Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


That’s the one I use most.

I did some media training a few months ago and a few of us had a competition to see how many quotes we could slip in. I managed 2. Can’t remember what they were just now though.
“I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.”

“You have an absolutely breathtaking heine. I mean that thing is good.”

I also often say “What the hell, bro?!!” with the same tone and cadence as Jack Black does in Anchorman after he gets hit by a burrito. My wife hates it, which of course makes it even funnier to me :tongue:
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Such a badass decision to incorporate bagpipes into the motion picture soundtrack

“Seems more like a cop!”

“I think he was”

What are you guys thoughts on this scene? Opinions seem to be divided. Some find it to be pretentious, others find it beautiful. I happen to fall into the latter category

The amount of appreciation for this movie has appeared to have diminished over time. Some say it hasn’t aged well. And I know this scene had been made fun of a couple of times, but it’s still a good scene

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