Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Has anybody seen Ad Astra

I am watching it right now.
I don’t know what I’m watching.
Electrical Surges
Subway eateries on the Moon.
Killer Pirates on the Moon
Crazy killer Chimps on abandoned Space Stations
Secret Missions

watched this in theaters. Fell asleep towards the end. I can’t think of a more disappointing film off the top of my head. Pitt and outer space science fiction should be a slam dunk. Turned out being a lame “daddy didn’t love me” story with some rocket ships. Rated TRASH/8
Ad Astra had its good moments, like those two tap-dancing twins on that eerie video on the spacecraft, the space bandits scene on the moon was actually exhilarating in the theater (doubt it would play as well at home), not knowing who Pitt should trust, etc.

Overall, you take Pitt out of the movie and insert X actor, it’s barely watchable. With Pitt, and those scenes mentioned above in a theater setting, I’d give it like a 5 to 5.5/8.
Anyone on here watch American Gods? I watched the first few episodes and was interested, but didn’t keep up for whatever reason. Worth getting back into?
Anyone on here watch American Gods? I watched the first few episodes and was interested, but didn’t keep up for whatever reason. Worth getting back into?
Rewatched the Americans over the last 3 weeks and that has to be the best finale to a show ever. Left me satisfied at the same craving for another season or movie set after the fall of the Soviet Union. Want to know how the kids are doing and if Renee is/was really kgb. Gotta feel for Philip he just wanted the American dream and he had it but really didn’t at the same time.

I can remember watching it with my parents on hbo when it first came out. All I can remember is that it was ultra violent for that time, I wasn’t used to seeing any of the main actors being villains, and I remember nobody I ever talked to had ever heard of the film :lol:

have you watched it recently? Does it hold up?
Watched. A beautiful Mind since it’s been a while. I was dead when I heard ‘Vision’ :lol: can’t imagine ‘Vision/ Paul Bettany’ like that
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