Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watched Sextuplets last night with my son - his choice. Agree with the others in here that it wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be. Did the world need Marlon Wayans’ version of The Klumps? No. Is it a worse place because it exists? Probably not...:lol:

My son actually laughed pretty consistently through the movie.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout - 7/8 (It’s on Hulu if interested)

Now this is a cot damn action film, every action sequence was great and it had a simple but interesting plot. Only real problem was you could see the twist coming a mile away but that’s what happens when you make 6 of these joints. I see at least 2 more are being made but f it, make it 10 if they can keep up the quality.
My top 5 TITLE sequences in movies. Off the top of memory. No order. Not just fav opening scenes but actually text on screen opening credits. Someone needs to add more so I can remember ones I’m forgetting lol.

1. Watchmen

This will always be in my top 5. It’s a long *** intro but it perfectly sets the tone for the entire film and explains what the comic is about. The history of what got us to the point we’re at in the film. Great visuals of text that pops out. The historical impact of everything is felt throughout. Introduces every character and their motives. One of the most famous songs in American history. Whole thing is just epic.

2. Moonrise kingdom

My favorite Wes Anderson film. One of the coolest shots of his. All of his signature directing style are shown off here. The WIDE side panning shot, the distinct color palette , etc. perfect intro for the film.

3. Reservoir Dogs

It’s just cool as hell. Tarantino just has a way of making everything like Fonzi cool. I mean besides Keitel, non of those cats should be considered badass or cool. But here we are.

4. Zombieland

Badass. Visually striking. Unique. Clever. Checks all the boxes for a memorable title sequence.

5. Deathproof

This title sequence was better than the movie itself. You have this feeling of dread that never really paid off. An intro to a cast that was killed off like 15 minutes later. Great Tarantino camera work, set design, and fitting intro music. Complete waste of one of my favorite opening credit sequences of all time.

Others that come to mind:
Scot pilgrim vs the world
Fight club, seven, and social network. (All Fincher, probably same graphic designer responsible)
O’ Brother where art thou. My favorite movie
For opening sequence..

Gone Baby Gone. A little biased coming from Boston, but this sh*t really does feel authentic.

My top 5 TITLE sequences in movies. Off the top of memory. No order. Not just fav opening scenes but actually text on screen opening credits. Someone needs to add more so I can remember ones I’m forgetting lol.

Snatch might be my favorite of all time
Raging Bull
Lord of War
Catch Me If You Can
Still can find new things even in movies you’ve seen more times than you can count.

Noticed this paining in Indiana Jones’ study for the 1st time when watching Raiders of the Lost Ark just now...LOL..

Once upon a time in Hollywood.....what the hell did I just watch? :lol:

Gonna have to rate it as my least favorite Tarantino film. Loved the costume design, the set designs, and seeing Leo play a strange character. THATS IT.

2 thoughts come to mind after seeing it.

1: it reminds me of the time when the Coen brothers had writers block. They came out with that movie Barton Fink. This is Tarantino’s version of that in my opinion. I think dude has writers block or is just washed.

2: also reminds me of something like free form jazz. Jazz cats are like “naaah jive turkey, this is the move. No pre-made music notes to follow, no distinct tune, just vibin off each other with no script.” And non-jazz cats are like “this music hurts my ears, turn this garbage off.”

This movie had no plot and no real point. Just expecting me to vibe of some period in time that I never grew up in and appreciate something that probably only the Director is appreciative about. Don’t think I’ll end up watching it again but I really enjoyed brad and Leo together.
People are speculating it’s a vision/fever dream of Rey’s, or that there’s an evil Rey clone.

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