Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Probably goes without saying but Jack Nicholson in Batman was 🔥🔥🔥. Keaton gets some hate for his portrayal but I enjoyed the movie even with it being 30 years old.

While I knew there was alot of Batmen I didn't really realize what a big task it would be to watch them all in a weekend. 😂 So instead I'm going to watch the first movie of each of the Batmen and then get to the sequels if I can still stomach them after 😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️. My dude Val Kilmer is next.

Watch Dark Knight instead of an Affleck movie
Oh yeah yesterday was

But a small search for my next one
Yeah there's no Batfleck movie, but if it's BvS I had no idea they were trying to be Marvel, it was just bad. The actual only good part of that movie was Batfleck getting busy.
Finished season 2 of Ozark last night. Didn't someone in here warn me that season 2 was kind of a down season compared to 1, 3, and 4? That was supposed to be a lull? Can't wait for 3 and 4, then. Good GOD.

That finale. 😳😬 Jacob, FBI dude, Ruth's dad... and then we see Wendy a whole MFing G! But all cute smiles and apple pie on the table in her lil minivan. 🤣🤙

Kinda seems like Wendy is turning into the Walter White of the show. 👀

Batman vs Superman and Justice League are DC’s attempts at Marvel, so he said he was gonna watch one of each of the different Batman actor’s movies.

Which assumed was Batman vs. Superman, which no one should watch ever. Affleck’s Batman movie was technically that.
Finished season 2 of Ozark last night. Didn't someone in here warn me that season 2 was kind of a down season compared to 1, 3, and 4? That was supposed to be a lull? Can't wait for 3 and 4, then. Good GOD.

That finale. 😳😬 Jacob, FBI dude, Ruth's dad... and then we see Wendy a whole MFing G! But all cute smiles and apple pie on the table in her lil minivan. 🤣🤙

Kinda seems like Wendy is turning into the Walter White of the show. 👀

Season 3 and 4 :pimp:
So far I've seen Batman, and Batman forever. I like Batman the best so far but that's just cause Jack killed it, The villains in forever can't hold a candle to Jacks performance. The Batmen themselves are interchangeable there's no discernable difference between Keaton and Kilmer in the batsuits. However I prefer Kilmers Bruce Wayne over Keaton's Bruce Wayne. I think Kilmer been getting a bad wrap after all these years I liked his performance personally.

As far as the rest go In think Bale is next. I'll watch one tonight. Haven't decided if I'll check out the Aflac movies yet I have a hate/hate relationship with Aflac so I highly doubt I can sit through a Batman movie with him. Especially not the long *** Snyder cut one 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
Anne was good.. it was talia who got tacked on

movie should have happened closer to TDK, timeline wise.. talia is still in it but a small role

then if you want to do a 4th film, talkative was introduced and you add the Damien subplot and rebirth of league of shadows
Anne was good.. it was talia who got tacked on

movie should have happened closer to TDK, timeline wise.. talia is still in it but a small role

then if you want to do a 4th film, talkative was introduced and you add the Damien subplot and rebirth of league of shadows

Catwoman is totally meaningless to the plot of TDKR.

Take her out and exactly what changes?

There is no 4th film. TDKR was the bookend of a trilogy Nolan didn’t even really want to do in the first place. No chance of another movie in that continuity.

Talia was the surprise twist mastermind villain of the story.
I don’t think the tdkr should have happened

felt super uninspired and pretty dumb.. what happened at the stock exchange was extremely public and yet is the basis for bankrupting Bruce Wayne

bane was good.. catwoman was good.. those the only positives I take away from the movie

I’m not taking either out.. they were let down by Nolan and whoever else was involved

tdkr was 8 years after tdk.. you change that to a year or 2 and show the fallout from tdk and bane trying to capitalize.. and if you wanna really do talia and bring league of shadows back, you do that in a 4th film
Bruce wayne is worth billions

I have no where near that, obviously.. but multiple institutions, in multiple jurisdictions would need to fail before I personally would be at risk of bankruptcy

and I would assume Bruce would have numerous legal entities to protect his and his families assets.. talking companies, trusts and other legal entities for him individually to avoid his assets being at risk from any personal or business problems he may face.. and then you have spreading your money out throughout different banks and financial management entities, in the US and outside.. then investments in however many jurisdictions in and out of the US.. plus could only imagine the number of law and accounting firms that would be on retainer either by the Wayne family directly or through the various businesses

literal governments would have to fail for someone with that level of long term family net worth with any bit of a brain to get anywhere near bankruptcy
I don’t think the tdkr should have happened

felt super uninspired and pretty dumb.. what happened at the stock exchange was extremely public and yet is the basis for bankrupting Bruce Wayne

bane was good.. catwoman was good.. those the only positives I take away from the movie

I’m not taking either out.. they were let down by Nolan and whoever else was involved

tdkr was 8 years after tdk.. you change that to a year or 2 and show the fallout from tdk and bane trying to capitalize.. and if you wanna really do talia and bring league of shadows back, you do that in a 4th film
Catwoman was trash. Her story meant nothing to the plot. Came off as a tacked on forced romance. Perhaps if there was some thief robbing everybody alluded to in TDK in the background she’d have more meaning or worth in TDKR. She stole some pearls, wanted some macguffin to erase her criminal history, and then just got paired up with Bruce cuz he needed some sort of happy ending.

Anne was good as an actor but it doesn’t mean much when the role and story wasn’t. TDKR is an overall bad movie but changing aspects like 2 years instead of 12 doesn’t really matter. The whole point of that time skip was to show how Gotham had changed since Joker, Dent, and Batman being framed. The story itself doesn’t have a ton of ties to the source material so Nolan just did that lower class vs. elite metaphor to show Gotham hadn’t actually changed much.

Also why do you have to do Talia in a 4th film? The plot had Bane sent in as Talia’s right hand to wreck Gotham as she worked behind the scenes in a more public presence. His origin was directly tied to the league of shadows. He didn’t have some separate motive or reasons to do what he did. It was all following Talia, getting revenge for Ra’s, and finishing his plan to **** up Gotham. Besides that, put Talia and the league aside and you still got a pretty bad movie.

There wasn’t going to be a 4th film and going off TDKR there definitely shouldn’t have been.
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