Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

World War Z is still my favorite Zombie story.
Without Pitt though, it could go soft.
With Pitt, it’s a remarkable piece.
I just watched the Extended Version and I don’t remember the Teeth Puller scene, at all.

Dude was a nutbag.
The Shack (2017)

We really still doing this in 2017? Really? Thought this was gonna be a psychological thriller or something. An hour in, it turns into a cheesy hallmark /Christianity puff film, complete with the “magical negro” stereotype.

Almost unwatchable after the 1 hour mark.

The movie LOOKED good. Maybe that’s where most of the $20 million budget went. Besides that, the film was SUPER boring. Even its target demo would struggle finishing this. 1/8 rating. Hollywood TRIPPIN trippin for trying this bull
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You guys love A24 Films right?
Man do I have a piece for you. Holy F’ing S word, man.
Dude I ****** around a fell asleep right after World World Z but, the next film that was on was a film that was playing before I reached deep sleep and it caught me in my dream state, Oh. My. God.
I woke up and was very shaken. I was having such disturbing dreams interwoven with this Film.
I was so shook that I had to get up and stay up for a bit to calm down. It was then I realized it was the film on the Tele that had caused those ill dreams. The Music in the film was so creepy, so hypnotizing, it put me right back to sleep where these super ill dreams continued, and I finally woke up and cut the Tele off.
Today, I can’t think of anything but that film, so I’m getting ready to watch it.
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Better than the Dark Knight?

That's the best superhero movie I ever saw

I’m just back from seeing it - and it was great.

But, on its own TDK is better - the great part about this is all the links to the previous Marvel movies - it’s a much larger thing than just a great movie.
Just saw No Sudden Move, its my fave of the year for me right up there with Dune. Want to see c'mon c'mon though
Was gonna say you didn’t say the name of the movie
Damn Bro, I don’t even know what to say about that Film. What a head jerk mind bend. It took me a few hours just watch because I kept replaying parts and scenes. That was a ride. I have only seen a few films that put me in that State of Mind. Definitely glad I watched and glad it fell on my Tele last night. Mind of reminds me of that film that is an NT CULT CLASSIC where they are stuck on that Ship.
Anybody watch The Humans on Showtime?

Felt like it was supposed to be deeper than what it was but it came out boring to me .
Anybody watch The Humans on Showtime?

Felt like it was supposed to be deeper than what it was but it came out boring to me .
I saw mad praise for this, A24, some good actors, etc.

I'm thinking this mundane **** about to build to some wild sci-fi twist or straight up horror. I'm thinking at least it'll be like Carnage.


Just had some arguments, revealed some ****, then just walked away and ended it. Wasn't even any closure to the story they did do.

Wasted some good actors.
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