Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

^From that article

Modern cinema’s most dedicated rationalist, Nolan has made a (staggeringly successful) career by applying Spock logic to Kirk premises. “Interstellar” attempted to solve the nature of love for its Darwinian purpose. “Inception” imposed rigid systems upon the realm of raw imagination, dissecting the human subconscious with a safecracker’s precision.

very interesting and well put

That IS very interesting. I'm a huge Nolan fan and never looked at it that way
Article goes onto say as with many reviews that it's his best movie. While I'll add my two cents and say in a very real and physical world war that occurred we're gonna to visually see only a psychological draining film from the side of the British. The article did male notion that hearing Germans but never actually fighting them on land. only WW2 movie I can think of in that such is Das Boot
watched keeping up with the jonses despite the reviews in this thread. wow. what a pile of trash. 1/8. i chuckled at one part throughout the whole movie. when they were at that abandoned warehouse spot and on the count of 3 they were gonna make a run for it and zach started running at 2.

Disaster artist trailer

actual scene from the movie as reference.

apparently that he wasn't supposed to have a water bottle but the director let him keep it after so many tiring takes as it "allowed him to become dramatic to something"
Lol@ Varsity Blues "fire that f'ing pigskin boy! I raised you to be a winner....."

Mox hits him(his Father) in the face with the Football
Oh I can't wait for The Disaster Artist. The Room is such a classic pile of ****.
The Disaster Artist book is a must-read for any Room fan, preferably in audiobook form as Greg Sestero (Mark) does an uncanny impression of Tommy Wiseau.

Had the pleasure of attending an early screening of "Dunkirk" at the Walter Reade Theater at the Lincoln Center this morning which was followed by a Q&A w/ Christopher Nolan.

Dunkirk is a masterpiece. Quite frankly the most detailed depiction of war I've ever seen on film. Immensely intense from start to finish. Also there's little to no gore or blood throughout the film. And the score by Hans Zimmer is absolutely wonderful.

I won't give away much but the film shows the war at Dunkirk in three different different parts, from land, sea and air. Nolan beautifully weaves between each setting whilst leaving you on the edge of your seat. Unfortunately, the screening wasn't in IMAX, which Nolan constantly recommended, so I plan on seeing it again this weekend on the biggest screen possible.

The Q&A was great, C. Nolan was greeted with a standing ovation. He said he started working on the film 20 years ago. Said the plane sequences were heavily influenced by George Lucas Star Wars and he said he's always wanted to make a James Bond movie. Hopefully that comes to fruition in the nearest future.


Yes, it's a perfect film.
Shooter premiere last night :pimp:

Swagger's back

Anybody watch Cleverman? seems like a lot of marketing for it lately but no idea what it's about.
Yeah, its set in Austrailia. About a specific group of ppl I think called hairys who get discriminated against.

The cleverman title is in itself tied with some aboriginal people's myths and stories.

The first season was okay.
I'm going to see Dunkirk on Sunday in 70mm. There's only one theater in my area that's showing it in 70mm but luckily, it's the one theater that I always go to.

I wish I could see Dunkirk in IMAX 70mm, but regular 70mm will suffice.

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