Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Rooting for my guy Mike White to really bring his A game to the third installment of one of my favorite series ever
Some quick points about a movie im about to start.

  • Stalker (1979)
  • Apparently considered the greatest sci fi horror of all time.
  • Highest rated sci-fi in rotten tomatoes history
  • This film and one other film(Solaris) from this director, will pop up in every single “best sci fi films of all time” list on every Google search.
  • Possibly responsible for the directors death?
  • Spoiler contains documentary about directors possible death from the film.

I’m coming in with a scorching hot take. Personally I’m a big fan of bad movies, for example I view Moonfall as one of my favorite movies in general. I went to see that nearly 3 hour trainwreck in theaters twice.

A youtuber I enjoy watching similarly enjoys bad movies, which is how I heard about Moonfall in the first place.
So when he recently started watching all of the Twilight movies, I figured I might as well follow along.

I’ve now finished all of the Twilight movies and words can’t describe how atrociously awful every single movie is. I’m actually shocked at just how dog**** every single movie is, and each sequel manages to lower the bar significantly. By the end, the bar is long lost in a deep abyss somewhere.

I can honestly say I had a great time though, especially the last 2 movies where I can’t even describe how far off the rails the writing went.
This pile of dog**** was so magnificently awful that I rank it up there with Moonfall as the pinnacle of ‘so bad it’s good.’

I’ll try to summarize my overall thoughts:

First of all, this is the worst love story I’ve ever seen. There is absolutely zero chemistry, much less romance, to speak of in any of the movies.
The closest it gets to a romance story is the ****oldry vibes.
For example, Edward and Bella get married at some point. No chemistry, hardly a smile. Edward then surprises Bella by bringing out Jacob, who by that point she cheated on him with multiple times btw. While Edward awkwardly stands off to the side, Bella jumps into Jacob’s arms with a big smile.
How does this scene end? Jacob tries to punch Edward after Bella tells Jacob they smashed.

Aside from utterly dog**** writing, there’s also the acting. Even from the very beginning, I think I can confidently say that everyone in these movies hated every second of it.
Oh man, it shows. Every single interaction in all these movies is awkward and you can practically feel Robert Pattinson’s contempt radiating through the screen. I think he’s actually a good actor but he clearly had no interest in doing these movies.

In every nook and cranny of these films, you find complete and utter dog****. There is absolutely nothing redeemable here. Every single aspect of it is awful.
Scene after scene you think to yourself ‘how could it possibly get worse’, and they continue managing to soar past those expectations every time.

That being said, it culminates into a truly unique and rivering experience. Because every scene is so awful, I was never bored and looked forward to how they’d manage to progressively lower the bar.

Lastly, if you enjoy bad movies but are wary about this movie being for teenage girls, I can assure you the actual target audience for these movies is people who’ve been lobotomized.
Well you’re in luck

I have no doubt it will be just as bad if not worse. Plus since it’s a series it’ll be even longer.
-Absolutely love Stalker. It’s in my goat list.

Guess who they played

Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger & Candyman
Zelda could be good if they cast Link well. Aside from Nintendo, I’m with Jack Black that I’d like to see a Red Dead 1 & 2 movie, maybe they’ll ******* hurry up on the third video game if the movies were to happen.
Bronson just been spamming all my posts with frowns since I started calling him Stitch. Say less Stitch.
How about ASL Link? :lol:

Yeah I think that would be interesting if they had an entire movie with a Link with just voiceovers if it worked.
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