Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

tell em CP!! She sexy as hell. I liked Bullock best (looks wise) in Speed and Demolition Man. She got a nice backside.
Word, word. We don’t have enough backside/Kramer *** Men in this thread to be honest. That’s what I’ve gleaned from y’all over the last 15 years.





Cool lil trivia about how Keaton played the same character in 2 different films from 2 different studios.
Holy ****.
I didn’t know Jimmy Fallon played the Manager’s Manager in Almost Famous. Wow, man.
Saw Spiral last night (no pun intended lol) and while entertaining it's def not touching some of the better Saw movies. Story was decent but Rock can be tough to take seriously as a dramatic actor especially when he does that specific tone with his voice. A couple of the death scenes were done well though and some an ode to the Saw series. Sam Jackson did his thing but didn't really have a huge role. Also, the big reveal didn't really do it for me either. I'd say a solid 4.5/8 though.

Also saw Wrath of Man earlier in the week. One of my favorite movies this year so far. It had a solid revenge plot and definitely didn't give things away until near the end. Statham was in his bag and one of his better performances in some time. The supporting cast was strong also, Jeffrey Donovan played his role well as did Laz Alonso. Really good dialogue but some was hard to hear due to all the loud gunfire. I saw it in IMAX though and the special effects were well done. I'd give it a 6.5/8.
Reminds me of how action films pretty much died till The Raid etc. Just needs something to shake it up and prompt Hollywood to duplicate.
Mare of Easttown is good but not what I was expecting. I didn’t watch trailers I just read that it was a crime/mystery show. It’s really a drama so I was a bit let down.

Then I started Sharp Objects and wow. Great show, super dark, and pretty much what I was looking for. The last episode is wild. Slow at times and some scenes feel unnecessary but it’s really a great show.
Is the comedy movie genre dead? The last decade or so has been the worst period for new movie comedies I can remember in my life time. And seems like they’re barely making any comedy films anymore.
They're dead and I felt it was dying a decade ago.

It felt like Apatow, Ferrell, Rogan and Hill on the rise, a few others had their run back then and since that time nobody else came on the scene to keep going this decade.

There's still comedies made here and there but not a lot of new faces.
Staten was cheeks.
Palm Springs was legit. 😂


Game night was the last TRUE comedy that made me laugh out loud like the good ol’ days. 2010’s had very few great comedies for sure.

nowadays everything gets released as whatever streaming services “original content” and it’s just trash most of the time.
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