreaker for me.

So other than that not much of a problem unless you find most of his work bad even when adapted and somewhat modernized.
Y'all really feeling ex machina like that ? Saw the movie in theatres ,
B+ movie for me .
For top 10 lists in 2015 I can see why it's making a lot of lists but not everybody has seen what they wanted to see yet.

I know for my list with the movies I have left to watch everything after Trumbo can get swapped out. Maybe even Trumbo if I get to the movies that'll be nominated where I'm only watching for my fav actors.
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i dont understand why people think a 3 hour movie with great characters is too long

is it just because it's a "movie"?

when jessica jones came out it was like I watched a 11 hour movie that day and I didnt feel like it was too long 
It's because most people lack the patience & attention span to let a magnificent story play out at a "slow" pace.

I know cats that if the movie doesn't have some Michael Bayness popping off w/in the first 5 mins they will dismiss it as boring, trash, too slow etc.

I'm just there like :stoneface:

No appreciation for the art of storytelling :smh:

& all of this is why I prefer rolling to the movies dolo.
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Yeah it's pretty sad.

I'm expecting if those kind of ppl do watch it, to completely bash The Revenant :lol: :smh: A little shorter than TH8 but still 2+ hrs.
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What made Ex Machima great for me was the possibility, the premise.
I used to hate movies that weren't grounded in subject matter that I could comprehend or understand through experience.

Now, there is nothing more alluring than a story like Ex that touches on something that is possible and being experimented with at a behind closed doors level, so it's unseen, something I/we haven't experienced but is in existence though inaccessible.

That story was dope.
Cast was amazing.
Setting was creepy and comfortable, for me.
And the sound, man, perfection.
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