Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The public has yet to see December’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but Lucasfilm is confident enough in director Rian Johnson to let him manage the franchise moving forward.

The company announced on Thursday that Johnson will write and direct the first film of a new trilogy that will be “separate from the episodic Skywalker saga” and introduce new characters to the Star Wars lore. Per Variety, Lucasfilm will also work on a live-action Star Wars TV series to debut on Disney’s new streaming platform that will launch at the end of 2019.

“We all loved working with Rian on The Last Jedi,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said. “He’s a creative force, and watching him craft The Last Jedi from start to finish was one of the great joys of my career. Rian will do amazing things with the blank canvas of this new trilogy.”

My gut reaction to this news is, admittedly, mixed. Johnson is an accomplished director—Looper was dope, and he directed some of Breaking Bad’s greatest episodes, including “Ozymandias.” He would certainly be a more creative force for the franchise than J.J. Abrams, who is the human equivalent of vanilla ice cream. But at some point, won’t we hit Star Wars fatigue?

After December’s The Last Jedi, we’re getting a new movie each year—Solo: A Star Wars Story in 2018, Episode IX in 2019, and another spinoff in 2020—for the next three years. Beginning with 2015’s The Force Awakens, that’s six straight years of back-to-back Star Wars movies. The introduction of a new, Johnson-led trilogy is putting the Star Warsuniverse into Marvel territory (Marvel is another subsidiary of Disney). And yes, I didn’t forget about the Star Wars TV show.

I love Star Wars with all my heart; Revenge of the Sith was hot garbage, and I still went to the theater five times, General Grievous’ lung cancer PSAand Obi-Wan having the high ground be damned. I will probably line up every opening night to see whatever Johnson comes up with in the 2020s.

At some point, however, the charm of a galaxy far, far away could wear thin, and the fan base could turn on a talented auteur

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
The public has yet to see December’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but Lucasfilm is confident enough in director Rian Johnson to let him manage the franchise moving forward.

The company announced on Thursday that Johnson will write and direct the first film of a new trilogy that will be “separate from the episodic Skywalker saga” and introduce new characters to the Star Wars lore. Per Variety, Lucasfilm will also work on a live-action Star Wars TV series to debut on Disney’s new streaming platform that will launch at the end of 2019.

“We all loved working with Rian on The Last Jedi,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said. “He’s a creative force, and watching him craft The Last Jedi from start to finish was one of the great joys of my career. Rian will do amazing things with the blank canvas of this new trilogy.”

My gut reaction to this news is, admittedly, mixed. Johnson is an accomplished director—Looper was dope, and he directed some of Breaking Bad’s greatest episodes, including “Ozymandias.” He would certainly be a more creative force for the franchise than J.J. Abrams, who is the human equivalent of vanilla ice cream. But at some point, won’t we hit Star Wars fatigue?

After December’s The Last Jedi, we’re getting a new movie each year—Solo: A Star Wars Story in 2018, Episode IX in 2019, and another spinoff in 2020—for the next three years. Beginning with 2015’s The Force Awakens, that’s six straight years of back-to-back Star Wars movies. The introduction of a new, Johnson-led trilogy is putting the Star Warsuniverse into Marvel territory (Marvel is another subsidiary of Disney). And yes, I didn’t forget about the Star Wars TV show.

I love Star Wars with all my heart; Revenge of the Sith was hot garbage, and I still went to the theater five times, General Grievous’ lung cancer PSAand Obi-Wan having the high ground be damned. I will probably line up every opening night to see whatever Johnson comes up with in the 2020s.

At some point, however, the charm of a galaxy far, far away could wear thin, and the fan base could turn on a talented auteur

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

revenge of the sith > 1,2,4,5,6,7
RotS is def better than 1-2. I might even listen to 6. But not 4-5-7 or Rogue One. No.

And 8 is about to blow them all out the water. :nerd:
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RotS is def better than 1-2. I might even listen to 6. But not 4-5-7 or Rogue One. No.

And 8 is about to blow them all out the water. :nerd:

forgot about rogue one. id take ro over rots. 8 is going to blow all of them out the water. body is ready :nthat:
The acting and how anakin turned to the dark side in the blink of an eye was so stupid in episode 3. The best part was when Obi Gawd sliced up that whiney bish anakin and watched him burn. Should’ve stomped on his skull and finished the job.
Y'all need to stop worrying about fatigue.

Its a damn almost 20 year gap between the 1st SW trilogy and the prequels and then a 10+ year gap between the prequels and current.

A couple SW movies and spinoffs for 4 or 5 year straight won't leave any SW fan strung out.

I remember after Avengers the complaints and articles about a bubble bursting and superhero movie fatigue. Just cuz there were still trash X-Men movies and mediocre Spidey flicks coming out a long the MCU stuff. IM3 came out, wasn't good, and still no fatigue. If anything the opposite.

I was famished in between Homecoming and Ragnarok

Lucasfilm don't got nothing to worry about as long as the movies are good.
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I saw this Japanese remake of the Clint Eastwood classic Unforgiven some time ago. I but I bought the blu ray a not long after but I didn't watch it until now. Very very very solid remake. Highly recommend it. The Korean director Lee Sang Il has another flick with Ken Watanabe called Rage that was pretty good to.

RIP John Hillerman... Starred in such classics like the Last Picture Show, Blazing Saddles, & Chinatown. Most of us old heads will now him as Higgins aka Robin Masters on Magnum PI which was one of my favorite shows from the 80s.

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Two episodes in of that show Mindhunter. Its keeping me interested so far.

My first thoughts: I thought the dialogue was kinda......basic, like something off Law and Order or something but the production is top notch. I'm thinking "damn whoever made this made a terrible script but the cinematography is A1. It's like I'm watching The Social Network or some other Fincher movie..."

Sure enough, I look it up and it was made by Fincher. Second episode the dialogue is MUCH better. I like where this show is headed. Anybody finish?
Murder on Orient Express was straight trash. It was hard not to fall asleep.
The Walking Dead didn't do Bernthal any favors.
Dude is way too dope to have to dumb down his skill for pit roles like that.

Accountant suits him fine.
Movie is so flames.
Rewatch factor gets higher with each watch.
Top notch.
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