Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Honestly wouldn't say you made a mistake missing out on GoT. Especially since if you watch now you'll be doing it by yourself.

It's really good at first and is more than a fantasy show but after the writers run out of book material for the show its a downhill disaster you can't look away from no matter how much it'll scar you for investing in it that'll try to cover up its shortcomings with fan service until the end where they just stop giving a **** and rush the ending.
without going back on season premiere dates and Martin's book releases that coincide with it, or as close to it as possible could you tell the difference in the show getting worse? on its own as a media?

I've never seen GoT myself and your statement felt like the first honest comment about GoT I've read
Honestly wouldn't say you made a mistake missing out on GoT. Especially since if you watch now you'll be doing it by yourself.

It's really good at first and is more than a fantasy show but after the writers run out of book material for the show its a downhill disaster you can't look away from no matter how much it'll scar you for investing in it that'll try to cover up its shortcomings with fan service until the end where they just stop giving a **** and rush the ending.
When did it start going downhill? What season did they use up all the book material?
The Jedi will be overwhelmed. The Republic will agree to any demands we make.


I just can't do fantasy stuff. I've still yet to watch GoT. Saw like 20min of the first ep last week and put it down. Might come back to it tho
*Flamesuit on*
Good call, show is trash. Made it to season 2 a few years ago, but decided to stop watching since I was falling asleep during every damn episode.
Yes, you’ll be attached to her. (She’s naked in like the 3rd episode).
She was nude in the first episode too. I remember she was giving her brother "funny" looks before she was supposed to meet dude who she's supposed to marry. She hopped into that hot bath lookin salty like she wanted to smash her brother 🤮
Not only was Emilia Clarke naked as she hopped into that scolding hot water that leaves you thinking ‘why the hell did she not gets burned’ BUT, she was rocking the natural bush hardcore. Joint was looking noice…
She was nude in the first episode too. I remember she was giving her brother "funny" looks before she was supposed to meet dude who she's supposed to marry. She hopped into that hot bath lookin salty like she wanted to smash her brother 🤮

Oh, that was the episode I was thinking of :lol: She most definitely does not smash her bro.
I just can't do fantasy stuff. I've still yet to watch GoT. Saw like 20min of the first ep last week and put it down. Might come back to it tho
As I’ve aged I’ve grown to appreciate the Fantasy Fiction just as much as real life. When I was in my 20’s, we’ll any time shortly after moving out on my own, I think real life was soo dope and enjoyable that I couldn’t be bothered with Fantasy **** at all, and I wanted no parts of it. Being 40+ now I realize, Fantasy Fiction is closer to the truth or at least as close to it as the “real life” Film I consume so I don’t mind watching it at all. It’s dope. 🤷🏻‍♂️
without going back on season premiere dates and Martin's book releases that coincide with it, or as close to it as possible could you tell the difference in the show getting worse? on its own as a media?

I've never seen GoT myself and your statement felt like the first honest comment about GoT I've read
I immediately noticed before I realized the fact they ran out of book material.

Like it was one thing when a new group of characters were a let down (not every new character with extended focus will be great ot even good but you expect serviceable) but what really got me was the dialog. It took a nosedive for certain characters whose whole thing were their intelligence and cleverness.

My two favorite characters got the two worse ends. One is telling low hanging fruit jokes constantly almost as if the writers thought this was South Park and since they couldn't fake it as well with the other character he just got limited screen time and when he made moves they didn't make much sense.

Also beware what really kept majority fans in it was how the writers and showrunners would always try to save the season with an epic second to last episode battle or unexpected death(s). HBO put in the money for.big production battles. Even when they ran out of book material they kept with some cool memorable episodes before the season ended except for in the final season which was all abysmal bull ****.
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She was nude in the first episode too. I remember she was giving her brother "funny" looks before she was supposed to meet dude who she's supposed to marry. She hopped into that hot bath lookin salty like she wanted to smash her brother
Yeah, I'd say you definitely misinterpreted that scene. She was clearly repulsed at her brother's sexual advances & innuendos but powerless at that time.

Green Knight 5.75/8

Need to watch it again with some research and subtitles. Wasn't what I thought i was going to be, granted I tried to go into it with knowing as little as possible.
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