Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

yall ever ask or remember what your parents fav films are? being of another generation and technology has drastically changed its one to ponder what they say. my mom says top to bottom from her early years starting from hitchcock, kubrick , and very early on implanting in my brain that Fellini is a goat by the way, says that Lord of the Rings is her fav film. prolly return of the king is #1 but the trilogy is perfection to her :lol:.

I'll have to ask my dad but im pretty sure itll be a clint eastwood one.
just finished Friday Night Lights
that was some good entertainment. really gets you invested in the storylines and characters

even though s2 was all over the place :lol: i'll chalk it up to writer's strike and tv networks getting involved
i knew it had a cult following but did not realize the tv ratings were low when it aired
JLD in Falcon and The Winter Soldier.


Finished the last two episodes, wish it was longer than 6.

Sebastian Stan really came into his own in this series.

Man so far this is a good sci-fi spy flick. I'm a hour in I understand the story clearly so far. Get the twist of the reverse entropy mechanics. One thing I read about the movie is that the sound drowned out the dialogue but that aint happening here.

The part where Andrei was asking him where the device was with the blue side and red side. This temporal pincer move, reverse talking, going back in the past was confusing as ****. I caught on but damn was that unnecessary with how fast they explained it :lol:

I aint mad at Nolan for this. I see what he was trying to do. Predictable but there's symmetry in the protagonist fighting himself as he went through time inverted. Real close comparison to Inception.

But damn like the whole last hour is the 3rd act.

I dug it. Although I am a sucker for almost anything sci-fi. I'd say this is a departure from Nolan's downward trend with Interstellar and Dunkirk. With Neil's sacrifice and the reveal the protagonist was in charge all along I think the story had just enough feels and intricate plotting to balance things out to feel like a great Nolan movie.

Pen15 is weird but funny
adults playing 7th graders while the rest of the classmates are kids :lol:
Jillian Lauren is Super into herself.

Confronting a Serial Killer: Sam Little

Series started out pretty good. Episode 3 just aired and tbh, every episode is the same info over and over. I thought the way tonight’s episode ended meant the Series had concluded but I see there are 2 more episodes. I don’t care to finish.
The Girlfriend Experience started today. 2 episode Premiere. Episodes are 30minutes each.

Ive really enjoyed the prior Seasons.
Just saw Nomadland. It started draggin hard halfway through. Cinematography was good but If I wasn't in the theater I might've changed the channel. Still enjoyed it tho.
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