Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Trailer for Rian Johnson's new film "Knives Out"

Cast is phenomenal.

I saw the trailer in theaters before Spider-Man: Far From Home came on. It looks interesting, but after The Last Jedi, I'm not going to give Rian Johnson any benefit of the doubt.
I'll watch anything Rian does, but with that cast, I would have watched it no matter who directed it.
2 more days bruhs :pimp:

Spider-Man FFH: 7/8

Movie was the goods. Really captured the struggle Peter was facing internally between just wanting to be a normal teenager and the responsibility that comes with being SM. The action was executed amazingly and that first battle with Mysterio was A-MAZ-ING. Some of the best effects I’ve ever seen on screen.

If I’m being nit picky, the Mysterio reveal twist was done really weirdly. Like @big j 33 said in his review, that scene really took me out of the movie for a moment. Also, they’re suppose to be 16 and they’re acting like middle schoolers with the romance between MJ & Peter but whatever, I understand maybe because a lot of younger kids make up the target demo it’s like that? :lol: I also find the juxtaposition between Zendaya’s role in this and Euphoria hilarious.

Best live-action Spider-Man to date. Someone close to Peter’s immediate circle’s gotta die by the end of the next movie to really up the stakes.
The Killing of a Sacred Deer?

This movie was tapped. Reminded me of some twisted version of a Wes Anderson film. The dialogue was dope. Alicia Silverstone was looking rough, I almost didn't recognize her at first with the mangled teeth. Good flick. Appreciated the unconventional style.
Midsommar was meh. It plays more like a docudrama with some gratuitous shots of gruesome violence. I think I liked Hereditary much better. And if we're comparing movies, I think I prefer M. Night's take on cults in The Village. His take seemed more poetic with a hint of romance and thrill. This one was straight in your face shock/horror with little to no explanation of anything. Plus they never fully explained the circumstances of Dani's family in the beginning. Shock for no reason again. Anyway, technical stuff was on point, editing, cinematography, visuals, score etc. Just issues with the plot is what brings the movie down. 4/8
Midsommar 4/8

- Agreed with water runs dry water runs dry that this was very meh, dry, slow
- Some of the shots were great -- Aster is solid at establishing setting/mood
- The movie didn't need to be 2.5 hours long
- The boyfriend was super annoying -- actor did a terrible job playing the role or was that the intention?
- I'm still trying to understand why the cult did what they do -- it just felt like Aster threw a bunch of weird sh-- just because
- Was the ending supposed to be Dani's catharsis? Did she know everyone died?
This movie was tapped. Reminded me of some twisted version of a Wes Anderson film. The dialogue was dope. Alicia Silverstone was looking rough, I almost didn't recognize her at first with the mangled teeth. Good flick. Appreciated the unconventional style.
I’d watch The Lobster too if you haven’t & you liked the style of this film. Same director but the better movie of two imo. That one’s a dark, dystopian comedy as opposed to a thriller.
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