Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Plus not a rational reason but the look of it reminds me if the recent Apollo movie wirh Ryan Gosling kinda burned me with how boring I found it (yeah, I know its different genres).

I used to think the same way about First Man but after watching a couple times, I've grown to really enjoy that film. I think it was the victim of bad marketing. The trailer pegged it as some suspenseful thriller blockbuster when it was a much more subdued film, imo. Oh, and the score is absolutely phenomenal. Give it another viewing, Zik.

Wish Pitt was in more westerns and sci-fi films. We got a very brief crazy Pitt period. I think if Leo can still pull of crazy, Brad should still have it in his bag.

For the last 10-15 years he’s gravitated towards roles where he has to subdue his emotions.

I'm a huge Brad Pitt fan as well and I think he's doing more calmer roles because he did the "crazy" characters already. From 12 Monkeys, Snatch, Kalifornia, Fight Club, Se7en, etc early in his career. He's going for the more stoic roles & from the buzz of Once Upon... and Ad Astra, he might be in some Oscar talks. He should be a lock for best supporting in Once Upon, if not the win, then at least a nomination. He damn near carried that film. No shot at Leo.

I'm seeing Ad Astra over the weekend. At first I overlooked the film because the trailers were too vague but from the reviews I've read, it sounds like the goods.
My favorite Brad Pitt performance is him as the stoner roommate in True Romance.

My fave

I used to think the same way about First Man but after watching a couple times, I've grown to really enjoy that film. I think it was the victim of bad marketing. The trailer pegged it as some suspenseful thriller blockbuster when it was a much more subdued film, imo. Oh, and the score is absolutely phenomenal. Give it another viewing, Zik.
It wssnt bad. I just didn't enjoy it much. I didn't come in thinking it was something else.

Just something about the cast or dialogue was stale and boring.

Might give it a rewatch.
I preface this by saying that I’m not super tech savvy, but you know what’s always kind of tripped me out? The fact you can stop a Blu Ray mid way through, take it out of player, put it back months later and it remembers exactly where you left off...that’s some black magic right there....
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Ad Astra 4.5/8

Monkeys in Space :lol: man, Liv Tyler’s entire storyline should’ve been featured more. :smh:

Without Brad Pitt this movie is not made or Wal-Mart bin bound.

I don’t have to get even further into it than that, it wasn’t that good, and I went in wanting to like it.
I preface this by saying that I’m not super tech savvy, but you know what’s always kind of tripped me out? The fact you can stop a Blu Ray mid way through, take it out of player, put it back months later and it remembers exactly where you left off...that’s some black magic right there....
Same mechanics as a vhs tape just different methods.
Saw Ad Astra last night, I liked it a lot. It's much more of a drama, artsy sci-fi movie in an action film. Some of the other people I saw the movie with didn't like it because it went in expecting more action. It's a father son relationship movie set in space.
What I meant was I wasnt planning on seeing it but now my interest is piqued

Im a Pitt fan and i love sci-fi but the trailer did not draw me in to the story.

Plus not a rational reason but the look of it reminds me if the recent Apollo movie wirh Ryan Gosling kinda burned me with how boring I found it (yeah, I know its differnt genres).

I was HYPED for First Man. Disappointed. It wasn't bad at all, but I was hoping for something great.

I love space movies, love Pitt, Ad Astra looks fine, but I'm also not dying to go get it. I will though, and hopefully it delivers.
Saw Ad Astra last night, I liked it a lot. It's much more of a drama, artsy sci-fi movie in an action film. Some of the other people I saw the movie with didn't like it because it went in expecting more action. It's a father son relationship movie set in space.

Reminds me exactly of when I saw Pitt’s Assassination of Jesse James film. It’s one of my favorite films of all time. Def an artsy drama that explores the relationship between him and his killer. My friends almost walked out out of boredom and were expecting a shoot em up western with Pitt playing a train robber.
I wasn’t expecting more necessarily, but Ad Astra bored me to death. The plot was so thin, and it felt like nothing happened. Then on the other hand you had some pretty out there moments that left me confused.

I get what they were trying to do with the tone and pace in space, but it just didn’t serve such a straightforward story to tell it so mutedly.

Some people were definitely expecting a blockbuster action sci-fi film for sure, but for me there just wasn’t enough fleshing out of the characters and why they’re important. The movie just jumps into things and doesn’t really lay any of the groundwork that would make me care about how things go down in the final act.
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I was never planning to see Ad Astra because I assume Pitt’s movies are going to be slower, think pieces, which aren’t really my bag. I’m not knocking those kind of films at all; I just prefer to invest my entertainment hours on lighter fare. I guess I’m lazy. :lol:
I’m hearing mixed reviews so far from my friends when it comes to Ad Astra, I’ll probably wait to catch it later as a $6 matinee. I think I’ll just get high and go see Rambo **** **** up this weekend.
just watched Ad Astra
it was enjoyable
visually :pimp:
some parts had me shaking my head
i think i dozed off for a minute or so. i was hella tired and the length and pacing did not help :lol:
The scene on the moon was great, I loved everything about it. Why not more Liv to see what’s going on?

Miss me with anything past the Caesar part, thought it definitely fell apart from then on
Ad Astra, It 2, Rambo, Villains, Goldfinch, and Hustlers coming up for me.

Probably not gonna be able to see all 6 in one day.
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