Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


Had the pleasure of attending an early screening of "Dunkirk" at the Walter Reade Theater at the Lincoln Center this morning which was followed by a Q&A w/ Christopher Nolan.

Dunkirk is a masterpiece. Quite frankly the most detailed depiction of war I've ever seen on film. Immensely intense from start to finish. Also there's little to no gore or blood throughout the film. And the score by Hans Zimmer is absolutely wonderful.

I won't give away much but the film shows the war at Dunkirk in three different different parts, from land, sea and air. Nolan beautifully weaves between each setting whilst leaving you on the edge of your seat. Unfortunately, the screening wasn't in IMAX, which Nolan constantly recommended, so I plan on seeing it again this weekend on the biggest screen possible.

The Q&A was great, C. Nolan was greeted with a standing ovation. He said he started working on the film 20 years ago. Said the plane sequences were heavily influenced by George Lucas Star Wars and he said he's always wanted to make a James Bond movie. Hopefully that comes to fruition in the nearest future.


Yes, it's a perfect film.
Nice review 100
Saw a few movies this week...

1. The Edge of Seventeen. My wife added it to the queue a while back and it just came in the mail. I was doing some work while she was watching, but I put all that aside and ended up watching the movie. It was really well done. Quality rental that really hits on some of the emotional problems that teens deal with when hit with adversity....and not to mention the fickleness of their friendships at times. 5.02/8

2. Miss Sloane. Went back in the netflix sleeve after 12 minutes. Zzzzzzz.

3. Sleepless - one of the worst movies I've seen this year. Jamie Foxx clubbed it at the BET awards, and for good reason. You can't even suspend your disbelief enough to enjoy this flick. It's utterly ridiculous from just about every aspect. Acting, directing, plot, etc. 0.2/8
lol that sleepless movie was a pile of garbage.

watched the circle yesterday. it was like an episode of black mirror except done poorly. despite the big name stars, the acting was shoddy. the whole thing sucked. nope/8
Anyone else tired of the overload of Atomic Blonde advertisement. I swear I am always on Youtube and I see the video at least 4 out of 5 advertisements.
It's like that before a movie release. Last week I kept getting a 30 second ad for that queen latifah movie.
It's like that before a movie release. Last week I kept getting a 30 second ad for that queen latifah movie.
I know that, because I am ALWAYS on Youtube, it just seems crazy. I would get the Girls Trip one maybe 2 out of 5 times last week.
I know that, because I am ALWAYS on Youtube, it just seems crazy. I would get the Girls Trip one maybe 2 out of 5 times last week.

I got it like 10 times in a row. Watching youtube is so much better on a gaming console than on my phone because less ads and no ads in the middle of the damn video.
I got it like 10 times in a row. Watching youtube is so much better on a gaming console than on my phone because less ads and no ads in the middle of the damn video.
Man that pisses me off to no end watching/listening to a video and all of a sudden I hear a new voice. I'm like WTH, I usually have YouTube on while cutting the grass and the phone is in my pocket.
tbh I'm really sure where to start with Dunkirk.

My first impressions of this film, is that its essentially an old black/white film shot with the modern flair and quite frankly, audacity of Christopher Nolan's vision; in collaboration with, at this point in both of their respective careers, Hans Zimmer's rhythmical style of pacing that honestly sets the tone for much of the movie. It is, in many way a silent (maybe dialogue-less) piece, accompanied with menacing horns or cricketing bangs that sets the table for many of the onslaught of very intense scenes that ramp up as the movie goes on.

Early on during the movie I found myself slightly removed by the frequent cuts and constant jumps from character to character, but quickly reeled myself back in by the realization that the story in itself was simply about the toll of emotions and commonality in all involved of the story of Dunkirk; the actual accompanying story that Nolan laid out really wasn't the main focus of this movie. In war, there is no linear way to tell a story. It is an uncongealed series of acts filled with fervor and anguish with no rhyme or reason, and in this frame of storytelling Nolan hit it out of the park.

Rather than it being a straight forward war epic, the focus was on the bold and audacious emotional rollercoaster that Nolan laid out from scene to scene that highlighted the brave, the desperate, the scared, and the hurt involved with war.

Literally, I don't know if there is any director out there other than Nolan that would have had the courage nor the ambition to attempt the stylistic film that he set out to accomplish.

Dunkirk- 20/8
tbh I'm really sure where to start with Dunkirk.

In war, there is no linear way to tell a story. It is an uncongealed series of acts filled with fervor and anguish with no rhyme or reason, and in this frame of storytelling Nolan hit it out of the park.

Rather than it being a straight forward war epic, the focus was on the bold and audacious emotional rollercoaster that Nolan laid out from scene to scene that highlighted the brave, the desperate, the scared, and the hurt involved with war.
Dunkirk- 20/8
I don't want to pick apart your review, however just curious what you thought of the story telling of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers as war stories. Too much dialog, too many characters?

Also what I got from your review is if you have a surround sound system this movie is a must have.
I don't want to pick apart your review, however just curious what you thought of the story telling of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers as war stories. Too much dialog, too many characters?

Also what I got from your review is if you have a surround sound system this movie is a must have.
Saving Private Ryan was a little too on the nose with its dialogue, specifically if put head to head with Dunkirk.

Which is fine and tbh kind of the norm; its also why Nolan's chaotic scene placements and jumps, while at first a bit hard to get in to, eventually becomes one of my favorite aspects of the film. Again, the audacity of Nolan to even attempt to make such a limited dialogue and nonlinear structure film that crescendos into a completely immersive thrill ride of being one with the British troops is to be applauded.

As for Band of Brothers, I enjoyed the vast expanse of characters as it worked nicely in it's mini series construct.

Yep, def recommend watching Dunkirk in an upgraded theater; the score just takes the experience over the top.
Reading that review made me think the movie would be to my liking.

I got what its going for from the review though and I can tell it will have its impressive parts.

I honestly wasn't that amped to see it but most likely will catch it at some point.
Will watch if my brother wants to see it this weekend. Wanted to check out valerian but those reviews are low. SMH.
The Land 5.6/8

Pacing was a bit off. Another quiet approach to this urban setting similar to Kicks but they didn't go deep enough with some of the stuff they hinted at.
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