Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Mad Max was the best movie I saw in 2015. This year is about to be ultra LIT.
anyone not at all excited about a nolan WW2 movie? 

Other than characters that have decades of comic book lore, he is average at best at writing characters

Other than interesting scifi concepts, he is average at best at screenwriting 

i just dont see him making a good ww2 movie 
Well I said before I was only in if Hardy was in.

Ever since Interstellar and especially TDKR (I think any writing for characters in the Bat trilogy did not help, he and Goyer seemed more focused on plot) I've been left really indifferent towards Nolan. I wouldn't say he isn't good at writing characters or screenwriting since he did have his hand in Memento and The Prestige but it's like with more fame and bigger budgets handed to him his stories aren't landing like they use to and the characters seem more hollow or robotic than usual.

Been saying this too, I'm pretty sure it's his brother's turn now. Jonathan Nolan is flourishing on Person Of Interest and I feel he gets a few movies directed by him under his belt (if he chooses to) or starts writing some movies and not just letting his brother direct he'll be thriving. I'm looking forward to what he did with HBO's Westworld.
im excited for anything Nolan tbh. i enjoyed Interstellar but i can understand how some people were turned off.
He only got 8 movies to his name :lol: It aint hard to be in his top 5.

What you got ranked ahead of it? Jackie Brown? Death Proof/Grindhouse?
I don't think they're talking in that lame Shakespearean discourse. That's usually a dealbreaker for me.

So other than that not much of a problem unless you find most of his work bad even when adapted and somewhat modernized.
For top 10 lists in 2015 I can see why it's making a lot of lists but not everybody has seen what they wanted to see yet.

I know for my list with the movies I have left to watch everything after Trumbo can get swapped out. Maybe even Trumbo if I get to the movies that'll be nominated where I'm only watching for my fav actors.
started up trumbo , not really hip to the actual trumbo but it seems like cranston is really knocking it out of the park
I always felt like character development or lack thereof was a direct fault of the actor/ess as opposed to the writing.

Casting would be to blame before writing.
You can write a master character and if you give the role to me, I'm doing nothing with it. Only so much "developing" that can go on in a film, that art lies in the lap of the actor/ess
when has nolan ever casted bad actors though?

every actor he has casted >>> his writing 

interstellar had a lazy plot and bland characters but everyone is a proven dramatic talent 

inception also had huge talent but the characters were pretty one dimensional 
natalie portman is a talented actress but she had the personality of a bag of potatoes because of george lucas's writing in the prequels 

same with sam jackson 
Watched 'it follows', it was ok.. Not as great as I saw some places..

Would like some definitive answers on some of the stuff that went down.. Far better than the babadook
when has nolan ever casted bad actors though?

every actor he has casted >>> his writing 

interstellar had a lazy plot and bland characters but everyone is a proven dramatic talent 

inception also had huge talent but the characters were pretty one dimensional 

natalie portman is a talented actress but she had the personality of a bag of potatoes because of george lucas's writing in the prequels 

same with sam jackson 

If the writing is bad you need 2 good things, A good cast and a good director.

i dont understand why people think a 3 hour movie with great characters is too long

is it just because it's a "movie"?

when jessica jones came out it was like I watched a 11 hour movie that day and I didnt feel like it was too long 

Watching a movie for 3 hours in the theater vs watching a 11 hour show at home is different.
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I'm not saying he casts bad.
I'm saying if a character sucks, I'm blaming a actor before I blame the script, or the director even, as u-kid mentioned.

I thought Interstellar was dope. I was happy with what I got from the movie, I didn't need more from the characters, the story as a whole meant more.
And still can't finish Inception. It's not exactly the kind of movie that I'd expect some deep deep character arc or what not.
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I'm not saying he casts bad.
I'm saying if a character sucks, I'm blaming a actor before I blame the script.

I thought Interstellar was dope. I was happy with what I got from the movie, I didn't need more from the characters, the story as a whole meant more.
And still can't finish Inception. It's not exactly the kind of movie that I'd expect some deep deep character arc or what not.

I get that but the actor is only doing what's on the page and what the director is telling him. So I'd blame all 3.
we are talking about nolan movies though, the quality of the cast should never be in question

the most controversial nolan casting choice ended up being his greatest character in his best movie

nolan relies on interesting themes and concepts to carry his movies. His characters are one dimensional and never get fleshed out because they are too busy getting through exposition, I never feel like characters in his original movies are actual people since their entire existence is to move the plot forward. 

like the matt damon character who might be the worst movie character I have ever had the displeasure of watching on screen. We have a character who has pretty much gone mad, being played by a world class actor and all he does is spit out dull lines of exposition that sound like a highschooler would write, without giving us anything about his internal struggle as a character. instead he is just bland and single handedly ruins the movie.

The most powerful character moments in interstellar are when the characters are crying and using their acting abilities to convey emotion, the second they open their mouths its just more bland dialogue. 

Inception was a way better movie because he handled the scifi concept better, and you can excuse the one dimensional characters if you go with the theory that everyone is just a figment of leo's imagination. But the movie is carried by this super creative scifi concept.

A world war 2 movie that is based in realism is not going to have the high concept scifi that carry his movies, and with his poor character writing in recent movies I just cant get excited about this upcoming film.

Tom Hardy's best moments are probably going to be crying on the battle field over a fallen friend, the face he makes when they finally accomplish their goal in battle and how happy he is to finally come home. None of which involve him speaking any of nolan's writing. 

I really do hope this movie is great, but I dont have high hopes for it and think nolan is a bit overrated at this point. 
we are talking about nolan movies though, the quality of the cast should never be in question

the most controversial nolan casting choice ended up being his greatest character in his best movie

nolan relies on interesting themes and concepts to carry his movies. His characters are one dimensional and never get fleshed out because they are too busy getting through exposition, I never feel like characters in his original movies are actual people since their entire existence is to move the plot forward. 

like the matt damon character who might be the worst movie character I have ever had the displeasure of watching on screen. We have a character who has pretty much gone mad, being played by a world class actor and all he does is spit out dull lines of exposition that sound like a highschooler would write, without giving us anything about his internal struggle as a character. instead he is just bland and single handedly ruins the movie.

The most powerful character moments in interstellar are when the characters are crying and using their acting abilities to convey emotion, the second they open their mouths its just more bland dialogue. 

Inception was a way better movie because he handled the scifi concept better, and you can excuse the one dimensional characters if you go with the theory that everyone is just a figment of leo's imagination. But the movie is carried by this super creative scifi concept.

A world war 2 movie that is based in realism is not going to have the high concept scifi that carry his movies, and with his poor character writing in recent movies I just cant get excited about this upcoming film.

Tom Hardy's best moments are probably going to be crying on the battle field over a fallen friend, the face he makes when they finally accomplish their goal in battle and how happy he is to finally come home. None of which involve him speaking any of nolan's writing. 

I really do hope this movie is great, but I dont have high hopes for it and think nolan is a bit overrated at this point. 

Are we forgetting about memento? Leonard Shelby is one of the most dynamic characters ever written! And Nolan basically took a completely unknown actor and directed him into a performance of a lifetime! I think Nolan will do just fine. I don't see how his characters are one dimensional in the entire body of his work. I could see that argument with interstellar maybe. But that doesn't hold up with the rest of his movies. No way.
Will watch Episode 5 and maybe 6 today for the first time with the lady. Will post my thoughts tomorrow or Monday.
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Damn, I don't even begin to feel like that about Nolan characters.
Perhaps I'm looking for something Different in films than you sea because damn, the way you just blasted Nolan, I feel like we are either watching 2 different movies, you are paying closer attention than I am, or we are just interested in something different when we watch movies.

Which Matt Damon character, Interstellar or Martian
I will have to watch memento but I always figured it was another gimmick (not that its a bad thing) that carries the movie like inception and interstellar. will watch and reevaluate 

none of the other nolan movies have impressed in terms of writing for character though, closest thing would be the joker but a lot of that was what the actor brought

I just dont see the hype of him as a director, really good (mostly due to the subject of his movies) but not great

matt damon in intersteller is legit a top 3 most hated movie character for me. I will never watch the movie again because of how terrible he was

matt damon in the martian is a top 3 movie character this year, everything about him was fun and great. Ironically what made him so great was the exact thing that most nolan characters dont do, most of his screen time was showing his character rather than using a character as a tool to push the plot forward. we got to know and understand the character and root for him because he seemed like a real person rather than a plot device 
Loved the Hateful 8. 7.3/8

QT delivers man. He cares about the "movie theatre" experience for the viewers at the same time giving a great story with thrill. Maybe not a top 5 QT but all of them are great so nothing wrong about that
the opening song on making a murderer is so great. love how it captures the documentary.
He only got 8 movies to his name :lol: It aint hard to be in his top 5.

What you got ranked ahead of it? Jackie Brown? Death Proof/Grindhouse?
I don't think they're talking in that lame Shakespearean discourse. That's usually a dealbreaker for me.

So other than that not much of a problem unless you find most of his work bad even when adapted and somewhat modernized.
For top 10 lists in 2015 I can see why it's making a lot of lists but not everybody has seen what they wanted to see yet.

I know for my list with the movies I have left to watch everything after Trumbo can get swapped out. Maybe even Trumbo if I get to the movies that'll be nominated where I'm only watching for my fav actors.
started up trumbo , not really hip to the actual trumbo but it seems like cranston is really knocking it out of the park
You mean don't know nothing about him or don't like his work?

I didn't know much about dude either but I can see Cranston is nailing it. You see him here and you don't think Walter White (not that his acting is really ever in question).

natalie portman is a talented actress but she had the personality of a bag of potatoes because of george lucas's writing in the prequels 

same with sam jackson 
Pretty much.

I completely disagree with it's the actors fault a character doesn't have good character development or a good arc. That makes no sense. That falls directly on the writing and directing. If the writing is not up to par the director is suppose to get the most out of the actors to emote and portray w/e is necessary to show character development. Even with a **** actor, if the writing is there you can at least say you heard what should've been development or saw what they were trying to do but it just wasn't executed well.

Prequels are a perfect example. We're talking about eventual Oscar winning and nominated actors looking real stale for multiple movies.

I do disagree about every Nolan movie having weak characters. I just feel as he got more popular and got bigger budgets he's getting a big head or getting lost in the process.

He only got 8 movies to his name :lol: It aint hard to be in his top 5.

What you got ranked ahead of it? Jackie Brown? Death Proof/Grindhouse?

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 1/2
Yeah we just got different tastes. I said in my intial review I'd easily put TH8 over Basterds and Django. The more I look back on it the less I like Basterds and I really liked Django but didn't love it like everyone else did.
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Indeed he did but man, do I wish I waited to see it at home w/ subtitles.

Shakespearean dialogue + heavy Scottish accents =
I agree on the dialogue and accents but the good thing is that visually it all makes sense. Every piece of dialogue isn't necessary but I would like to see it again with subtitles and see what I may have missed from the story. I haven't read Macbeth in 12 years so it definitely wasn't fresh in my mind.
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