Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

My favorite horror movies

Nightmare on Elm Street
The Shining
The Exorcist
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Thing
Blair Witch Project
Evil Dead
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Dudes in here were legit terrified watching The Ring?

I remember being a kid and laughing at how corny that movie was. Not scary at all to me :lol:
Cant believe its in so many of ya'lls top 5.

Gone Girl was a great choice tho :nerd:

The ring had me shook when it first came out. If you were a kid watching it, and didn't find it creepy, I think you got problems B. It being in my top 5 isn't about how scary it is though. The cinematography was and still is some of the best I've ever seen.

I think I do. |I
The shining
The exorcist

Modern ones I've liked:
The conjuring

Movies I would include but not really sure they count as horrors really:
Cabin in the woods
Gone girl - props to whoever said this.. Scariest scenario is that Keanu movie with the 2 girls though, I haven't seen it
Alien - consider it more of a thriller

Love actually
White Christmas
Trading places
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Yeah someone close to me is a sociopath. Crazy as hell that they can fake sincerity and have no conscience. Barely saw gone girl last week but I thought it was great.
More like a real life horror movie cause that ish can actually happen unlike the noes or other supernatural) monster horror flicks.

I'm a huge horror fan but not fond of the exorcist at all. Exorcism type movies do nothing for me
Love the idea of Gone Girl as a horror film, but sorry, NOTHING is more terrifying than Knock Knock. I didn't sleep for a week. That film scares the **** outta me. Eli Roth is an evil, twisted individual.
While we're on the subject, traditional horror movies don't really do much in terms of legit terrifying me, but something like Martha Marcy May Marlene had me shook for days.
While we're on the subject, traditional horror movies don't really do much in terms of legit terrifying me, but something like Martha Marcy May Marlene had me shook for days.
Stuff like that is why I don't automatically dismiss a movie that gets the horror genre slapped on it.

Not that that movie did but there are some films labelled horror I wouldn't consider as such. Psycho for instance.

There's a way you can deal with murder and gorish topics in a suspensful way that fits the thriller genre much better but have horror elements.
I need to watch Sleepy Hollow again. Only have seen it once when it first came out and remember liking it, but thinking it could have been better. Don't remember what my specific complaints were though. Time to give it another go.
Stuff like that is why I don't automatically dismiss a movie that gets the horror genre slapped on it.

Not that that movie did but there are some films labelled horror I wouldn't consider as such. Psycho for instance.

There's a way you can deal with murder and gorish topics in a suspensful way that fits the thriller genre much better but have horror elements.

Agree. While there are plenty of horror movies I like, there are a lot I don't/just not interested in. Jump scare marathons and "torture porn" are not really my thing. That said, even though the are jump scare fest that are gory for the sake of it, I have a soft spot for the Final Destination movies. They're so absurd that it becomes funny at a point. Not that I'm rematching those regularly though . . .
Yeah I like Final Destination but that's like that guilty pleasure watch lol die in creative ways type thing :lol:

That movie kinda leaned in to the mainstream as well.

I did like how the final movie and first connected in a closed loop.
I still remember watching the first final destination and being completely surprised when they killed that girl with the bus. I was just like damn, these dudes are ruthless and I have no idea who and how anybody is gonna be taken out.

Speaking of horror films, I was bored and watched like 30 minutes of I Know What You Did Last Summer last night. Movie is still buns but Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar around their primes, very nice
Not really a horror fan, but my top xmas movies-

Home Alone 1&2
Die Hard
Jingle All the Way
A Christmas Story
Jaws is another movie I forgot to put on my list.. But I consider it more a thriller like alien
Finding a way to round up anyone who saw any of the Final Destination flicks more than once always seemed like a viable solution to alleviating our population problem.

If I were president it's something I would throw out there behind closed doors just to gauge the reaction in the room. I mean we did already do this with lepers...

Same goes for anyone who's obsessed with taxidermy.
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