Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Last Black Man in San Francisco 6.5/8

Beautifully shot movie. Real good directing for a debut cuz I would've just thought this was a Barry Jenkins movie or a good Spike Lee movie minus the dolly shot. Story was solid. Acting was good to great.

Homey playing Mont (John Majors) stole the show by the 3rd act. Put on the 8mprewsive one man show.

Movie is about the gentrification of San Francisco.

Spider-Man: Far From Home 6/8

This was really really good. A great MCU epilogue movie for the Infinity saga. Not the best Spider-Man movie though. In some ways (action, pacing, visuals), This was better than Homecoming but in other ways (emotional stakes and investment, character arc, plot and plot twist, etc.) HC was way better.

Jake G was great. Got no complaints on his performance. I see some even got am issue with exposition filled monologue plot twist but for me even that fit corny *** Quentin Beck.

Holland did his thing once again although I was not feeling the character arc. Supporting characters were kinda weak in this for me. Ned was funny though. Maybe cuz I'm locked in to Euphoria but I ain't care about MJ at all. Her finding out didnt move me.

If it wasnt for the end credits reveal I would've thought Sam Jackson forgot how to play old grizzled Nick Fury. Such hammy forced lines in this. I feel like his complaint about one poster with eye patch on the wrong eye was him hinting @ Skrull too even though thats more of a call back to Chameleon on the 90s show.

3rd act was great. Action was unparalleled when it comes to web slinging, fighting, and the actual stakes. Mysterio was twisted and gave no ****s about killing ppl just so he could make himself look like the hero. 2nd act Mysterio illusions was a total mind****. Better than any comic or cartoon depiction. The use of drones were so apt.

I see what Feige is doing to Sony on this Spider-Man deal and a possible renewal. I know it's a "epilogue" to Endgame and the last movie of this phase but hey made Far From Home so Tony Stark centric that a lot of story and plot beats are hard to digest if you haven't watched a good chunk of MCU movies. I feel like it'd be easier to not watch Infinity War and catch up watching Endgame than it would be to miss EG and try watching FFH :lol:

Anna 5.5/8

Action was dope. Chick playing Anna is cute and has some action star charisma. Story was predictable if you've seen enough espionage assassin movies. The whole forced in to this by KGB, double agent, surprise triple agent, I even saw it coming with how she worked her way out with Mirren's character by the end. If you've seen Atomic Blond or Red Sparrow you know the deal but Anna has way better hand to hand and shootout action.

Nothing special by Luc's standards but still very entertaining.
Have a new girl I’ve been kicking it with lately who is another innocent who’s never been exposed to quality television.

Time to use this as an excuse for another rewatch of one of the two GOATs.

Sopranos or The Wire, gentlemen?
Just finished Hereditary for the first time.

Man. Wow. Rough... Wow man. Probably spoilers below.

What a depressing film. The swerve 25% of the way through. The graphicness of the whole thing. The very real and honest feeling of despair and depression. This was setting up to be one of the hardest films to swallow, emotionally speaking, before the 3rd act kicked off. Then it paid off in a different way, and a much more... tidier (?) way. Maybe. The finality of the family and the overall theme of things falling apart was made to pay off in a pretty bold way. And it felt, I dont know, more real than usual occultist films. Generally there's a saving grace at the end and the main character/family finds new hope and survives to be stronger. Hereditary swerved expectations a couple times at least, and led to something so ****ed up and sad that the film will be felt much longer.
Toni should have been recognized for her work, first and foremost. God damn that woman delivered the feeling of the film. The hopeless depression felt so real. The desperation to be heard and seen when she figured out her mother's occult ties was played so great.

I think it might be the most praised thing about the film, but Ari Aster is a visual genius. The film looked so beautiful the entire time. And that definitely lent itself to making the film feel like a classic tragedy. The film floatingthrough a nightmare with amazing cinematography and visuals sold the theme and overall feel of the story to make it that much better. The juxtaposition of beautiful scenery with gory action has been done enoughbtimes before, but Aster, I felt like, brought a fresh eye to it.

I can see how people would hate the ending, but I loved it. It was rough and sad, and a perfect wrapping to a tragic story. Only downside, it felt kind of rushed. I get that the ending was to be a frantic, scary finale, and it delivered. Some more tension building, maybe even a quiet, quick shot of the intruders, could have added something imo. Even still, the emotional drain is real.

Hereditary strong 7/8.
I saw Midsommar yesterday and yea really wishing I skipped it. Real slow, much of the movie dragged on, not much was explained and pretty disturbing (I generally like horror movies though). I don't really care for those type of horror movies where its a super slow burn and something dramatic happens every now and then.
Just finished Hereditary for the first time.

Man. Wow. Rough... Wow man. Probably spoilers below.

What a depressing film. The swerve 25% of the way through. The graphicness of the whole thing. The very real and honest feeling of despair and depression. This was setting up to be one of the hardest films to swallow, emotionally speaking, before the 3rd act kicked off. Then it paid off in a different way, and a much more... tidier (?) way. Maybe. The finality of the family and the overall theme of things falling apart was made to pay off in a pretty bold way. And it felt, I dont know, more real than usual occultist films. Generally there's a saving grace at the end and the main character/family finds new hope and survives to be stronger. Hereditary swerved expectations a couple times at least, and led to something so ****ed up and sad that the film will be felt much longer.
Toni should have been recognized for her work, first and foremost. God damn that woman delivered the feeling of the film. The hopeless depression felt so real. The desperation to be heard and seen when she figured out her mother's occult ties was played so great.

I think it might be the most praised thing about the film, but Ari Aster is a visual genius. The film looked so beautiful the entire time. And that definitely lent itself to making the film feel like a classic tragedy. The film floatingthrough a nightmare with amazing cinematography and visuals sold the theme and overall feel of the story to make it that much better. The juxtaposition of beautiful scenery with gory action has been done enoughbtimes before, but Aster, I felt like, brought a fresh eye to it.

I can see how people would hate the ending, but I loved it. It was rough and sad, and a perfect wrapping to a tragic story. Only downside, it felt kind of rushed. I get that the ending was to be a frantic, scary finale, and it delivered. Some more tension building, maybe even a quiet, quick shot of the intruders, could have added something imo. Even still, the emotional drain is real.

Hereditary strong 7/8.
saw it when it came out...Crazy movie
Saw Spider-Man: Far from home and Midsommar tonight. Highly recommend Spider-Man. Saw some similarities with this Spider-Man and the first one with the Green Goblin. Zendaya’s acting was meh.

Wish I didn’t see Midsommar tho. I’m trying hard to erase what I saw from my mind. There’s no word to describe such nonsense.

I did end up going with the Sopranos. Don’t think she’s ready for the grittiness of those Baltimore streets yet.

Stopped on Meadowlands, the episode before College. :pimp:

While still crazy insecure, I forgot how much of a bad *** Uncle June was in S1 before he was delegated to comic relief.

“Next time you come in, you come heavy or not at all. “ To his own nephew. His brother’s son.
I saw Midsommar yesterday and yea really wishing I skipped it. Real slow, much of the movie dragged on, not much was explained and pretty disturbing (I generally like horror movies though). I don't really care for those type of horror movies where its a super slow burn and something dramatic happens every now and then.
See, I loved it for exactly that reason.

What a trip, and that opening sequence was brutal to get through man....Loved how it took place during the day.
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