Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Green Knight in t-minus 30 mins. Pretty stoked I was able to get tickets.
Lol at "able" to get tickets.

***** you should of told shorty you bought the theater out.

joint been sold out but I was able to snag disabled seating because of my temporary disability.

GF didn’t get to come with. Sorry not sorry, I’m gonna get mines by any means necessary :lol:
Just watched Gunpowder Milkshake, w/ Lena Heady (Cersei from GoT).


For obvious reasons it will get compared to Lucy, Peppermint, Atomic Blonde, etc, but... no. Those were simple stories w/ a woman as the lead (well, Lucy wasn't simple, but it really just got choppy & weird in the final act). With those I felt like I was watching something no different than say Bourne, a simple enough story but a male lead. Gunpowder had terrible inconsistencies and questions that made it super choppy, not to mention helllla predictable.


The Green Knight 6.2/8

I liked it but didn’t love it. First of all, it’s HIGH FANTASY. Like a brothers Grimm style fairytale with the best production value possible. Simply put, it looks DOPE. It had me hook, line, and sinker 8/8 until about 80 minutes in, then it dragged in a bad way. Scenery got repetitive, story just threw confusing stuff in for what seemed like no reason.

at this point I’m thinking “damn I really didn’t want this to be a film where I instantly gotta watch one of those ‘Green Knight Explained’ videos on YouTube just to slightly understand it.” And it was strongly headed in that direction. Started to chart into M. knight Shalayman lady in the water territory.

I persisted. And the ending was a huge payoff, and saved the movie for me. I would say it could have done with a voiceover narration or something because they just don’t explain jack **** for 95% of the film so you gotta just throw your hands up. Until the end.

If you don’t see this in theaters, don’t bother watching. First you’ll miss out on the spectacle of it all, and it really is a sight and sound to behold. But secondly, with all the distractions and comfort that your home can offer, you probably won’t be able to sit through it any other way. Strong brothers Grimm, pans labyrinth, Willow, and The Fountain vibes. Hope this review helps anyone that was on the fence.
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